Whisper challenge

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We arrive at the studio where we're shooting our Run BTS episode and workers do our makeup before we get to the set. We find ourselves in a white set with only a few modern stools for us to sit in.

The director yells "Action!" And the cameras turn on before RM yells "Hello everyone and we are..." and all the boys yell "BTS!". But Jungkook says while hugging me by the side "But today we are filming with Jennifer again!"

I smile at him and he lets go of me before the director tells us "Today, you guys are doing the whisper game". We nod and a worker gives us a big notepad with Korean words written on it.

I say while taking it "I should hold up the sing since I can't speak Korean" RM nods and another worker gives the boys headsets with a tiny wire with buttons to change the volume of the song.

Suga, J-Hope, Jimin and Jin put on the headsets and get in a line which looks like:
Suga > J-Hope > Jimin > Jin
I flip the cover of the notebook and show Suga the first word while the boys behind him are turned around.

Suga nods and turns around before tapping on J-Hope's shoulder, he turns around and Suga pronounced to J-Hope but by bit "Roll!... Ler!... Co!... S!... Ter!"

J-Hope makes à confused face before Suga repeats his syllables, J-Hope turns around and taps on Jimin's shoulder before he turns around. Suga starts dancing like a child to the song he's listening to while J-Hope yells to Jimin "Call!... La!... Ko!... Ji!... Jeong!..."

I laugh to what J-Hope thought were the right words and Jimin doesn't seem to understand. He speaks to him with Korean words, I think he asked to say it again because J-Hope pronounced his comprehension a second time.

Jimin turns around and J-Hope turns back to us exclaiming 'I don't know' in Korean to the rest of the boys behind and next to me, sitting on the stools. Jin turns around and Jimin chuckles at him "Kyo!... Rang!... Kyo!... Ji!... Cheo!"

Jin gets confused so J-Hope says again his words with small movement of hands and Jin gives him a final look before turning to the camera filming him and yelling through the music he's hearing "노래 프랜차이즈!"

Jungkook shakes his head next to me so I guess Jin got it wrong. The boys change spots but Jin stays in his spot, now I show Jimin the next word and he nods before turning around and tapping on Suga's shoulder.

He yells "Mi!... Koo!... Ra!... Ji!..." which means mudfish in Korean. Suga nods and turns around but turns back and says to make sure the same thing Jimin. Jimin nods happily and Suga gets even more excited before mimicking a mudfish as he turns around once more.

He taps on J-Hope's shoulder and he turns around before Suga says calmly with his hands behind his back "Mi-koo-ra-ji" Jin turns to the camera hesitating and says something that sounds like mudfish but the syllables are completely different than the actual ones.

Jungkook taps on my shoulder and I turn to him before he asks me "Would you like to play?" I look back at the boys who are waiting for me to show the next word and turn back my head to Jungkook before saying "But I cant speak Korean."

He shrugs and says "It's okay, you just have to say what you hear" I smile and say okay before I replace J-Hope and put the headset he had on before facing Jin's back.

I recognize that the song I'm listening to is the boys's song DNA, so I discreetly start dancing their choreography. I get tapped on the shoulder so I stop dancing and turn around to see Jimin mouthing something that I can't make it out.

I looks like he's saying '부족 탈출' which means 'tribe escape' in English but the more I look at how he's mouthing it, it looks more like he's saying 'tribe, number of days' which is pretty close when you say it in Korean.

I giggle "What're you saying?" before turning around and tapping on Jin's shoulder. He turns around and looks down at me before I yell "부족, 일수!" He gives me and he gives me a confused look before asking by moving his hand for me to say it again.

I giggle while saying it again and I see Jin look at the boys who aren't playing the game but I look at the boys behind me and see that they are listening to the same song as me do to their dancing.

So I join them as the ending dance comes up and we dance the part the three of us together:

I dance in Jungkook's spot, Jimin gets in his and Suga takes J-Hope's place. I succeed to dance perfectly what the choreography represents in the music video and see that the boys next to me are also doing a pretty good job.

We get in a triangle and do the last dance moves before all doing at the same time the DNA sign on our left arm. The song ends and we look around to see everyone impressed and applauding us.

I blush and the three of us laugh shyly before I get back in my spot and see Jin completely speechless. I smile and hear J-Hope exclaim "Okay! That was awesome but we have to continue this episode!"

The boys behind me are replaced by Jungkook and V so J-Hope is showing the word to one of them. The song that comes up in my headset is Awake, the song Jin sang in his Wings episode.

I discreetly start dancing random moves that would go well with the song before getting tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and see V confused. He directly says with a blank expression while looking at me "모르겠어요" which means It don't know'.

I say back the same thing and he shakes his head before repeating what he said, affirming the actually does t know what to say. "Oh-- You actually don't know?" I ask him and he shakes his head while chuckling.

I laugh and ask "Then what am I supposed to tell Jin?!", V shrugs as he starts laughing and I start giggling more while turning around and tapping on Jin's shoulder.

He turns around and I try my best to stop laughing before saying loudly what V told me. Jin's gives me a confused look before looking at the boys who aren't playing the game and yelling "모르겠어요!"

Me and the other boys except Jin burst out laughing because we got it wrong because of V. I take off my headset and yell "Jungkook! Take my spot!" He nods and runs up to me before I give him the headset.

He puts it on and faces Jin's back, waiting to play the game.

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