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Three weeks later

Jungkook's POV:

Today's the day Jennifer's leaving Africa, she even texted us she wanted to come back in Korea for one final week before getting back to America. I want to look really good, so I put on a button-up white shirt and black pants before putting on my crush fix chain and spraying on my neck my best smelling cologne.

I look at myself in the mirror and get nervous before leaving my bathroom and grabbing the box from my nightstand. I leave my bedroom and go down the stairs before walking into the kitchen to find Suga and J-Hope arm wrestling on the counter.

Hobi sees me and ooos before saying "Looking good, Justin Seagull!", making me blush. I see that they're in sweatpants and hoodies so I ask them "Why aren't you guys dressed? Jennifer could be here at any minute, now!" and they answer "Relax, she knows us well enough that we're not gonna bother putting on fancy clothes just for her arrival."

I roll my eyes and hear and sudden knock at the front door, making our heads shoot to it. I smile and run to the front door while yelling to everyone in the house "Guys, she's here!" I answer the door in happiness and see a mailman holding a small rectangular package.

My smile fades away as he gives me the package and says to me "Good day" I say the same thing back a little confused and look at the package before turning around as I close the door. I hear the members run down the stairs and stop at the end before asking "Where is she?" while Suga and Hoseok run to me.

I look at the stamp and see the American flag, making me even more confused. Did Jennifer send us something instead of coming here? Confused, I unwrap the package as the members gather in front of me and find in the wrapping paper a white DVD case.

She other members look at it, also confused, and V mumbles "'I'm sorry'" which is what's written in the front of the case in black marker. I guess it's the title of the video. I break the gathering by walking into the movie room and opening the case while the others follow me.

I put the DVD in the DVD player while the members sit down on the couch and chairs and Jimin turns on the TV before selecting the 'DVD' mode of the television. I step back and sit on the last available chair before the video begins, the first thing we see is Jennifer in her bedroom.

She's sitting on her bed and she looks at the camera before saying "Uh, hey guys. You might be wondering why I sent you this.. Well, it's because..." She takes a few seconds to spit it out before she looks back up at the camera and says briefly but word by word "I fell in love with everybody."

I start to get confused. I though she only got close with three of us, not the entire group (except RM, obviously). I see her eyes start to get shiny because of water applying itself on her eyeballs.

She continues with "I have reached the limit of closeness to you guys to the point where I actually started to have feelings, and that's really hard to live with. It started out with one kiss, but then there was a make out and it even got to the point where I had sex with you. And I just.. can't take it anymore~!"

Her voice starts to crack as she says that last sentence and her eyes start watering. She explains as she runs her hand through her hair "Too much stuff has happened in so little time and I just need a break from all of this!... That's why this is goodbye."

My face drops after she says that and I start to confusingly panic before she says "I have to part ways from you guys if I don't want to torture myself. The only person I'll keep in touch with is Namjoon, because I know he did nothing wrong. And..."

She stops and looks away before biting her lips while a tear rolls down her cheek, my eyes start to water as I start to comprehend what she's trying to tell us. She gathers up her feelings and manages to say "These last few months have been incredible with you guys, and I don't regret saying yes to joining you on tour. I could never thank you enough for all the joy you gave me."

I start to feel more pain growing inside of me as I hear that and tears roll down my cheeks before Jen says "This was an amazing journey, but it had to end someday.." I sniff a few times and hear the boys also snif before Jen says as she wipes one of her tears off "I want to talk to each and every one of you privately, that's why I'm going to start off with Jin."

I look over at Jin who's already in tears, everyone else too, and Jimin pauses the video. We get up and walk out of the room to leave Jin to watch the message Jennifer wants to give him. We sit in the living room and while we wait, J-Hope asks through his broken voice "Do you guys think this is a joke?"

I sniff and wipe off my tears while V says while pulling himself together "She couldn't do this to us, she can't be serious" I look over at the others and all of them are mostly crying, Suga rarely cries but I can see a tear fallen from his cheek.

After a few minutes of waiting Jin finally comes out of the movie room after we hear the video pause and we see him in tears before he says "Jungkook, your turn" I nod and take a deep breath as I get up and walk into the movie room before sitting on the couch and putting my fingers in front of my mouth while I unpause the video.

I close my eyes and listen to Jennifer say "Jungkook,.. I'm sure you're the most heartbroken. I remember you telling me that you had an entire future planned for the 2 of us" After hearing that a tear drops from my cheek and I sit back while opening my eyes before running my hand through my hair.

"I'm really sorry that I have to do this to you, I really am. But I have to. I'm sure you'll find someone better in your life and have an even better future planned out with her" I start quietly sobbing as she says that and my nose starts filling up before I sniff to unclog it.

I see her start to be even sadder as she says "I'll never forget our dates, I most importantly won't forget how kind and meaningful you were to me" I also get even sadder as I hear that and she says as she tries to hold back her emotions "I need you to pause the video and call in Suga, now."

I nod and pause the video before getting up and walking out of the movie room. I say as I walk up to the staircase "Suga, you're up" I go up the stairs and into my room before sitting at the end of my bed. Tears fall down my cheeks as I grab the black box out of my pocket.

I open that jewelry box and look at the engagement ring inside the of it, the one I was hopping to use when I was planning on proposing today. The more I get sad, the more my eyes close. They squint shut and I start crying as I drop the box and sob in my hands.

Suga's POV:

After I leave the movie room I stomp up the stairs in frustration and sadness before getting to my room and slamming the door shut behind me. Tears roll down my cheeks as I start turning my room upside down.

I throw my chair across the room, I rip appart all the notes and papers on my desk and punch a hole through the wall. I grunt in pain at my hand from that and stop before falling onto my knees and loudly sobbing to the though that I'm never going to see Jennifer again.

I catch myself with my arms and sit against the wall before looking at my messed up room in a blur because of the tears covering my eyes. I sob as I lean my head back and close my eyes while releasing all of my sadness.

I've never cried like this, this is all so confusing. I went from happy to having a mental breakdown in just a dozen minutes. My depression was nothing compared to how I'm suffering right now.

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