5th Muster

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Jungkook asks through his mic next to me "Do you guys think we'll have fun?" and the crowd yells 'yes' before Jungkook does a deaf face. He yells through the mic "Louder! Are you guys ready to have fun!!?"

The crowd cheers even louder and V says "But, first thing we gotta do is set a timer of an hour" I turn to the screen behind us and see a purple countdown of an hour start.

I turn back to V and ask him a little confused "Why do we need a timer?" before Jimin answers, making me turn to him, "Because when that countdown hits zero, we will start a concert of the new song that we just wrote on our last Run episode!"

The fans cheer loudly to that and my eyebrows lift up before saying "Wow! Really?" Suga nods smiling and J-Hope says through the mic "Alright. Enough talking and let us present to you the VCR we prepared for this muster!"

ARMY screams and the stage lights turn off before me and the members quickly get off our seat and run backstage while the Magic Shop film starts. The stage director discreetly leads us to the stage in the middle of the stadium and we stay under it while the film goes on.

We help put on the stage the deflated bouncy slide and since we have nothing left to do we watch the VCR while workers fix our makeup.

After the VCR

After we put on our earphones we quickly climb onstage and the lights turn on to V singing "🎶Waiting for you, Anpanmann!🎶". The crowd cheers and the rest of wave to everyone as the bouncy slide starts filling up with air, making it grow bigger and bigger.

It grows fully and me, Jin and J-Hope quickly start climb to the top, Suga sings his part while V joins us up the slide. As V repeats his lyrics he slides down one of the slides and I slide on the left one before Jungkook starts singing.

I get off the slide and start dancing to the rhythm of the song while Jungkook sits on the cubic mountains next to the slides. The song continues while we all have fun and sing while we go down the slides and jump on the inflatable mountains.

As Yoongi raps "🎶I'm a new generation, Anpanman! I'm a new superhero, Anpanman!🎶" I decide to sing along with him while I move to the beat. The song ends and the crowd cheers while the members get off the deflating slide and we walk back to the main stage, sweating and catching our breath from singing and having too much fun.

We get back in our seats and Jin says through his mic "That was so much fun!" I nod and say through mine "Yeah" before RM says "It was fun, but I think I have something more fun to do."

The crowd starts cheering and I see eight sparkling changing cabinets come onstage by workers pushing them towards us. The cabinets are numbered and one of the workers gives RM eight cards before running backstage.

RM gets up and says "Alright, in these changing boxes are onesies and you are going to choose a card with a number on it. You go in the cabinet written on the card and change into the onesie given to you in that changing cabinet."

I nod and smile before get off my stool and saying "I'll go first" RM nods and I pick a card from the pile in his hands before turning it around and seing the number 7, my lucky number.

Suga goes next and picks number 3, Jin goes next and picks number 8,... We all get our number and all enter our cabinets before finding in them our onesies, I find a Pikachu onesie:

I put down my mic and take off my shirt before throwing it out of the changing cabinet, hearing the crowd scream from seing that

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I put down my mic and take off my shirt before throwing it out of the changing cabinet, hearing the crowd scream from seing that. I giggle and pull of my shoes before taking my pants off.

I throw them out and the crowd screams one more time before I put on the onesie and button it up. I pop my head out of the changing cabinet and the fans cheer loudly as they see me before I look over to the other changing boxes and see Suga coming out of his in a flying squirrel onesie.

The crowd cheers loudly and I cheer too before Suga looks over at me and says "You gotta get out after you're changed" I nod, mic up my mic and get out of my cabinet for everyone to see me in the Pikachu onesie, even Suga laughs.

I walk up next to him and say through my mic "That's a cute outfit" Suga blushes and says back "Right back at you" I smile and V comes out of his cabinet in a blue kangaroo onesie, making me and Suga laugh.

V sees us and starts laughing too before we see Jin come out of his cabinet in what looks like a pink monkey onesie, making us laugh. He laughs at us too and hear Jimin say through his mic "Be careful, my outfit might scare you."

I nod and Jimin walks out of the box in an adorable green dragon onesie, making me awww. He walks up to us and says "You guys look pretty cute" before we laugh and V says back "We can say the same about you."

Jimin laughs and he looks over at my changing cabinet before seing my clothes on the floor, he walks over to them and picks them up before asking "Are you in you underwear in that?"

I nod and J-Hope suddenly comes out of his cabinet in a yellow bunny onesie, asking "Can I see?" I laugh and say to the crowd through my mic "J-Hope is kinky tonight!", making the crowd scream.

I turn back to J-Hope and he seriously says "If you let me see, I will kiss V", making the crowd scream louder. I look over at V and he gives to the crowd a 'I hate my life' face before looking back at us.

I sigh and before I can answer V lifts his hand up and exclaims "I want to see too! I don't want to kiss Hobi and get nothing in return", making the crowd scream even louder.

I sigh "Fine" and they quickly approach me before I unbutton the top button of my onesie and they peek inside, making the fans and the members exclaim "Woaaaah!"

V and J-Hope take out their heads from my outfit, wide eyed and looking back at the members shocked with jaws dropped while I button back up my onesie. Suga says to them "Okay, now kiss!"

V and J-Hope look at each other with risking faces before J-Hope asks scared "Can't we just kiss another time?" We all shake our heads and I say to RM as he comes out of his box in a shark onesie "V and Hobi are gonna kiss!"

RM's eyebrows lift up and he looks over at J-Hope who's literally stepping away from V in frustration. Jimin grabs Hobi and pushes him closer to V but Tae runs away so Suga grabs him and pushes him to J-Hope.

The two of them scream, unready, and they are now inches away from each other, making the crowd cheer. J-Hope starts slapping himself multiple times while Suga pushes V's head closer to him.

V closes his eyes and sticks out his lips while J-Hope does the same thing and their lip touch before they're quickly let go and J-Hope runs away while V wipes his mouth with his hand.

We suddenly hear Jungkook say "Oh-Oh, I'm in trouble" I ask what's wrong and Jungkook chuckles "Is this a punishment or something?" while walking out of his cabinet for us to see him in a hilarious carrot costume, making us burst of laughter.

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