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I put my suitcase in the trailer because it doesn't fit in the tent, I take my PJs out of it and change in the bathroom while the boys also change. I get out in matching tank top and shorts and see that I came out late enough for everyone to have finished changing.

I get out of the trailer and meet with RM and Jungkook outside around the fireplace they are trying to light up. The Big Hit crew have trailers for themselves and they're already asleep.

I help start the fire and we sit on the logs while waiting for the other members, Suga comes out of the trailer in a cyan and red pyjama outfit and comes up to us before he sits in front of me and asks me to massage him.

I do so and start massaging the back of his shoulders, I don't know if Suga's liking it because RM and Jungkook are laughing at Suga's face. But I can't see his face so I don't know if it feels good or not.

Jin and J-Hope come out together out of the trailer also in their pyjama outfits and sit next to me. A few minutes pass and V and Jimin still haven't come out of the trailer.

So I stop massaging Suga, making him whine, and get up before walking up to the trailer. I knock on the door and get in to see V and Jimin sitting on opposite side of the couch.

They have their arms crossed and they're avoiding eye contact, I guess they had a fight. I come up to them and sigh "What happened?" They start explaining things to me at the same time so I can't understand anything until they suddenly yell at the same time "And it's all his fault!"

My eyebrows lift up and I sit on the counter facing them before saying "Tell me everything."

Suga's POV:

Jennifer has been in the trailer for awhile and hasn't come out of it, I'm starting to get worried. Jungkook gets up and sits next to me while the others are talking and he asks me "Can I talk to you a sec?"

I nod and he smiles before looking down and clearing his throat, he suddenly says to me "I have a crush on Jennifer" Another one?! First it Jin and now it's Jungkook!

This is not fair, I wonder if any more members are in love with Jennifer. I slap that out of my mind and say "Okayyy? And what do you want me to do with that?"

He shrugs and replies "Maybe you could give me advice on how to tell her" I think for a moment and look back up at him before saying while putting my hand on his shoulder "I think you should keep that to yourself, Jennifer has too much to worry about right now."

He agrees and hugs me before getting back to where he was sitting before. I lean over to RM next to me and say in his ear "They have been in the trailer for awhile now."

He nods and gets back to his conversation with Jin and J-Hope. I sigh and annoyingly scratch my forehead, desperately waiting for the trailer door to open.

Jennifer's POV:

I hug V and say to him "Just say what bothers you before having an argument, next time" he nods and we pull away before he exits the trailer and closes the door behind him.

I turn to Jimin and he's leaning against the counter, smirking at me. I ask him "What?" while walking up to him and he says "Remember the night when you stayed over in my room because I was drinking?"

I nod and lean over the counter like him but we're facing each other, he waits a moment before smirking at me "You're not gonna admit that there was tension in the air at that moment?"

I scoff and answer while leaning back "Yeah, because we were in the same bed" He holds himself up by pressing against the counter and scoffs "Yeah, right" before I walk to the door to exit the trailer.

I suddenly feel a grip on my arm and before my hand can reach the door knob I'm yanked back and pushed against the sink stove. Jimin looks me in the eyes I tensely before aggressively pushing his lips on mine.

Okay, I admit I felt the tension that night. But THIS is much better, it's like he's hypnotizing me. He grabs ahold of my hips with one hand and holds himself on the sink behind me.

I immediately kiss back and wrap my hands around his neck before he bites my bottoms lip and kisses more hungrily. He pushes himself closer to me and I try to grab ahold of something behind me but end up pushing seasoning pots off the cooker instead.

Jimin starts kissing down my neck and my eyes roll to the back of my head due to the incredible feeling. Jimin quietly grunts while attacking my neck like an animal.

I suddenly start to hear the front door of the trailer open so I manage to pull up my left and quickly push Jimin off me, making him hit the shelf behind him. I see Jungkook come in, he looks devastated.

He asks confused "What's going on?" Jimin brushes off the sleeves of his beige jacket and answers angry "Nothing" before stomping out of the trailer, almost bumping into Jungkook.

Jungkook watches him leave confused before turning to me and looking downwards. His eyes widen before he points and asks "Did he do this to you?" I look down confused and notice a scratch on my hip where my tank top is still lifted up.

Jimin must've gripped on me tight enough to scratch me, I pull down my tank top and reply to Jungkook while looking back up "No." Jungkook gives me a look and says "We saw the trailer shake from outside, I thought you guys were fighting."

"No, we weren't" I say back as we leave the trailer and close the front door behind us. We get back to the fireplace with everyone and sit on our seats before starting conversations with the boys.

Jungkook's POV:

When I went in the trailer my heart shattered to see Jimin and Jennifer alone in there, it was worse to see the scratch and thrown things on the floor. I don't think 'nothing' happened, something definitely happened in there and I'm gonna ask Jimin about it tomorrow.

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