Pregnancy test

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Another month later

Jimin's POV:

It's been a month since Jennifer left us and I haven't left my room since, I'm in complete isolation. I don't wanna talk to anyone and I've gained about 15 pounds from starvation.

I try to cheer myself up by watching Run BTS but it doesn't help because my favorite episodes have Jennifer featured in them. So as I sit back against the window of my bedroom I hear a knock at my door.

I don't answer and hear Jungkook exclaim through the door "Jimin, we want to talk to you! Please open up!" I beg "Leave me alone!" and he says back "You're gonna need to leave your room eventually! We have to perform tomorrow!"

I don't respond and hear him sigh before placing on the wooden floor a hard player with silverware, probably something to eat. I hear his footsteps go further before suddenly hearing my stomach rumble.

It's never rumbled since I started isolating, it's probably giving me a warning that I must eat before starving to death. I don't usually agree with myself but I get up and approach the door before unlocking it and opening it a few inches.

I look around and see no one before looking down at the floor and seing in front of the door my favorite food: Donkasu and Gimbap. I smile and get on my knees before quietly grabbing the plate and taking it with me.

I close the door and lock it again before getting an idea of starting a V LIVE. I sit at my desk and clear it to put on it my dish and grab my phone before clicking on the V LIVE app and opening the recording thing.

I press record and prepare my plate as I wait for people to come watch. After a few minutes a dozen of thousands of people are now watching so I decide to say hey. I smile and wave to the camera before saying to the live "Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well and I hope to see you tomorrow at the concert."

I scoot closer to the desk and say "It's been awhile since we've performed, I miss you guys. Today I wanted to eat with you guys so I have my plate here and we're gonna talk about stuff while we're emptying our plates."

I show them the dish and tell them what I have before starting to read the comments. I see things like 'Mary me' and 'Jimin oppa 💜💜' which makes me smile and blush while I start eating.

V's POV:

I water my face and look at myself in the mirror while drying my face with the towel. I lean over the sink and stare at my ugliness through the disfigured mirror because of the crack I managed to make a month ago.

I start to see the emptiness I have had for a month and shake it off to try and forget about it as I leave the room. I put my phone in my pocket and leave my room before looking over at Jimin's door and not seing the plate we left for him.

We're starting to get worried for him, he's been in his room for an entire month without leaving it. I walk up to that door and gently knock on it before hearing Jimin exclaim "Come in!" Confused, I open the unlocked door and enter the room to see Jimin eating the dish while filming on V LIVE.

I quickly fake a smile as I close the door and come up to him while waving at the camera filming him. I chuckle "Are you doing a Jimin version of Eat Jin, or something?" and he laugh before replying "No, I just wanted to eat while talking to ARMY."

I nod and tell the ARMYs while walking back to the door "VMIN forever! Over and out!" I leave the room and close the door behind me as I think about what just happened. Jimin was putting on a mask to please ARMY with his happiness.

I sigh and go down the stairs before leaving the house and going to our small gym next to our home. I get in it and grab a water bottle from the table before putting on my earphones and starting to do push-ups while Danger plays in my ears.

Jennifer's POV:

As I change into today's outfit I realize I have gained weight but only on my stomach. That's weird, but my eyes widen as I realize something. After putting on my shoes I run out of my room into the living room and quickly call Linda to come pick me up.

After a few minutes she pulls up and I get in the van before asking her to take me to the shopping center.

We get there and I rush out of the van while putting my hood up and mask so that fans don't recognize me. I get in the building and enter the pharmacy before searching around. I find the pregnancy isle and grab a pregnancy test before walking to the cash register and giving it to the lady.

She charges me and I pay the money before thanking her and leaving the store. I run back to the van and get in before Linda sees what I have in my hands and says "Oh sh*t". She drives back to the house and I rush inside before getting in my bathroom and taking the test.

I come out of the bathroom with the stick in my hand and put it on the counter while I walk back and forth to wait for the result. Linda sits on one of the stools of the counter and asks me "Did you at least use a condom when you slept with V and Jungkook?"

I shake my head as I bite my nails and she rolls her eyes before I say sarcastically "It's not gonna be positive, right? There's no chance! I could just have a tumor in my belly, that's better than a baby!" She sarcastically nods at me and I sit next to her before asking her "How much time is left?"

She shows me that there is 28 seconds left and I start breathing heavily while taking deep breaths. The time ends and I slowly pull the stick towards me before seing two bars on the small screen. I look at the indications next to it and see that one bar is negative and two bars is positive, making my heart drop.

I start panicking as I get up and say "Nooo, this is not happening! I can't be pregnant, I don't know who the father is! And I didn't even have symptoms which doesn't make things easier!" and Linda also gets up while trying to calm me down while saying "Calm down, it's going to be okay. We can just have the doctor kill the baby, it's as easy as that."

I shake my head as a tear rolls down my cheek and say "No, I don't want to kill the baby" She looks at me confused and I say "I just want to move away so that I can raise the baby without BTS knowing. But that's gonna be hard because they travel everywhere for tour and things like that."

She starts thinking and says "I know~! You can move out of here and I'll let you stay at my place to have the baby and we'll find you somewhere safe to live, away from the fathers" I look at her and nod before hugging her and thanking her.

She smiles back and says no problem before I start calming down and look over at the pregnancy test. I smile as I think that I'm gonna have a baby and a second tear escapes my eyes before I wipe them off and throw away the stick.

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