Thinking about you

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As I start packing up my clothes I hear a knock at my door, I answer it and find Jungkook at the door. I let him in and ask him "What're you doing here? I told you I had to pack."

He answers as he sees the pile of unfolded clothes on my bed "Can't I just come help you pack?" and I playfully roll my eyes as I walk up to the Marshall speaker and put on music as I say "Fine" He starts folding pants and I put on a mix of all the BTS songs I downloaded on iTunes before putting it on a comfortable volume.

I walk back to the clothes and start folding them one by one before Jungkook says after hearing the music I put on "Are you becoming an ARMY, Jennifer Williams?" I giggle and say as I go up to the furniture where the speaker is "An ARMY? I think I'm already an 8th member."

I turn around to Jungkook and lean against the dresser behind me while Jungkook smirks as he turns to me and asks "8th member? Who said you were the 8th member?" I smile and answer "Myself" before he smirks as he walks up to me and gets closer before we look into each other's eyes.

He looks behind me at the speaker and frowns while saying "This song is too sad" since the song is The Truth Untold. He goes on my phone and puts on House Of Cards before looking back at me and mumbling "That's better."

I look up at him and he slides his hands up to my hips before I smile and pull him into a kiss. He immediately kisses back and he turns the kiss into a make out session before picking me up and sitting me on the dresser behind me.

Jungkook pulls down the shoulders of my sweater and kisses my collarbone before ripping off his shirt. I breathe heavily to his touch and gasp to his soft grip. Our lips reconnect and he unbuttons my pants and pulls them off while I place my hands on my neck and keep kissing him.

He suddenly pulls me closer to him which makes me catch hold myself on my side but accidentally slide my hand against the speaker and upper the volume of the song playing, making the moment even better to the perfect song.

I hear him unbuckle his pants and unzip them before putting back his hands on me, making me gasp. His touch his so magical, it is impossible to compare these hands to others. After a minute I feel my underwear being pushed aside and a solid bulge enter my area, making me moan of surprise.

At this moment, many thoughts rush in my head like Is this really happening? and Is Jungkook actually the one for me?. I think in my head of what could happen if me and Jungkook would actually be in a serious relationship. But, aren't we already in one?

The feeling in my body is too strong to let me think, Jungkook's touch takes control and I just fall for his spell. We fill the room with moans, heavy breathing and the sound of our bodies smashing together for more than 5 minutes.

As I'm about to reach my climax I moan the first word that comes to my mind: Yoongi. But I say "Yoo... *moan* You feel so good!" instead which saves me from saying the wrong name.

Jungkook groans loudly before filling my insides and stops thrusting before pulling out. We catch our breaths and I get down while Jungkook puts back on his clothes, I put back on my pants after sliding back correctly my underwear.

Late at night

Beginning of the dream:

I wake up in this empty room and find myself in the same clothes before seing someone far away come closer to me. That person gets closer and closer until I see that it's Jungkook, making me smile.

He smiles back at me and steps closer to me before softly kissing me. I kiss back and we pull back after a few seconds before I see that I now have Jimin in front of me.

I kind of get confused, now. Did I kiss Jungkook or Jimin. I shrug it off but it changes once more to V and I see him in the outfit he wore the night we slept together, making me even more confused.

He keeps his eyes on me and gives me a sexy look before starting to take off his jacket. The character changes to Jin and I see him in the outfit he wore when we had dinner together. He throws his jacket far away and looks back at me before he starts to pulls off his sweater.

I try to move away but I can't move so I guess I just have to watch him undress, the sweater covers his face and shows Suga when he takes takes off completely the sweater. I now have a shirtless Suga in front of me, just like when we almost kissed the night I disinfected his injured shoulder.

Everything is getting so confusing, Suga steps close to me and pushes his head closer to mine before our lips are just an inch apart. I kind of fall for him and press my lips against his.

The sensation of the lips are similar to someone's, making me realize the member has changed again. I pull away and it is now J-Hope who is dressed just like when I made out with him in the kitchen of the first house we rented in the USA.

Is this dream reminding me of every moment I had with the members? Is this some kind of torture? This is all so confusing. The character suddenly glitches and transforms at every half of a second into a different member, confusing me so much.

The figure suddenly disappears and a chalkboard teleports in front of me before seing written on it:

Who do you love?

[] J-Hope
[] Jimin
[] Jin
[] V
[] Suga
[] All of the above
[] None of the above

What kind of decision is my mind making? Who do I like the most~! I like all of them but I can't choose, it doesn't mean I'm IN LOVE with all of them. I see my arm lift up with a chalk in its hand and it gets closer to the board, making me wonder what I'm going to mark.

I see it get closer to All of the above so I use my other arm to try and push it down to choose the last choice but I don't have any force. The chalk gets closer and closer and I finally mark an X into the square next to what my arm chose.

End of the dream:

My eyes open wide as a reaction of my dream and I sigh sit up and see next to me Jungkook sleeping. I look away from him and look at the time on the wall which is 5:38am.

I have to leave for the airport in 2 hours and 30 minutes but my alarm rings in half an hour, making me sigh. I'll just get up now, I turn off the alarm on my phone and crawl out of bed before changing into my outfit:

 I'll just get up now, I turn off the alarm on my phone and crawl out of bed before changing into my outfit:

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