Christmas episode

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Today we have a Run episode to shoot and it's a Christmas special. I get ready and meet up with the boys downstairs before we leave the house and drive to the building where we're shooting the episode.

We get there and enter the building before finding the room where we start the Run episode. I get pulled away by my stylist and the director and they tell me in a low voice so that the other members don't hear "We're gonna dress you up for this Christmas special."

I nod and ask what my outfit is gonna be before my stylist answers "You're gonna be a Young version of Mrs. Claus" I smile and nod before my stylist leads me to the changing cabinet where the outfit is waiting for me.

I get in it and close the drapes behind me before finding inside a beautiful and sexy Christmas colored outfit, the one Ariana Grande wore in her Thank U, Next music video.

I take off the clothes I have on now and slip on the top and skirt before sliding onto my arms and legs the black gloves and thigh-high boots. I grab the Christmas hat and leave the dressing cabinet before I am quickly taken away from the boys by the manager and my hairdresser so that the boys don't see me.

I sit down on a chair and my hairdresser does my makeup while the manager explains to me how the episode is gonna work. "You will act like a statue somewhere in the building behind glass and one of the boys who will be a spy will try his best to lead them away from you, even though the other members will try to find you because you will be holding a present with a special prize inside of it."

I slightly nod and my hairdresser giggles while putting the makeup stuff down "The funniest part is that each member will have an inflatable sheep, and they'll have to keep it for as long as possible", making me giggle.

She says "Done!" and I turn to the mirror before seing the amazing work she's done on me:

I smile and admire every inch while saying to the hairdresser amazed "It really in the Christmas theme, I like it a lot!" She smiles and I get up before the manager gets me out of the room to lead me to where I need to hide

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I smile and admire every inch while saying to the hairdresser amazed "It really in the Christmas theme, I like it a lot!" She smiles and I get up before the manager gets me out of the room to lead me to where I need to hide.

We get to a fake Santa and an elf behind glass and I see a glass for behind all of that. I am led behind the setup and I get in the set by the door before I find the present right next to the chair where Santa is sitting.

I pick up the gift-wrapped box and start getting in position, I hold the present behind my back with both hands before I blankly stare away from Santa and the elf. I let my vision relax as I stare into emptiness , so that I can actually act like a statue.

I can keep my eyes open for quite a few minutes and I can have an empty expression for hours so I think this is going to be pretty easy for me.

V's POV:

Me and the boys put on the Christmas hats and are given the inflatable sheep before we go on the set and get in a line before turning to the camera. The director sits on his chair and says "Anddd action!"

Suga exclaims "Hello, we are..." and we all yell in sync "BTS!" The director tells us today's theme and they explain to us the game we're gonna play. We need to look for Jennifer who's holding a present with a surprise in it. One of us will be a spy and will try to get there first with a map or try to lead us away from Jennifer. And if we loose the inflated sheep we have we are eliminated.

The countdown starts and once it hits zero, the giant wall behind us slowly slides up open to reveal to us the rest of this gigantic factory setup where we must find Jennifer.

I run to where the climbing wall is and look up to the top to check if she isn't hiding up there. I don't see her so I run somewhere else.

J-Hope's POV:

Since I'm the spy and I know where they hid Jennifer I run up to JK and ask him while a cameraman joins us "Hey, JK! If the surprise is money, could we split it up if we find Jen at the same time?"

Jungkook nods and we keep walking until I realize we are heading towards Jennifer so I quickly look around me and see statues of Santa and elves before pointing to them and exclaiming "Over there! She's probably dressed as one of them."

Jungkook follows me and we run up to the statues before checking them.

Jin's POV:

I hold tight my inflatable sheep so that he doesn't pop and rush into a random door to see a setup of Santa and his elves behind glass, I also see a beautiful lifelike statue of a young Mrs. Claus.

I recognize the hair and realize that's Jennifer in a really hot outfit, I walk up to her and see her acting perfectly like a statue while staring into emptiness. I admire her position and see that she's holding a present behind her back.

It's probably the surprise, I see a glass door behind Jen and go around the setup surrounded by a glass window. I open the door and get inside before grabbing the wrapped box from her hands before walking up in front of her.

I see that she's still in character so I pick her up over my shoulder and carry her out of the setup before hearing her giggle "Jin, put me down!" I put her down a few steps away from the isolated set and she smiles at me before I ask her "What's in the box?"

She shrugs and RM and Jimin come rushing through the door and up to us before seing the package in my hands, making their faces drop. I smile and shake the light box under their noses before V and Suga run into the room, almost tripping over.

They quickly get up and ask worried and confused as they come up to us "What happened?" I giggle in a squeaky voice "I got the prize" their faces drop in disappointment and Suga tears appart his sheep, making it explode.

I chuckle and the cameramen enter the room with Jungkook and J-Hope before V asks "Then who was the spy?" J-Hope lifts his hand up and RM says "Well you're sucky spy!"

J-Hope chuckles and replies "I was trying to get JK away from this room!" I chuckle at his defense and unwrap the present before opening the cardboard box to find a small check inside.

My eyes widen as I pick it up and read it to see 700 000 written on it. I wooooo as I wave the check in the air and the boys ooo in jealousy before Jen asks "How much is it?"

I show her and her eyes widen before she shows the others and they all get jealous. I chuckle and we leave the room before getting back where we started. The director confirms I actually won this but I decide to share it with everybody.

After the episode ends we leave the factory and drive back to the house and get our stuff before going to the airport for the next city.

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