Too much

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V's POV:

Jennifer enters the movie room with two plates of kimchi fried rice and give me and Jungkook each a plate before we both say thank you and I unexpectedly see her sit on Jungkook's lap before JK starts eating the rice.

He moans to the taste and Jen blushes before covering her mouth, showing her shyness. I get a little uncomfortable as I hear Jungkook but just continue eating and pay attention to the television.

Jennifer kindly messes up Kookie's hair and gets up before walking out of the movie room to go to the living room. I carry on with watching Friends before seing in the corner of my eyes Jennifer sitting with J-Hope on the couch of the living room.

Hobi leans his head back and closes his eyes while Jennifer sits next to him, stroking his hair. After a few minutes she stops but J-Hope wants more so he grabs her hand and puts it back on his hair to indicate her to continue.

She giggles and proposes something to him before he looks at her and nods at her suggestion.

They both get up and Jennifer lays her back against the arm of the end of the couch. J-Hope lies down between her legs and puts his head on her chest before she starts playing his hair while he takes a nap.

Boyfriends and girlfriends do that, not friends. I snap out of it and finish my dish while refocusing on the show.

Awhile later

Jennifer's POV:

The doorbell rings and Suga goes to answer it before the delivery guy hands him the food we ordered. Suga brings the three bags to us at the dining room where we all are and gives us each our meals.

I get my chicken nuggets, French fries and Coca Cola and start opening them up before taking a sip out of my drink. Suga sits back between Jimin and RM and grabs his box of donkasu with his Pepsi before opening everything up.

As I eat a grip of fries and ask after swallowing "Do you guys ever wonder if you might become gay for each other, one day?" They look at each other and Jin says while looking over at Suga and J-Hope "I think Hobi and Suga would make a great pair."

Me and the other members agree and Suga and J-Hope chuckle before looking at each other, and Jimin asks me "So Jennifer,... who do you think might be better for you?" As he says that, me flips his hair and leans back on his chair to act sexy, expecting me to pick him.

All the boys look at me and I think for a moment before answering "Jin" They all turn, amazed, to Jin with wide eyes while Jimin suddenly stands up and yells "What?!"

Jin's ego rises to 100% and he leans back on his chair before bragging "What can I say? Worldwide handsome" Jimin argues "Bullshit! I'm the closest you've ever gotten to than the others, I should be picked!"

I smirk and say "I'm sorry Jimin, but Jin's the maturest out of all of you" Jimin looks at Jin and suddenly stomps over to him, Jin quickly gets up from his seat and runs away to the other side while Jimin chases him.

I watch Jin, the scaredy cat, run up to me and get on his knees before lifting up my giant sweater and hiding under it, making me laugh. Jimin's running slows down and he looks at Jin before pulling wider the collar of my sweater to reveal Jin's head against my breasts, dramatically scared.

Jungkook laughs while Jimin pulls Jin out of my sweater "He may be the most mature, but he's the most pussy out all of us" and I giggle before Suga says "Jimin, leave him alone."

Jimin hesitates before letting go of Jin and they get back to their seats before we change the subject and continue eating.

After eating

I go in the kitchen to prepare popcorn while the others settle in the movie room, picking out a movie for all of us to watch. I put the bag of corn in the microwave and turn on the timer before preparing a bowl for when I'll put in the popcorn.

I hear as I take out the scissors from the tableware drawer "I was kinda sad that you didn't pick me, earlier" I lean back up as I close the drawer and see Jungkook wall up to me before I place the scissors on the counter, next to the bowl.

I smile and reply "Well, the closest I've ever gotten to you was cuddling in a hospital bed and there was no tension" before he smirks and sits on one of the stools while saying "That's not what I'm gonna tell our future kids."

My eyebrows lift up and I approach the counter before asking "Kids?" He smiles and answers "Yeah, Jason and Marie. A boy and a girl" I smile and say as I lean over the counter, facing him, "You have a future planned out for us?"

He nods and explains "We'll get settled in Greece, we'll have a dog and our kids will be homeschooled" I smile and ask "What else?" before he replies "The other members will be our neighbors and we'll have a neighborhood built just for the eight of us with our kids."

I smile and lean back up before telling him before the microwave beeps "That's a pretty good story, Romeo" I take the burning bag out of the microwave and cut it open before pouring the popcorn into the bowl.

I throw away the cardboard bag and sigh before telling Jungkook "Okay, I'll tell you what: If we're still single by the time we're 30, we get together and get married and all that stuff you planned out."

He smiles and pulls up his pinky before asking "Deal?" I smile and grab his pinky with mine before saying "Deal" We both smile and I grab the bowl of popcorn as Jungkook gets off the stool before we walk into the movie room.

I see V looking at me suspiciously but I shrug it off and sit next to Jin before Fast And Furious 5 starts.

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