Fun day

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After the waitress gives us the receipt and walks away I grab my purse and search for money as I say "I'll pay" I take out a bill of 1 000 won and place it on the receipt before Jungkook suddenly tears it up.

I don't really care so I put on the table another bill while I search for more but Jungkook tears it up again, making me scoff and stop what I'm doing. I look up at him and ask "What is your problem?" before he answers "I don't want you to pay. I want to pay, for once!"

I giggle as I close my purse "Then pay the bill and stop tearing my money!" and he smirks as he takes out his wallet. He pays the money and we get up before leaving the café. We walk on the sidewalk and a few minutes later a fan comes up to us and asks for a picture.

We accept and take the selfie before she asks us "Oh, are you to together?" I hesitate to answer before Jungkook says "No, we're just hanging out" She nods and says goodbye to us before we go separate ways.

We stop in front of a festival in a large park and see a small dancing area surrounded by people sitting on the ground, having dinner on low tables as they watch dancers entertain.

I look over at Jungkook next to me and ask him "Should we go?" and he shrugs before nodding. We walk past the gates welcoming us and we find an empty table before sitting next to people. A waiter comes up to us and asks us if we want something to eat.

We ask what do they make and he answers "Anything", making our eyebrows lift up. So I order sushi and maki and Jungkook asks for ramen, the waiter writes our orders and we thank him before he walks to the huge outside kitchen where we see that they literally have all the ingredients to make anything.

We look over at the people who are dancing and I see a little Korean boy suddenly come up to me. I look at him intrigued and I say 'Hello' to him in Korean before asking him "Are you lost?"

He doesn't answer in any way and just stares at me shyly, I hear Jungkook ask "Where does he come from?" and I shrug before the kid looks over at him. The kid suddenly sits on my crossed legs and I smile before getting confused and looking up at JK who's also confused.

Jungkook reaches his hand out to him and the kid takes a few seconds to acknowledge what's happening before shaking hands with Kookie, making me smile. I caress the kid's hair before Jungkook says while pointing to the boy "That's what our kid will look like."

I smile and look up at him before playfully biting his arm. He pretends to be in pain by that which makes the toddler laugh. A song comes up and we see the lead dancer choose a few random people do dance with them.

He comes towards us and suddenly chooses Jungkook which makes him completely surprised. I cover my mouth as he steps onto the dancing ground and one of the dancers puts a dance belt around his hips, I guess it's some sort of Korean traditional accessory.

Jungkook gathers with the four other chosen ones and the dancers try to teach them their dance moves, making me start to giggle. Jungkook heats me and turns to me before getting shy and laughing a bit. I sit the little boy next to me as the waiter puts the orders on our table and I offer the kid some of my food.

He quietly nods and I give him a maki before he eats it and I mess up his hair, making him cutely whine. I look back at Jungkook and see him shaking his hips uncontrollably like a child, making me laugh.

He starts dancing with the strangers and looks at me before smiling, I smile back at him and he looks back over at the people with him before I look back at the little boy sitting with me. A couple suddenly approaches us and picks up the child in worry before checking if he's alright.

I'm guessing they're his parents and as they carry him away he turns to me and disappointedly wave bye to me. "Hey" I suddenly hear from behind me and turn around to see that Kookie came back, which makes me smile.

He ask me where the boy went and I tell him that his parents found him and took him away, he nods and we start eating while watching we dancers perform. As I take a bit of sashimi, I ask Jungkook "What do you hate about me?"

He swallows his bite of noodles and asks "What?" I smile and reply "What do you hate about me? There's gotta be something you don't like about me" He thinks for a second and says as he thinks of something "Huh. I've never thought of that."

I wait for his answer and he finally says "I don't like that you can't cook, you always need someone to help you cook" I nod and ask him "And what's the thing you like the most about me?" He looks at me and smiles while answering "Your generosity for people."

I blush and smile before eating the last piece of my meal, we suddenly hear a slow dance song and Jungkook smiles before getting up and handing his hand out to me. He asks me "Wanna dance?"

I smile and nod before placing my hand on his and he helps me up. As we walk to the dancing ground we see a few people already waltzing so the music. We get towards the center of the assembly and stop before getting in position to dance.

Jungkook gently places his hands on my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck and we start waltzing to the rhythm of the music. We look into each other's eyes and smile before he tells me "I really do love you, more than in a friend's way."

I nod and say back "I know" before we continue slow-dancing, we listen to the sweet sounding music as we move back and forth. This feels really nice, I've never been this comfortable with a member before.

I don't know if I feel the same way about him, too much is happening and I don't have time to think about this kind of stuff. Jungkook is special. I have a different connection with him than I have with the rest of the group.

But I can't date, in three days I leave the country and I probably won't be seing the boys often, and long-distance relationships are hard. As I think about all of that I lay my head against Jungkook's shoulder and he lays his head against mine, like we often do.

We continue waltzing and I feel a sudden connection with Jungkook hit me, like I want to stay in his arms forever. But the song ends and we walk out of the dancing area before leaving the park and walking home.

As we walk on the sidewalk, I whine "I'm tired of walking. Can you carry me?" He accepts and I climb onto his back before he grabs ahold of my legs. He starts walking again and I giggle as I look over his shoulder "You know~ If we were a couple, you would have to do this all the time."

He chuckles and replies "I don't think I would mind, you're light as a feather" I blush and a dozen minutes later, we arrive at the house. I get off him and as we walk up the driveway to the front door I say "It has been a surprisingly fun date, today. Thank you."

He smiles and blushes before looking down, I unlock the door with my keys and we let ourselves in to find most of the members in the kitchen but a few are in the movie room.

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