My performance

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We get to our campsite which next to old train rails, our driver pulls up next to the trailer before opening the door for us to get out of the limo. We grab our luggage and get out one by one before going in front of the entrance of the trailer.

The last member joins us and we meet up with our manager and his crew who I guess were waiting for us. They come up to us and say hi, I guess they also used a private jet to get here.

The director tells us "Okay guys, you need to put up a tent for some of you guys to sleep in. The rest will sleep in the trailer" We all nod and he gives us the packed orange tent, we start unpacking the tent and setting it up before the director taps on my shoulder and asks to talk to me.

I accept and leave the boys to build the tent while the director pulls me away and says after "Since your concert is tonight, I think you should start rehearsing. I know it's a bit early but you should practice in case something unexpected."

He's right, it's possible that I don't remember some moves of my choreographies. I accept and walk with him to one of his worker's cars and we get in before a worker drives us to where I'm performing tonight.

We get there and it's an outside stage, we pull up and walk past the open entrance with a flyer attached to one of the poles saying Jennifer Williams concert tonight 9:10–11:25.

I see the gigantic stage I'm going to preform on and all the space in front of it for the crowd of audience who will be there. We climb onto the stage and meet with the people who will be dancing with me.

Suga's POV:

I help Jungkook by putting up the sticks for him to slide on it the sheet of the tent, after we do that we let V and Jimin take care of nailing the ends of the tent to the ground below us.

I step back and Jin comes up to me and asks in my ear "Can I see you a second?" I nod and we sit together on one of the logs around the dead fire place. He turns to me and lets out under one breath "I almost kissed Jennifer at the ball."

My eyebrows lift up as I did not see that coming, but I start to feel weird all of a sudden. Is it jealousy or something? I snap out of it and ask "Wait, how did this happen?"

He sigh while looking down and answers "Well, she was teaching me how to dance and there was a moment before V interrupted us." I take time to absorb everything and he asks "Do you think I could get another chance with her?"

On one hand I think that I should let him get with her but on the other hand tells me that if I do that I will be angry or something. I decide that it's my friend and I say "You guys are good friends, I think it would be stupid to ruin it by dating her. What if you guys break up? Your friendship would be ruined."

He nods and looks up at me before patting my shoulder and saying to me "Thanks man, I don't know what I would do without you" I fake a smile back and he gets up before joining the others.

Why am I feeling angry about him? Is it really because he almost kissed Jennifer? I must be tired or something, I get up and see that the boys finished building up the tent, I think it's big enough for three people if you don't include the suitcases in it.

I walk up to RM and ask him "When does Jennifer's show start?" He answers "In an hour, so we have time to unpack and decide where each of us is sleeping." I nod and we all gather up to decide about who sleeping where.

Jungkook innocently asks "First, where is Jennifer sleeping?" RM answers "She's sleeping with me in the tent" and Jungkook suddenly exclaims right after RM answered the question "I wanna join in the tent!"

RM surprisingly accepts and Jungkook smiles widely like a kid who just got candy, we break the circle we formed by gathering and get to unpacking our stuff.

An hour later

The stage director leads us to our private seats which is on this kind of tower used for the people who shine the lights at the singers so that we can see them, we climb it and find at the top seven seats for us.

We each take a seat and look at the huge crowd of thousands of people waiting for the show to start. The lights of the stage suddenly turn of, meaning the show's about to start.

I start to get excited with the boys because we've never seen Jennifer preform onstage, the lights turn back on to see six girls and Jennifer in the middle facing their backs at us.

The song starts and all the girls do the same moves in perfect sync, they finally turn around and we finally recognize Jennifer. She's wearing a sparkly outfit with waistbands all around the jacket and shorts with it saying FUXKHOLY on it.

She starts singing and wow, she has the voice of an angel. For some reason, it reminds me of the night we met when I woke up in her changing room and she was dressed beautifully.

At one point she squats down and spreads her legs, for some reason I stare intensely for a second before she gets back up. I sigh of relief and look away before seeing at the corner of my eye something stick out at the bottom of my vision.

I look down and see that I HAVE A F*CKING BONER BETWEEN MY LEGS. I mumble under my breath "Sh*t" and cross my legs at the opposite direction from Jungkook who is sitting next to me.

I'm lucky that no one is sitting at my other side, but I still cross my forearms and try to cover my growing. I try to take my mind off of it and try to concentrate back to the concert.

The song finally ends but another one comes up and I remember at this moment that I have to keep staring at her for two hours until the show ends. Great.

After the concert ends

Jennifer's POV:

The show finally ends and I wave to the crowd before running backstage with the dancers, I am exhausted. Hopefully I sleep well tonight. One of the Big Hit workers hands me a towel and I pay myself with it while my manager applauds me and says "Bravo, that was amazing!"

I smile and thank him before taking off my microphone and placing it with the towel on the nearest coffee table. A hairdresser comes up to me and takes off all the makeup I have before walking away and I enter my changing room.

I change back to my old clothes and walk out of the backstage to drop off the stage. I see the boys climb down from one of the towers and I smile before running to them. They see me and smile as I stop in front of them and they say amazed "That was an amazing show, Jennifer!"

I blush and thank them before hugging each and every one of them, I get to the last one who is Suga. After I hug him I realize he's acting a little strange so I ask him "You okay?" He fakes a smile and nods as a response, that's what they all say.

I nod back and we get going.

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