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Jimin's POV:

As I get back in the house from working out, I suddenly hear shouting and things being thrown. As I walk up to the kitchen I see a drunk Suga that can barely walk argue with Jungkook while Jin and RM try to calm down the situation.

I run up to them and ask Jin "What's going on?" before he explains "Suga and Jungkook are arguing about bringing up Jennifer into the conversation" I look back at the two arguing and Suga shouts at JK "You have no right to say that what Jennifer did was the right thing!"

JK yells back, trying to calm the situation, "Yes it was! If she stayed with us she would've suffered just as much as we are right now!" Suga scoffs as he looks away and drools under his breath "You really are stupid, aren't you? She would never experience that kind of pain because what she did was heartbreaking and it made Jimin starve himself! So don't say she could've felt worse than us because it's not tru-!"

But he gets cut off by Jungkook hugging him and saying, almost on the edge of tears "Please, just forget that I brought this up and calm down!" But Suga chuckles like a psychopath and brutally pulls him away, making Jungkook hit the fridge behind him.

We start to react and I yell at Yoongi "Bro, don't do that!" He looks over at me and Jungkook fights back by punching him across the face, making us react a second time. I order Jungkook "Dude, don't do that!" and he looks over at me before blaming the fight on Suga.

Suga weakly gets back up and swallows his saliva hanging out on his lips before Jungkook grabs him by the jacket and pulls him back up. He begs Suga as he looks at him in sorrow "Please, lets just make up. I don't wanna fight you!"

Yoongi replies as he grabs ahold of Jungkook's hoodie "You should've thought of that before bringing up Jennifer" before throwing him against the counter next to them, making Jungkook flinch and grunt in pain at his right ribs.

Now I've had enough, I snap and grab Suga before pulling him outside into the backyard. He tries to get off my grip and I let him go as we get to the outside living room. I look at him trying to balance and ask him "What was that, huh?"

He doesn't answer and tries to get back to the house but I roughly push him away and yell at him "No! You are not going back there to fight Jungkook! You have no right to beat up you best friend like that! You need to calm down!" He scoffs and says as he stops stepping back "Get out of my way."

I shake my head and he tries to get past me a second time before I suddenly grab him and push him against the floor under us, making him grunt. I get on him and make him immobile before he orders me while accidentally drooling "Let go of me!"

I chuckle and shake my head before turning him around and making him lie on his back while I sit on his chest and say to him "I'd rather have you fight me than Jungkook" He smirks at me and replies "Okay, let me get up and I'll fight you."

I nod and let go of him before we step away from each other and get ready to fight. I crack my neck and knuckles before we suddenly run to each other and he punches me in the abs. I hardly feel it to his weak throw and punch him across the face before he falls down.

He groans as he tries to get up and I ask him as I kneel next to him "Do you give up?" He looks up at me and gives me and death stare before sighing "Fine" and I smile before helping him up. We look at each other and I hug him before we walk back to the house.

As we get to the door I beg "Please don't try to fight JK, again" and Yoongi sighs before nodding and we enter the house. We don't see many members, only V and RM, and we go in the kitchen where Namjoon is before I ask him ask I give Suga a glass of water "Where did the others go?"

RM answers as he looks at Yoongi sitting on the stool "Jin go Jungkook to his room and their talking a bit. How's he?" I tilt my head and nod as an answer before RM understands and leaves us in the room to go play with Yeontan and V.

I sit at the other side of the counter and face Suga while he gulps down his drink, I smirk at him and tell him as my smile fades away "I miss her too..", he looks up at me and I continue "It's not easy to let go of someone you're in love with, it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do."

He looks back down at his glass and drinks the rest before saying "I'm in love with her too.." I look at him and he nods, giving up from hiding it from me. I sigh and he says as he pushes the glass to the side "I think we all kinda fell in love with her, to be honest."

I nod as I look down and sigh "Well, nothing we can do about it now~!" I get off the stool and he follows me before I say to V as we walk past the living room "Let's go to bed, its getting late" Tae picks up his dog and we all walk up the stairs while I help Suga stand up, since he's still a little drunk.

Ce gets in his room with the dog and I get Suga in his room before I ask him while sitting him on his bed "Do you need help with anything else?" He shakes his head and thanks me before I smile and say no problem.

I say goodnight and leave his room before getting to mine.

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