Little talk with RM

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The boys have finished shooting the music video for about 10 minutes so I finally decide to talk to RM about what's been happening. I walk up to him and ask to talk in private outside, he accepts and we leave the building before sitting against one of the poles facing the front doors.

I scoot in front of him and say "Many things have happened since we have started touring together" RM nods before I continue "First I think something happened when I stayed over at Jimin's hotel room, Jin and I almost kissed at the ball, V told me he has feelings for me and I made out with J-Hope at 4am this morning."

I let it all out in one breath and RM takes a few seconds to absorb all the information with his eyebrows lifted up. The silence takes too long so I exhale "RM, please say something."

The first thing he says is "Interesting" and I stare at him before saying "Really? That's your reaction?" "Well this is something you don't hear everyday!" he jokes while sitting more comfortably.

I sigh and look down before RM says to me "Let's start with what happened with Jimin" I start digging in my mind as I explain "Well... I walked in on Jimin drinking a bottle of whiskey and he told me he'd been lonely for a long time so I decided to stay with him for the night."

RM nods and I continue "We each went to our beds but Jimin came out of his and got into mine. I put my hand on his chest and kissed his forehead, he reacted like a nervous boy in front of his crush."

RM nods and asks "Okay.. Now what about Jin?" "We were at the ball and I was teaching him how to waltz but he got too into it and started looking down at my lips. V interrupted the moment before Jin could go for it."

RM nods and starts pinching under his chin while listening to me. I continue to V and say "V took me outside and told me he's starting to fall in love with me, I told him we could just be friends to not ruin our friendship and I was about to kiss him but kissed his cheek instead."

RM nods again and I explain the last thing: "This morning around 3:45am I went downstairs to get a glass of water and found J-Hope in the kitchen already. We had a few small talks before I stole a grape from his fruit salad which he flipped out about it. He chased me around the kitchen and finally got to me but I ate the grape to tease him. That's when he kissed me, I kissed back and while we were making out I though about what happened with Jin and V and I didn't want everyone starting to fall for me. So I broke the kiss and made an excuse before going back to bed."

RM nods and thinks for a few seconds before asking me "Do you feel the same way about all of them?" I sigh and answer while looking at the ground "Yeah but I feel the same way about Suga and Jungkook too, it's probably the strong new bond I have with all of them and my mind just trying to mess it up into something else."

"It's probably that, you can't like six people at once" he agrees and I ask worried "But what if they are feelings? I can't date all of them, I have to choose. Right?"

"You don't have to choose because they're not feelings. Don't worry about it" I look up to him and smile before hugging him while saying "Thanks, RM. It felt good talking to you."

He hugs back and replies "Anytime" before we hear from the front doors "Jen, the photographer's here" I pull away from RM and see the director waiting for me while leaning against the door frame. Me and RM get up and walk back in the building.

We find all of the members eating Chinese takeout food and talking at the table, RM goes to sit with them while I'm taken outside to where the three trees and the bench are.

I slowly walk and look up at the leafs of the trees while the photographer takes the time to take pictures of me. We finish after a few minutes and get back inside before the director tells me "I just got a phone call and you have a concert tonight in San Francisco."

"San Francisco? That's more than five hours away! How will I get there in time?" I ask him worried I won't make it there in time for my performance and he simply answers with a smirk "Private jet."

I smile and hug him before saying "Thank you, I'm lucky I get to have you as my manager" He smiles and says back "It's my pleasure" I pull away and walk back to the boys before sitting next to Jin and telling them "I have a concert tonight in San Francisco."

They cheer and are all happy for me, I blush and say "I guess we'll have to book hotel rooms for when we stay there" RM immediately says "Don't worry about that, our director takes care of that."

I smile before grabbing myself a box of noodles. I start eating and see Jimin laughing with Jungkook, I smile to see that his loneliness is being defeated.

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