The prophetic dream

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We arrive at the airport and our bodyguards open the door for us, already starting to protect us from crazy fans who could possibly jump on us. We all get out of the limo and get our luggage from the trunk while the director gets out of the front seat of the vehicle.

We start walking to the front doors of the airport building and our ten bodyguards are already around us, we pass the doors and I already hear people scream of excitement to see us.

We start going faster and I yell at the boys behind me "Lets just run!" We all start running and I see fans all around us running towards us, so I speed up. Fans start getting in front of us but the bodyguards in front of me make way for me and the boys behind, so he gently but fairly pushes the fans out of the way.

We get to the boxes with metal bars blocking our way, we get through and run out of the other side of the building and get to the landing area where our private jet awaits.

We find it and hundreds of fans are still running after us, our pilot opens the back door for us and the boys get in while fans gather around us, screaming of excitement.

It my turn to board the jet so I climb in but a fan reaches her arm out to me and pulls on it, pulling me out of the jet. The closest bodyguard to me pushes the fan away and I get my arm back before boarding the jet once more.

I catch my breath as I sit on the seat against the window and next to RM, I put my baggage at my feet and buckle up with everyone while the pilot gets back in his seat and starts the engine.

I look through the window and see the ground get lower and farther while the fans that were right next to us get smaller until they have the size of ants. We see the entire airport as the jet gets higher in the sky.

I turn my head back inside the jet and see almost everyone with earphones on or sleeping so I decide to also close my eyes to rest. The quietness helps me think about stuff, sleep suddenly takes over and I start to dream.

The dream is incomprehensible, I see image by image and hear a few things. I start seeing clearly and see and image of clothes being thrown to the floor. It gets dark again and I start hearing heavy breathing and kissing noises.

The darkness enlightens to a blurry image of two people kissing, but the image gets darker and I see blackness again. An image appears of an ale lifted up and quickly leaning downwards before blood splatters on my vision.

I suddenly hear handcuffs as my vision gets dark once more and I hear from far away and echoing "Mary me" and few seconds pass before I hear "I can't stay" and an entire minute passes after that before I hear "That's why I'm making this video".

Another image appears to see the bodyguards of my house point guns at people and yell "GET ON YOU KNEES!" Another vision appears to be all the boys with their hands up like they surrender because they're the ones to who my guards are pointing their guns, weirdly.

My vision gets darker once more and nothing happens for awhile before I suddenly loudly hear and see a lightning strike right in front of me, making me mentally jump up a little.

I also start hearing sirens of police cars and ambulances going off at the same time, they slowly fade away before I hear from far away the sound of the news on a tv.

Now everything gets silent again until I see a rose fall and land before starting to catch fire and burning until there is nothing left but ashes. Voices come back and I hear echoing "No, this is not goodbye!"

I hear one last voice mumbling on the urge of tears "I love you" before hearing a loud gunshot, making me wake up. RM turns towards me and asks "You okay?" I nod and look through the window next to me. I see that the jet is arriving at the landing area of San Francisco so the jet is starting to lower.

I look at the other boys and see that Jimin and V are sleeping against each other but are starting to wake up, due to the sound and the vibration of the wheels of the jet rolling against the landing area.

Suga is sound asleep with blasting music in his ears and the rest of the boys are playing games on their phones. Suddenly a speaker in the corner of the sealing speaks out "Attention passengers, we have arrived to our destination. Please make sure to not leave any belongings behind".

The sound of the pilot speaking wakes up the two sleepy heads and I grab ahold of my suitcase at my feet while unbuckling my seatbelt. The others do the same and the hangar opens to hear fans screaming for us behind restriction bars.

We get up and exit the jet person by person, my turn comes and I get out of the aircraft to see a path in between two crowds of squealing fans. I descend the stairs and make a run for it.

I get to the end of the path and find a limo waiting for us, I get in it and sit next to J-Hope. RM sits facing me and next to V before putting his bag at his legs like all of us did.

Our driver who was keeping the car door open for us closes the door and gets back behind the wheel before starting the limo and driving away. Nobody is doing anything right now, just sitting here in silence.

I break the silence by asking "So, where are we staying overnight? Hotel? Rented house?" Jungkook looks over at me and answers "Well actually, we will be given tents and a trailer to sleep in for tonight."

I nod and Jin asks while turning to Jungkook confused "But who will be sleeping with who?" Jungkook shrugs as an answer and RM says while sitting comfortably "We'll décidé when we get there."

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