In a cemetery

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Jennifer's POV:

I put my tray with the other dirty trays and walk back to the boys before telling them "I'm gonna go change, I'll be right back". They nod and I leave the diner before walking in the elevator and pressing the button.

I get in my hotel room and search in my suitcase for an outfit to wear:

I change into that and brush my teeth before putting my phone in my purse and brushing my hair

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I change into that and brush my teeth before putting my phone in my purse and brushing my hair. I leave my hotel room and get back in the elevator before it takes me back to the ground floor.

I find the boys and we leave the hotel before walking on the street, I look around at the different clothes shops and see the Gucci store before I exclaim "Let's go there!"

The boys accept and we enter the store before plotting up and looking at the clothes.

A few hours later, at the cemetery

We pas the gates of the public cemetery and walk on the path between ranges of tombstones. We look around at all the different names carved into different stones.

We find a bench and decide to take a break from walking all day before V, J-Hope, Jin and I sit on the bench while the others sit on the ground next to us. We place our shopping bags on the side of the bench before I look over at Suga and see him looking at the tombstones on his left.

As I watching him I suddenly hear Jin put his head right next to mine and look at Suga with me before starting to impersonate Suga. " I'm tired. When is all of this over? I want to go home"

I smile to what he says until he says like a lazy intrigued person "I want to be born as a rock in my next life, so that I don't have to do anything. Can I lay here?", making me giggle.

I turn my head to Jin and he leans back, quickly looking away. I look away and see not far from here a woman and her son lay a bouquet of flowers on a tomb, making my smile fade away.

She sobs as she holds her son in her arms and they walk away before I get up and say "Everyone, go pick flowers!" The get up confused and we all split up to look for bushes of flowers.

I run to a tree with flowers at the bottom of it and find these:

I kneel over to them and pick five of them before getting back up and walking back to the where we sat down

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I kneel over to them and pick five of them before getting back up and walking back to the where we sat down. After a few minutes the boys come back with different flowers each.

Jin asks confused "So what do we do? Are we supposed to give them to you or something?" I shake my head as I giggle and explain "I have kind of a game: we get blindfolded and walk forward. The first tombstone we touch, we put our flowers on that specific spot."

The boys nod and I look at V before saying while pointing to the bandana on his head "I'm gonna need your bandana". He nods and pulls it off before Suga says "RM, you go first!"

RM nods innocently and I walk up to him before putting the bandana against his eyes. We all step away from RM and he starts walking blindly towards the left side of the range of tombstones.

He passes a few before walking into a concrete tombstone, he pats on in to examine the form and takes off the blindfold to see who's name he's giving his flowers to.

I approach the chosen tombstone and read:

Marie Jones
Died while giving birth

"Oh no" I say under my breath and RM sighs before laying on the ground his bouquet of flowers. We get back up and I exclaim "Next up is Jin!" before RM blindfolds him.

Jin walks into his tombstone and lays the flower and it goes on and on until the last person gets blindfolded: Jungkook. I blindfold him and since he has a crutch I hold his hand in case he falls over.

He touches a tombstone a I take the blindfold off him and we look at the touched tombstone to read:

Adam Davidson
Died of heart attack

I lay his flowers on the ground and get back up before Jimin says "That was a generous game, we gave flowers to people we don't even know". We all nod and Jin says "We should go, our concert starts in an hour and a half."

I nod and V says "I need to talk to Jennifer, first", the other members all turn their heads to me and I look over at V before saying "Okay."

V nods with a light smile and we both walk away from the group before V leads me to where he wants to talk. We change paths and walk a dozen meters away from the boys.

We find a bench and V offers me to sit on it while he tries to tell me something. I sit and look at V while he walks back and forth while trying to gather words in his head to explain something to me.

After a few seconds he says under his breath "Okay!" as he sits next to me and clears his throat. He shyly looks at me and says "My feelings for you are starting to grow stronger... and I don't think I'm gonna be able to be close to you for more than 10 minutes, to protect myself from something happening between us."

I slowly shake my head and say "You can't keep yourself away from me just because you love me". V nods right after and says "Yes I do, if don't it's just gonna torture me."

I sigh and he looks down at his nervous hands before I get up from the bench and he looks up at me. I make him stand up and I say to him "We'll find a solution, and it's not by avoiding me that it'll work."

He hesitates as he nods and looks up at me before looking away, I take his hand and pull him back to the direction where we came from. I see the other members not far from where we are so me and V run to them and meet with the boys before we continue to walk across the cemetery.

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