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There I stood in the middle of the street, how did I end up in this situation. Before I met him, I was a completely different person. He made me feel things I've never felt before. But now he was gone, and I'm standing here all alone. It's cold and dark, it was a cold summer night, which matched my mood. I pull his jacket closer to me. I look around the empty street, everyone was at the event, but I wasn't going to go back there. Trying to find a cab I felt the heel of my shoe break, "great". I kicked my shoes off and picked them up. The street was cold and uncomfortable under my feet. Picking up the pace, I found a cab just a few blocks away. I got in the cab, it was a warm welcome compared to the cold outside. The cabdriver looked at me and my dress, 'you look like you've had a tough night, where do you want to go?'.

'to Camden please', not ready to get all too personal. "Yes," said the driver, and he understood that he didn't need to ask more questions. I looked out of the window, seeing the big buildings of central London turn into small houses.

Finally home...

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