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BRIZO TOLD HER MUM ABOUT THE THREE BOYS LORELEI MET. She told her daughter not to return to the Weasleys under any circumstance. Lorelei didn't talk to her mum or Brizo for weeks.

She had finally made friends, and now she was banned from seeing them.

That didn't stop her, of course.

She snuck away from her mother when her mother was with her friends. Brizo knew that the girl was going to return eventually, but he was upset with her ignoring him. Instead, Brizo accompanied the girl in case she was to be in danger.

The night she returned was a full moon.

There was no one there. The only thing was a slip of paper. She looked around and saw no one, so she took it to read. Of course, her hands were wet so the paper was wet, but she was able to read the words.

Dear Lorelei,

Charlie set up a spell to alert us when you return. We waited every day, but you never did show. We hope you do return and that we didn't scare you away.

Fred and George

Lorelei yelped when she heard a tree branch crack. She quickly dove into the water to hide her chest. She wasn't offended by them, but she heard from her mother that creatures outside the waters don't like nudity whenever they pleased.

One of the twins peaked his head from behind a tree.

"We thought you wouldn't return," George whispered when he approached the girl. She backed up slightly as he took off his shoes and gently sat in the water. Clothed and all.

Lorelei smiled fearfully. "Mum didn't like the thought of me befriending three male wizards."

"Are you afraid?" George asked while swimming a bit. He stayed far away from her, but he decided he wanted a swim as well. "You look too human to be a cross between anything other than a Muggle or a wizard. Charlie's thinking Muggle or wizard anyway."

"I can't tell."

"Why not?"

"Because my mother says they will want to hurt me," Lorelei said crossing her arms. She felt Brizo climbing up her tail until he rested on her shoulder. "Hello, Brizo. George? No, he won't hurt me."

"Can he understand you?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be talking to him if he couldn't," Lorelei said with a smirk. George laughed. He swam back to the grass. "Shouldn't you be in bed? It's quite late."

"Charlie said another theory this morning. Said you could have legs if you come up during a full moon. Why don't you come up here for a bit?" George questioned while pushing himself onto the grass completely.

Lorelei felt Brizo shaking his head no.

"I-I haven't done it before."

"Well, come on, then," George said.

"I-er... I need something to wear. Unless you are fond of nudity, that is." George never blushed so much in his life. George pulled off the shirt that was too big for him. He believed it was Bill's. "Turn around. Brizo, calm down. It'll only be for a moment."

Lorelie watched as George placed his shirt next to him and turned so he wasn't watching her. She wiggled her way onto the grass while taking her tail completely out of the water. She slipped on George's shirt and coughed to let him know she was out.

George turned to face her, and his eyes widened at her tail. He had never seen a mermaid's tail so close. It was beautiful. It was blue, like her eyes, but held lilac spots on her scales. He looked back up to her and almost gasped at the sight of her eyes staring right back at him.

"It--er...It won't change right away. It has to dry says, my mum."

"Wicked," he said looking back down at her tail. "C-Can I touch it? Is that weird?"

Lorelei let out a laugh and grabbed his hand to direct it to her tail. When he touched it, he grinned and muttered something about Charlie being jealous.

Once she felt tingling in the lower half of her body, she knew the change was starting. She positioned the shirt to cover her lower half well enough as legs sprouted where her tail used to be. George retracted his hand when it was no longer a tail.

The two spent that evening talking. Lorelei even managed Brizo to calm down enough to allow George to pet him. It was when the night was almost over that the pair heard Molly Weasley scream out.

Molly was waking up to use the restroom when she went to check on her children. She loved to peek in and see them all sleeping peacefully. When George was nowhere to be found, she panicked.

Charlie woke up and ran down to find his brother's bed empty and his mother freaking out. He told her he knew exactly where he was and to calm down. It didn't help the fact that Molly followed the boy all the way to the pond. Charlie hoped to Merlin that Lorelei was gone when they arrived.

George cursed and looked back at his mother hauling arse with Charlie. "You have to go. My mother is coming."

Lorelei threw Brizo into the water and began to move into it. She felt her legs combining again like stitches as the scales formed. She was about to take off the shirt to give it to him but he shook his head.

"No time. Go!"

Lorelei locked eyes with Molly Weasley before diving off with Brizo hanging on to her hair.

"George Fabian Weasley! What in Merlin's name is going on!" Molly Weasley's voice could be heard under the water. She felt Brizo pull on her to leave, so she did. She hoped George wouldn't get in too much trouble.

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