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"HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE, MISS CALYPSO!? There is a mass murderer on the loose, and you are out there like nothing is wrong!? And who's dog was that? It could've been an Animagus, you know

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"HOW COULD YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE, MISS CALYPSO!? There is a mass murderer on the loose, and you are out there like nothing is wrong!? And who's dog was that? It could've been an Animagus, you know. It could've been him," Professor Lupin shouted once back in his classroom. She flinched at the harsh tone of his words.

"Not only were you out after curfew, but you also didn't tell anyone where you were going! You do realize that the ONLY two people they think Sirius Black is after are you and Harry. You were out there, and he could've easily gotten to you!"

"I'm sorry, Professor," Lorelei mumbled looking down. "I normally am allowed to go out by the water, you know. I can't go long without it or my skin feels like it's on fire."

Professor Lupin looked tired and worn out as he leaned back on his desk and rubbed his eyes in a frustrating manner. "I know, my dear, but you also have to realize you aren't safe right now. Getting me or Hagrid or even Professor McGonagall out there would've been smart. You were alone with a strange animal," Lupin said with a groan at the end. It sounded like he knew more than he was letting on. "I won't punish you with detention because you technically did nothing wrong, but I must warn you of the seriousness of your actions."

"Yes, Professor, I realize now," she said rubbing her arms out of nervousness. "Can I go to my Common Room?"

The door opened and Severus Snape walked in. His eyes widened at the girl, but he composed himself and sneered at the other man.

"Severus? Could you please escort Miss Calypso back to the Gryffindor Tower?"

Snape rolled his eyes at Remus but complied with a motion of his head after he gave something to Professor Lupin. Lorelei stood up and glanced back at the tired professor. "I'm sorry, again, Professor." Remus nodded.

Once back at the tower after a lovely and awkward walk with Severus Snape, she was bombarded with questions from her group of friends where she was. She sat Brizo on Harry's shoulder as she passed and didn't even look at her friends. She was tired, and she felt terrible for worrying Professor Lupin like that. She hated the disappointed look on his face.

A few days later after the Hogsmeade trip that she sat out due to the foul mood she had been in all week, much to the displeasure of her twins, something happened in the castle that scared all of the students. It was Halloween and there was a lovely feast keeping all the students in one place. The Fat Lady was gone, and in her place was three claw marks that were for sure from an animal, a dog.

There was a rumble of students trying to see what had happened, and Lorelei's face paled thinking of the only dog she knew beside Fang that was anywhere near the castle. Maybe he just wanted more food and followed her scent? Maybe he wasn't trying to harm the Fat Lady?

Dumbledore, Lupin, Snape, and McGonagall rushed forward to see the portrait, and Dumbledore's eyes became somber. "We need to find her," he said. "Professor McGonagall, please go find Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

The poltergeist flew above them cackling at the scene below. His eyes met Lorelei's and he had the never to wink. "You'll be lucky!" he shouted at the group of professors.

He looked so delighted to see the wreckage, but his grin faded a little when Dumbledore spoke. "What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore said calmly. Peeves wouldn't dare taunt Professor Dumbledore, no way.

"Ashamed, Your Headship, sir. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful," he said happily. "Poor thing," he added and winked at the crowd of students.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"Oh yes, Professorhead!" He had now appeared to be holding a large bombshell in his arms. He grinned and flew around mockingly. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see. Nasty temper, that Sirius Black."

Lorelei gasped quietly and met Lupin's eyes from across the room. He knew that was Sirius the other day. He knew and he hasn't told anyone. She remembered him saying they were best friends at one point. What if he was helping the murderer on the property? And she had fed the dog! She had helped him!

Lupin shook his head slowly when he saw her begin panicking. He knew that was for sure, but a part of him wanted to believe the nagging voice saying Sirius was innocent. Even if he couldn't believe it at the time, he had many moments to think about it. He needed Lorelei to stay quiet about Sirius' Animagus until he knew for sure.

Lorelei and the rest of Gryffindors were told to go to the Great Hall, but she felt a hand grab her arm. It was Professor Lupin, and he pulled her aside from the rushing students.

"Keep it to yourself for now. Please, Lorelei," he pleaded to the girl. He had to figure this out. He had to know if Sirius was innocent. Lorelei nodded with fear in her eyes. He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but even she could see he was failing at that.

After that night, Lorelei became very closed off. She even told Fred and George she didn't want to do the Patronus lessons because she hadn't wanted to be around Lupin for too long. She knew he wanted to explain himself to the fifteen-year-old girl, but she was avoiding talking about it. She would keep his secret for now, but she would not give him a reason to tell her more secrets she would have to keep.

This one was already eating her up on the inside.


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