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"HELLO, MY LOVELY CHASERS AND BEATERS. Practice will be Friday. I have to find Potter and Bell. Bright and early before lessons. Don't be late," Oliver said pointing to the twins.

Alicia called his name making him turn to raise an eyebrow. "Are we not having trials?"

"We have a team, Spinnet," he replied. "There's no need."

"I want to try for a permanent Chaser position."

Lorelei growled lowly making Fred and Angelina grow anxious about how this would pan out. Lorelei was now glaring at Alicia.

Oliver looked flustered. "W-Well, Spinnet. Calypso, Johnson, and Bell are my Chasers."

"I think I could replace Calypso or Bell easily. Give me a shot, Wood," she pleaded not noticing the gaping mouths around her. They couldn't believe her.

Lorelei stood up abruptly. "Fine, Spinnet. Let's go right now and see who's the better Chaser," she growled out. Her eyes were black and she could feel the ache in her gums. She felt Fred and George place a hand on either arm. Good because she was about to strangle her.

Alicia smirked. "Gladly, Calypso." Lorelei wanted to laugh. She thought she'd beat her? Alicia didn't stand a chance.

Oliver looked stunned at the scene. The Great Hall had gone silent as everyone watched the interaction. He laughed awkwardly. "I suppose we could make a Scrimmage. I can find Potter and Bell--ah, there she is. Oh, him, too. Well, er...let's go?"

Oliver looked like he didn't know what to do. Fred threw his gaze to Lorelei. He stood up and whispered in her ear, "Lor, don't play out of aggression."

"No, I'm sick and tired of her acting like I'm not here. Harry! Let's go!" Lorelei said making the boy's eyes widen and drop a biscuit he had picked up. He didn't know what was going on.

"Er...Potter. We need you to come...er--help judge," Oliver said then said the same to Katie.

About ten minutes later, they were out on the field. Lorelei smirked when Alicia asked why they weren't changing into playing robes. Lorelei took off her Gryffindor robe leaving her in a skirt and her white button-up that was quickly untucked. Her sweater was tight on her as she loosened her tie. Angelina threw Lorelei her broom. Lorelei was ready and Alicia was still gaping at Oliver.

"Well?" Lorelei's eyes were completely black now making Alicia regret her decisions.

George only stared at the mermaid in shock. He didn't know what brought this on or why his friends were arguing all of a sudden.

Oliver went to the goalpost on his broom and shouted, "Oi! Weasleys. Get up and give them your best Bludgers. Potter, Johnson, and Bell will be watching for foul play. Calypso and Spinett will start at the other end of the field and try to make at least seven goals the fastest."

Lorelei was already holding one of the practice Quaffles in her arms and waiting for Alicia who wasn't moving fast enough. She growled out in frustration.

"Weasleys, you both better give them your best," Angelina said with a smirk.

Lorelei was off as soon as Oliver blew his whistle. She saw Fred send a Bludger her way, and she barrel-rolled out of the way. Alicia narrowly missed one from George.

Alicia was fast but Lorelei was faster. Alicia missed goals often, Lorelei didn't miss any but one. Lorelei's eyes lightened up when she saw George try to send a Bludger her way. She winked and hit the Bludger with her own broom, a skill she practiced last year.

It was clear who won even to Alicia herself. Alicia lowered to the ground and threw her broom to the field with a glare directed at Lorelei. The mermaid gracefully landed on the ground smirking at her.

"I think we've established who's the permanent Chaser, Spinnet," Lorelei hissed.

"W-What about Bell!? I could replace Bell!" she cried to Oliver as he and the twins landed.

"Sorry, Spinnet. Bell, Johnson, and Calypso are my Chasers. You'll be their replacement if one is injured, that's all," Oliver said with a shrug. He told them all to go back to dinner, but Alicia was already storming off.

Harry walked over to the angry, smug mermaid. "All right, Lorelei?"

"Fine, Harry. Go to dinner. You need to eat," she said smiling and ruffling his hair. Her eyes brightened at the sight of the boy. Harry was happy to see her blue eyes again. She had grown fond of his presence, and he had grown fond of hers. "I'll see you later."

He grinned and left with Katie.

Angelina bumped hips with Lorelei when she walked over to her. "Nobody messes with the mermaid."

"Damn right," Lorelei replied with her own smirk.

The twins picked up their broomsticks, and they walked to dinner together. Lorelei stood close to Fred as he had become someone she depended heavily on in the past few days. George frowned a bit when Lorelei barely spoke a word to him.

He felt a tug in his chest when she laughed at something Fred said. Her eyes twinkled brightly, and he moved closer to her. She looked over at him, and her smile fell a bit. He frowned when she turned away quickly.

Later in the Common Room, Alicia acted as if nothing happened. She snuggled closer to George while Lorelei decided she would go sit with Percy of all people. Her friends watched her leave.

He smiled surprised when Lorelei sat next to his Prefect friends. "Hello, Lor. Is everything all right?"

"Fine. Brizo missed you, and I thought I'd see how you were," she said with a shrug. Penelope Clearwater smiled brightly at her when Brizo climbed onto Percy's shoulder.

"Hello, I'm Penelope," she said shaking Lorelei's hand. "Percy speaks highly of you."

"Does he?" she said bumping his shoulder with a smirk. Percy blushed a bit as he petted Brizo. Lorelei was able to feel calm as she watched Alicia and George the whole night. Percy and Penelope were good company.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now