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"I DON'T KNOW IF YOUR MOTHER EVER TOLD YOU," Lorelei's grandmother began, "about when her father and I found her

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"I DON'T KNOW IF YOUR MOTHER EVER TOLD YOU," Lorelei's grandmother began, "about when her father and I found her. You were only about a year old. We tried to get her back, telling her you wouldn't ruin anything and we would love you no matter what. She was hurt, of course, and told us she found solace in the wizarding world. We let her go. I only wish we would have tried harder... stayed around. I'm so sorry, Lorelei."

Lorelei kept her face stoic. "She never told me your names."

"Florence and Clara," Florence stated, glancing at Lorelei with a newfound adoration. "Lorelei? Beautiful name. And your father?"

"Dead before I could talk," she stated sharply. "It doesn't matter. I have a real family."

Clara nodded, not even bothering to hide the hurt that flashed in her eyes. She had no right to be upset, so she quickly smiled. "You live in the wizarding world, then?"

"Well, I couldn't live in the waters with the way people look at me just for my hair color," Lorelei replied, watching the couple lower themselves into a more relaxed position. "Yes, I live in the wizarding world. Mum loved it."

"Yes, she was always rather adventurous," Florence mused, slightly broken at the fact that his only daughter was dead. "What were you sent to do?"

"Merfolk are good healers and we are aggressive. Even without a wand, two merfolk against a wizard is a pretty even fight with our talons and claws. Albus Dumbledore wanted a few mermaid available for when the real battle starts. To fight or to aid in healing, he didn't care. He just knew that the merfolk wouldn't dare join a wizard war," Lorelei stated, also letting herself relax a bit. "I was sent to negotiate, perhaps persuade a few of our kind."

"I shall join you, Lorelei," Florence said with a determined nod. "Amatheia's death will not be for nothing. I refuse to allow it."

Clara looked down, another silent sob shaking her body. "My poor baby," she mumbled. "I hated that wizard for what he did to my baby. He made her think it was love, and then he left her alone. I've always hated wizards--"

"She did, too," Lorelei said with a slight laugh. "When I met my family, it was by accident at eleven. Mum learned that not all wizards were bad, just as any species. The Weasleys are as good as they come. Of course, Remus Lupin as well. He's actually a werewolf... the best of his kind," Lorelei promised.

Clara looked to Florence. "What will Hosier think?"

"He'll probably make us move to a new home. He'll never condone the merfolk helping another species, especially the wizards," Florence said with a shrug, "but I don't care, Clara. This is our grandchild pleading for our help. We must go."

Hosier, as explained afterward to Lorelei, was like the Minister in this area. He knew everything that went on, which was why Lorelei could not stay long since she knew not of the merfolk laws. Lorelei truly couldn't stay in any place for too long.

"I will do what's right. For my baby—my Amatheia," Clara said with a light smile.

Lorelei grinned as Clara asked politely if she could hug her. Lorelei accepted it with open arms. After, Florence stated that no one in this colony would agree; they were the highest ranks of merfolk in Europe. It was similar to the purebloods of the wizarding world. Florence implored they should leave for the nearby colonies in the morning.

When morning came, Lorelei was surprised by how little Florence and Clara had to bring along with them. They barely said goodbye to their home before swimming slightly in front of Lorelei to hide her. They barely made it out of the colony was Lorelei's tail was pulled tight causing her to let out a loud yell.

Florence and Clara turned immediately, yelling out in protest as Lorelei was roughly grabbed by two mermen. Quickly giving Clara her bag, Lorelei went willingly with the men. There was no arguing with them, for they would win because she did not know merfolk laws and would lose in an instant.

Clara and Florence followed silently as they were led into a large rock structure with beautiful plants around it. Lorelei almost let her jaw drop in awe at it until she realized they were about to take her in a cell.

"Wait! What did I do wrong?" she asked impatiently. "I was leaving!"

The men stopped from pushing her into the cell, instead moving her to another room. Clara and Florence still followed, but even they held worried stares.

"Clara and Florence? What are you doing here? Who is this?" a man spoke, swimming out of a hole in the rock that no doubt led to his chambers. "Beautiful, yes, but that hair is quite awful, isn't it?"

"We were escorting her out, Hosier," Florence stated, trying not to show emotion.

Hosier hissed, eyes darkening and teeth elongating, "You dare lie to me! You both were leaving as well! What importance does she have to you!?"

No one spoke.

"Answer me!"

"Oh, my Godric! Would you please, for dear Neptune's sake, just let me go? I'm leaving, and I want nothing to do with your little rock city," Lorelei groaned out, yelping when the man to her right tightened his arm with a scowl on his face. "Pushy."

"How dare you speak to me in such way, you piece of filth!?"

"Filth? Are you looking in a mirror?"

Hosier didn't move. He only growled out further, "Check her bag."

Lorelei tried to get out of the hold on her arms, but the men were tightening their grips. She allowed her own nails to elongate, going straight into their skin.

As soon as she did this, Hosier had just gotten his hand on her wand, thankfully leaving everything else in there. "A witch!"

Please work, she thought as she outstretched her hand.


Knowing how powerful one has to be to perform wandless magic, she was so very thankful that her witch genes were working in favor of her today. With a grin, the wand flew right into her hand. Pointing it at the merfolk in the room, she smirked as Hosier rose his hands in surrender.

"Stupid urchin. Get her!" he shouted.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

After petrifying the one man who was near her, Lorelei quickly stunned the next merman as she swam quickly to grab her bag from Hosier's hands. Once she did so, she shot the jelly-leg jinx without thinking, but it worked oh, so beautifully. His tail began to twitch before making him fall like a deadweight.

Grinning like mad, she swam toward Florence and Clara shouting, "Go! Go! Go!"

The three merfolk swam faster than ever to get out of the waters near Italy.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now