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GEORGE HADN'T SPOKEN TO LORELEI MORE THAN THIRTY WORDS IN A WEEK AFTER THEIR SECOND SCREAMING MATCH. He was upset, angered, frustrated, and all of the above, but Lorelei didn't have time to fight anymore with him. She was hurting herself when they fought because she felt lightheaded and dizzy, which led to George storming off because he knew the yelling was not good for the baby.

Fred tried to make Lorelei see reason as to why he was upset, but Lorelei sobbed to him about her reasons as well. Lorelei was not going to let her friends and family go out and almost kill themselves fighting Death Eaters. She knew she had to protect the baby, but she had to protect her family as well. If George could not see that, she didn't know what to do.

She wouldn't lie and say that Bellatrix being there had no effect on her... that would be preposterous. Bellatrix ignited the flame that Lorelei had allowed to dim. She would kill Bellatrix. That was certain. Anyway, it didn't matter if she was there or not, Lorelei was not leaving those children to fight on their own.

So, Embry kept Lorelei company on most days. Harry had gone back to the Dursleys as the protective enchantment Lily Potter placed on him would not let up until his seventeenth or when he left the home for good. The Weasleys didn't leave home except Arthur and Bill, the latter who looked ruggedly handsome with the werewolf scar. Lorelei felt awful about it, but he reassured her that he was fine. Ginny, Ron, and Fleur would keep Mrs. Weasley company when the two men went to work. Fred, George, Lorelei, and Embry stayed at the shop. Lorelei worked on the stocks and other things the boys hated while Embry helped at the counter since Verity couldn't come to work as often anymore.

George was final with not allowing Lorelei to leave the flat other than the Burrow or Remus's cottage. He didn't even want her Apparating unless she absolutely had to. Now, it was the middle of July. Lorelei was seven months pregnant, so anything could trigger the baby.

George wanted nothing more than to act like everything was fine because truthfully, he missed his fiancée. He missed laying with her at night without tension in the room. Normally, Lorelei wouldn't even sleep with him anymore. She would go sit on the floor by Embry, either messing with his hair or just listening to him breathe. Sometimes, Fred would wake up and see her half asleep, pick her up, and bring her to his bed instead. He would sleep on the floor, half-awake to watch over the mermaid and his niece or nephew.

It was miserable, but that's what the war was doing to them. It was creating misery, and George wanted nothing more than to run away with Lorelei to keep his family safe. His baby would not grow up without parents or a safe home; he refused to allow it.

When Harry was to be rescued again from the Dursleys, Lorelei was sobbing to Ginny, Bethany, and Embry one night at the Burrow. George and Fred offered themselves up for bait, along with Remus, Tonks, Bill, Fleur, Hermione, Ron, Uriah, Ursula, and Arthur. Lorelei wasn't allowed in the meeting as they planned their rescue because she was about to argue with them all right then and there. Mad-Eye Moody, who stepped up since Dumbledore's death, yelled for Lorelei to leave the room. Clara and Florence tried their best to calm her and Moody down, but Lorelei was fed up and upset. With a fierce glare of black eyes and pointed teeth, she fled the room quickly to Ginny, Bethany, and Embry.

Embry frowned as the seemingly tough mermaid broke in front of them. Bethany had half a mind to go grab George by his ear and show him exactly what mermaids could do, but Ginny saved her brother by saying Lorelei was having his kid; he couldn't be mauled by a mermaid. Embry snorted as Ginny tried to make jokes about Fleur, but nothing seemed to work. Once Lorelei seemed to have cried every last drop of tears she could, she stood up and stated she needed to be alone by the water.

At the pond, she took out her wand and cast her Patronus. The crab flew out, flying around Lorelei's head as she sat on the ground and scooted into the water fully clothed. When the crab landed in the water in front of her, she smiled at him.

"Hey, Briz. I bet you're happy to be around Mum again. I miss you... and Mum. I just am not sure what to do anymore. This war... it's going to kill us all. A part of me wishes I wasn't pregnant. Then, maybe, I'd be of more use instead of only being good for arguing and crying," Lorelei laughed at the end of her statement. Her Patronus floated away as she lost concentration, and Lorelei felt another sob leave her lips. Rubbing her bump in the water, she leaned back as she normally did to watch the stars.

Sirius twinkled at her, knowing how much she needed him. She sighed as tears left her eyes silently, the air crisp on her face, but she wasn't cold. Her mermaid body temperature made sure of that. Lorelei smiled when she felt a small kick on her stomach, knowing her little mermaid or merman was satisfied in the water.

Footsteps made Lorelei alert but not frightened. She felt a body sit next to her, but the boy stayed far away from the water. Chuckling a bit, she wiped her eyes, not realizing she made her face more wet from her already wet hand. "Hey, Ronald."

"Hi," he said, a bit nervous no doubt. "Are you all right? Mad-Eye was bang out of order."

"No surprise there," Lorelei said, sitting up to sit on the grass. "What's wrong?"

Ron's eyes widened as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I-I'm worried about you, is all. You've been through too much, and I know George and Fred aren't making anything easier. How's the peanut?"

"Kicking in the water," Lorelei mused, feeling another kick. "He or she is going to be one hell of a swimmer."

"Just like its Mummy then," Ron teased. "L-Listen, why don't you stay here tonight? Send them home, George and Fred. Hermione offered a sleepover with you, Ginny, Embry, Bethany, Ursula, Uriah, and myself... oh, and Hermione, of course. It'll take your mind off things, maybe?"

Lorelei leaned on Ron's shoulder, smiling as he scoffed when she got him a bit wet from the water. "You all aren't doing this out of pity, are you?"

"No!" Ron yelled before realizing he was being too loud. "No," he said again with a smile. "No, I care too much about you to see you crying every night. George's dumb arse doesn't seem to give a care, so stay with us tonight. That way, tomorrow you can stay with them before we go get Harry."

Lorelei laid down again, pulling Ron down with her. "I've always wanted to show Harry this, if he doesn't already know. See that star? The bright one?" Ron hummed in acknowledgement. "That's Sirius. I sometimes come to talk to him. He always listens. See the star next to him? That's an unnamed star... so I named it Amatheia because I just know they'd be near each other. James and Lily are up there, too, somewhere near," she paused, thinking of the raven-haired boy. "Ron?"


"When you, Hermione, and Harry go off to find whatever it is Dumbledore's left him... watch over him, will you? Tell him, tell him what I just said. Sirius and James, Lily and Amatheia, they're all watching," Lorelei hummed.

"I promise," Ron said with a smile as he watched the mermaid stare at the sky. He forgot how beautiful Lorelei was. He knew she had mermaid genetics, but no, Lorelei was just beautiful. She had a beautiful soul as well. He grabbed her hand, squeezed it once, then chuckled a bit. "Come on, Lor. Let's go have a sleepover."

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