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LORELEI SWAM QUICKLY WITH HER GRANDPARENTS OUT OF THE COMMUNITY. Clara giggled like a teenager running away from their parents because she felt free for the first time since she went against her parents and married Florence. Florence smiled at his wife, grabbing her hand as they swam.

Their plan was to take the river near Monaco to get through to the UK. It would take hours no doubt, but Florence said there were nicer colonies on the way they could stop. Lorelei was just glad they would be able to stop and see George before the long swim to South America.

Clara's plan was to spend at least a day in the four colonies they planned to visit, hopefully being able to persuade merfolk along the way. Lorelei was told not to get her hopes up that many would, and Lorelei knew she wouldn't. Many were afraid of witches, but Clara was in awe of how well Lorelei used her skills. Lorelei wouldn't tell her how difficult it was to learn, and how much she was knocked on her arse by Remus for it.

When they were near the border of Italy and France, the three merfolk took a break. Lorelei took out her watch to glance at the time, noticing now two days had gone by since she had seen George. There were five days until she saw him again. Holding onto that thought, she put her watch away and grabbed the compass.

"We'll make it to Monaco soon," Lorelei muttered. "The first colony is right on the border of the river, yeah?"

Florence nodded as he glanced around. He had thought he saw someone hide behind a rock. Biting his lip out of nervousness, he ran a hand through his greying hair. "Clara? We aren't in a colony now, are we?"

"No, dear," Clara said, grabbing a shell on a rock near her. She began to brush her hair, and Lorelei had paused what she was doing to watch her in awe. "Would you like me to braid your hair? It may draw away from the color." Lorelei felt her throat tighten because she missed how her mother would braid her hair. Nodding tightly, she turned to allow the older mermaid to do it.

Florence continued to watch the rock when he suddenly saw a fin. "Someone is there. Behind the rock," he mumbled to himself. He anxiously watched Clara finish Lorelei's intricate braid, adding shells into the hair. "Someone is here," he said again, a bit louder to gain the two female's attention.

Lorelei turned and saw a glimpse of the face. Calling out questionably, "Bethany?" she heard her parents gasp. "Bethany, come out... we won't hurt you."

Clara grabbed Florence's hand tightly. She couldn't be here. This was bad.

Bethany slowly swam out of the rock, her purple tail sparkling more the closer she got. She wrung her hands nervously as she finally reached the trio, glancing wearily at the older fish.

Lorelei smiled tightly. "You're far from home. What're you doing here?"

"I came because I overheard your conversation with your grandparents. I know it wasn't my place, and I'm super nosey for doing so... but you seemed so confident and strong about your motives! I want to help. I want to come with you! I hate it here in the water. I want to explore, I want--" Bethany's ramble was cut off by Florence.

"Lorelei, she cannot come," he said tightly, hating the way Bethany's face fell at his words. "Bethany is Hosier's daughter... he'll have our tails for this."

"Father won't know! He won't know where I've gone," she promised. Looking to Lorelei, she began to sob. "My father doesn't let me do anything. He wants to marry me off to some colony nearby, and I have no choice! He said half-breeds are monsters, but you are so beautiful and nice! I don't want to stay in the water. I want to explore with you. Please, Lorelei. Please," she exclaimed, now reaching the mermaid.

Lorelei glanced at her grandparents before looking back at the girl. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen. He wants me married in a few weeks," she murmured.

"You'll come with." Lorelei smiled a bit at the shocked expression on her face. She couldn't help but grin further when the fish jumped onto her, hugging her deeply. "I won't let anything happen to you," Lorelei promised during the hug.

Clara and Florence smiled despite their worries. Lorelei was so protective and confident, they noted. Clara hated how much loss she was dealt with her mother, but she knew Lorelei was stronger because of it.

After that, the quartet continued to move toward Monaco. Florence was the best at directions, leading them quickly to the direction of the first colony.

"So, did you meet any of your father's family?" Clara questioned as they swam causing Lorelei to tense again.

Lorelei continued with her tough-mermaid act and smiled. "Sirius Black was convicted of murder, but he was innocent. He spent twelve years in Azkaban, the wizard prison, for it. Harry, Hermione, and I helped him escape when they caught him after he broke out of jail. He was the best man I knew," she said seriously. "His cousin killed him. She was the one to kill Mum."

Clara and Florence frowned deeper and stopped swimming, watching as Lorelei made herself calm down. Bethany put a hand on Lorelei's shoulder, rubbing a small circle in a comforting way.

Lorelei smiled after a moment. "Mum loved him. I'm glad they get to be together again wherever they are."

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now