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LORELEI WOKE WHEN IT WAS EVENING. She knew she would have to wake up early the following day for the Quidditch World Cup, so she hoped for another sleeping draught when George returned. This made her smile when she thought of the twin. He had been too good to her since they arrived back at the Burrow. She could feel her smile growing the more she thought of him.

"Long time, no see, Lor," a voice boomed from the kitchen as Lorelei descended the stairs. She looked up to meet the happy eyes of Charlie Weasley with Brizo sitting on his shoulder.

"Charlie," she breathed and almost tripped down the stairs to tackle him in a hug. He let out a groan when she landed on him, but he held her tightly.

"Dragon burns, love," he hissed after a while of her clinging to him. She smiled sheepishly and backed off of him just to tackle the oldest Weasley that was behind him. Bill.

"You think she missed us?" Charlie questioned as he watched Bill's eyes widen at the sudden hug.

Bill smirk after a moment and said, "A tad."

Lorelei peeled herself away and grabbed onto George's sweater's sleeve that she was wearing sheepishly. She chuckled. "S-Sorry."

Bill waved her off as Charlie only smirked wider. "It's all right, Lor," Bill said. "How're you feeling? George said you had a rough night."

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," she stammered. "Are they coming home soon?"

"Miss him?" Charlie questioned as Brizo gave her what a crab would call a smirk.

Lorelei groaned. "Hush up, Charlie. Where's Molly?"

"Here! Oh, dear," Molly gushed when she reached the mermaid. "Bit peaky. Dinner will be ready in a moment. Hermione is upstairs with Ginny. The boys will be back with Harry soon as well."

"Lovely," Lorelei said with a smile. She called for Brizo who reluctantly hopped on her shoulder. Charlie followed her into the kitchen and began to tell her about the dragons he was working with. He also told her a secret, much to Molly's dismay, about the upcoming year. Lorelei's eyes widened, but she was happy she would see Charlie at some point in the year. She was sworn to secrecy about the tournament.

Molly pointed a stern finger at her and told her not to tell the twins, knowing the mermaid would run straight to them. Charlie laughed and threw an arm around her shoulder. "She won't, Mum. I trust little Lorelei."

All of a sudden, there were loud rushing voices to be heard from the sitting room. Lorelei stood up once she heard the unmistakable voice of George Weasley. She smiled when she made her way in there to see him and Fred dying of laughter.

"What did you do?" she said crossing her arms over her chest. They both smirked at her, and Ron glanced behind him and wondered aloud where Harry was. When Harry fell threw the fireplace, he glanced at Fred and George with a small smile.

Fred grabbed Harry's arm excitedly to pull him up. "Did he eat it?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "What was it?"

George walked over to Lorelei and pulled her in for a hug. He whispered, "Feeling okay?" She nodded and he pulled away just as Fred told Harry, "Ton-tongue Toffee. George and I invented them, well Lorelei came up with the idea...and we've been looking for someone to test them on all summer."

Lorelei walked over to Harry and smiled at him. Harry's eyes widened when he saw the mermaid. He hadn't had time to think about how he would act around her after he saw that letter, but he saw her red eyes and the bags. And Fred had told him she had been crying all night and to be weary in front of her.

"How are you, Harry?" Lorelei said pulling him in for a hug. Harry gripped her tighter than he ever had. He mumbled, "F-Fine. You?"

She pulled away with a snort. "Been better, to be honest. But you're here, so that makes everything perfect." She ruffled his hair and turned back to George's extended hand to go sit in the kitchen.

She sat next to George and Charlie as Harry walked in. Brizo hopped happily onto George's shoulder. Charlie and Bill introduced themselves to Harry, and Harry seemed overwhelmed with joy at being back at the Burrow.

Lorelei jumped when Arthur appeared next to George looking more furious than ever.

"That wasn't funny, Fred!" he shouted. "What on earth did you give that Muggle boy?"

Lorelei snorted behind her hand but shut up quickly when Arthur glared at her. Fred gave Arthur an evil grin. "I didn't give him anything. I just dropped it...It was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" roared Arthur at him. George sniggered into his hand glancing at Lorelei. He sent her a smirk. "You knew he'd eat it, you knew he was on a diet!"

"How big did his tongue get?" George finally asked eagerly.

"It was four feet long before his parents would let me shrink it!"

Lorelei couldn't help it this time, she began to laugh really loud. This caused the entire Weasley offspring along with Harry to laugh. Arthur glared at all of them. "It isn't funny! That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard-Muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles, and my own sons--"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a Muggle!" Fred finally said after he calmed his laughter.

George agreed. "No. We gave it to him because he's a great bullying git. Isn't he, Harry?"

"Yeah, he is, Mr. Weasley," said Harry earnestly.

"That's not the point!" Arthur shouted. "You wait until I tell your mother--"

Everyone froze when Molly's voice rang in the kitchen where she had come back from talking to Ginny and Hermione. "Tell me what?"

Arthur tried to deflect it away from the twins, but Molly knew better. The teenagers knew Arthur really had no intention of telling Molly, but now it was too late.

"If it's got anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes..." Lorelei began to tune it out once Molly started to rant at the twins. Lorelei stayed while the others quickly left the kitchen because, really and truly, she had been the one to help get the twins encouraged to start their business. She allowed them to test certain things on her, and she was the mastermind behind a few of their products. When Molly included Lorelei into the rant, Lorelei actually smiled. For the first time, Molly was finally yelling at Lorelei instead of making it seem like Lorelei was innocent.

"And you! You're supposed to be a prefect! A good example for them, but you just encourage it! You HELP them!" Molly was saying, but Lorelei only nodded and smiled at the enraged woman. She felt George grab her hand from under the table.

Lorelei was glad when she finally stopped. George quickly pulled Lorelei up, and the trio went up to their bedroom. Molly had told them to stay there until dinner was ready. As they were going upstairs, Lorelei passed Harry and sent him a small smile to which he returned almost hesitantly.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now