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"I'M SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING," George said softly, standing a few meters behind Lorelei's figure

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"I'M SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING," George said softly, standing a few meters behind Lorelei's figure. It was growing dark now, the stars lining the sky. He could see Lorelei staring at the stars as she always did, probably talking to Sirius or Amatheia. "I was just shocked. Remus still has yet to say a word," he tried, laughing a bit at his own words. He moved to sit next to her, grabbing her hand that laid on her tail. He frowned at the gash still on it. "We need to get that fixed," he murmured.

Lorelei looked down at the gash with a shrug, one hand coming up to her stomach. "Mira's talons could've went straight into my stomach. I never thought about that before now," she whispered.

George froze at the thought. He began to rub soothing circles on her knuckles as he took a breath. "How'd you find out?" he whispered back.

"This woman, beautiful as anything... her name is Tyra," Lorelei started, telling the story of Tyra's miscarriage and the way she saved Lorelei. With the hand on her stomach, she looked down with a smile. "She told me it would be healthy and have red hair with big, beautiful blue eyes."

George felt his eyes tear up as a large grin formed on his face. He put a finger on Lorelei's chin to make her face him. "It's going to be as beautiful as you, it will," he said with a chuckle. Moving his hand to her stomach, he leaned down where he was face-to-face with the baby. He placed a kiss on her wet stomach before saying, "You're going to be so loved... so loved." Then, George began to really cry as he pulled Lorelei into a hug. She was crying now too. "Oh, my Lorelei. I can't wait. I'm going to be a dad."

"Thank Godric," Fred mused from behind them. "Hey, Lor... do you think it's going to look more like George or me?"

Lorelei let out a loud laugh at that, beaming as Remus's smiling face came into view behind Fred. She felt relieved that George was not mad. He now sat here, hand on her stomach with the brightest smile she had ever seen as he and Fred teased each other of his or her looks. Remus spoke softly to Lorelei about being ready for a child, which he knew she'd be an exceptional mother. This was all Lorelei needed, she thought. Fred, George, Remus, and her peanut. What would Harry think? She grinned at the thought.

Two weeks passed in a blur when there wasn't much to do. Uriah and Ursula were as worried as ever to come up on land, Uriah being more worried for Ursula since she has never been on such an adventure. Embry could not wait to be on land again as being in the water was too restricting for someone who was already used to the land. Clara and Florence had been on land for various occasions, but neither enjoyed it very much. They swore, however, they wanted to be there for Lorelei as much as they could be. Bethany was excited to get to know Lee more.

When the full moon day finally came, Molly brought out towels and clothing for the merfolk, telling Lorelei she did use some of her gold. Lorelei thanked the woman immediately because she knew how hard that would've been on the Weasley matriarch. Molly also promised Embry she would have a large dinner prepared, the boy groaned in anticipation.

Remus came around with the idea of Lorelei being pregnant because what could he do really? He was as worried as Tonks because of the timing of, but both knew Lorelei would be the best mother. After all, she had lost so much... she deserved such a blessing. George rarely left the Burrow now except for work. He would sometimes fall asleep by the pond leaving Lorelei to call for Fred to get him. George hated not being around his soon-to-be wife and unborn child.

That night, Lorelei was the first to get out. She already dried off her top half, throwing on George's sweater. Once her legs began to appear, she quickly slid on the sweatpants she was given and stood up to hug George properly. She was glad to see her gash had disappeared after a mutter of heaing magic. George held her firmly to his chest as she gripped his shirt in the front. She never wanted to let him go, to be honest.

George was the only person outside because of privacy. Everyone who was joining the Order meeting was waiting inside of the Burrow for them. Lorelei finally backed away from George with a small smile.

Turning to the others, she beckoned Embry to get out. His bright tail shone in the night as he excitedly sat on the water's edge to dry off. He threw on a shirt that looked vaguely like one of Harry's. As his legs transformed, he threw on a pair of shorts. It was the same for each of them. Ursula and Uriah having the most trouble with their new bodies. The first thing out of Bethany's mouth when she stood up was, "Why am I so hungry!?"

Lorelei and Embry sniggered, Embry standing near her as he normally did. Clara looked down at her legs distatefully as Florence grabbed her hand. "I really hate this. Do I look bad, Lorelei?"

"No, Grandma," Lorelei said with a laugh. "Come on, they're waiting for us."

George tightened his arm around Lorelei as Uriah stood on the other side of her. Lorelei looked up at George questionably, but he only smiled at her. When the merfolk walked into the Burrow, there were many faces Lorelei hadn't seen in over two months. Ursula hid a bit behind Uriah, but Embry only pushed his wand into his pocket and said, "All right, Mrs. Weasley! Where's dinner?"

The tension was broke when everyone laughed at the fifteen-year-old.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now