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"HELLO, HARRY," said George, beaming at him

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"HELLO, HARRY," said George, beaming at him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones."

"You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry, let it all out," said Fred, also beaming. "There might be a couple of people fifty miles away who didn't hear you."

While the twins made their greetings with the boy who lived, Lorelei was in an Order meeting; though, she almost wasn't if it weren't for Tonks who pulled her in before Molly could make up any excuse. Bill sat next to the girl instead of Tonks, however, Sirius stayed to her right. Bill spoke to Lorelei happily about his new relationship with Fleur, the champion of Beauxbatons from the last year. Lorelei smiled and listened intently while waiting for the meeting to start.

It began with how Harry's flight to which Mad-Eye grumbled he believed they were being followed at one point. They had made it safely, that was all that mattered. Next, was Snape's report. He had been spying on the Death Eaters, but that was all Lorelei knew on the matter. Some of the Death Eaters still trusted Snape, and Snape was playing them like a fiddle because everyone knew he was on Dumbledore's side no matter what. Lorelei smiled at Snape when he looked at her. She froze when he gave her what looked to be a half-smile in return; this made Lorelei beam.

After that, Kingsley informed Dumbledore of Harry's official hearing date and time, though he mentioned getting there early as the Minister was trying everything in his power for Dumbledore to not show up and defend the boy. At this point, Dumbledore glanced at Lorelei.

"I will be distancing myself from Harry this year, Lorelei, because of the connection we believe he has with the Dark Lord's mind. I think it could possibly make Voldemort less tempted to find out more about it if I'm not around him as much," Dumbledore said calmly. Lorelei furrowed her brows. That didn't make sense. "He will need you now more than ever. He'll be irritable and angry, pushing everyone away; don't allow him to push you away. As Voldemort grows stronger, so will their connection. You must be there for him, do you understand?"

"Of course, Professor," Lorelei said, hating everyone's eyes on her.

"The Ministry of Magic is putting their own into my staff--Dolores Jane Umbridge--as professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts. She'll try to take over my school on Fudge's account. This may make Harry even angrier as the papers are saying a lot of terrible things about him," Dumbledore explained. "Many of his friends might turn against him at first. Just keep him happy, if you can--as much as you can."

"I will," she promised with a smile.

"We'll need to sort out the guard duties, now," Dumbledore said moving on. Pulling out his wand, he conjured a large blueprint of a building. He began to give orders to the members about their time of guarding the weapon Dumbledore spoke highly of. Lorelei knew this wouldn't concern her because she'd be at Hogwarts, so she didn't listen much. After a long, boring explanation of things, Dumbledore finished with a final exclamation of how important it was to guard the weapon.

"Meeting dismissed," Dumbledore said with a final smile toward Lorelei. Many witches and wizards Disapparated again except for those who were staying for dinner. Molly smiled, "I'll go get the kids."

Bill laughed and nudged Lorelei's shoulder. "How does it feel to not be considered a part of the kids anymore?"

"Like a breath of fresh air," she teased dramatically.

She walked into the hallway where the kids were coming downstairs. She was about to say something when a long CRASH was heard. "Tonks!" cried Molly exasperated, turning to look at the portrait in fear like everyone else.

"I'm sorry!" wailed Tonks, who was lying on the floor. "It's that stupid umbrella stand, that's the second time I've tripped over it--"

A blood-curdling scream ripped through the air, and Lorelei groaned aloud. Helping Tonks up, Remus and Molly ran to try and shut the curtains. Lorelei grinned a bit when the woman started to scream... she had gotten used to it after all. "FILTH! SCUM! THE PRODUCTS OF DIRT AND VILENESS! HALF-BREEDS, MUTANTS, FREAKS, BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE! HOW DARE YOU BEFOUL THE HOUSE OF MY FATHERS--"

"Shut up! You horrible old hag, shut UP!" Sirius roared finally coming into view. Sirius had grabbed the curtain as the woman glared at him.


"I said--SHUT--UP!" Sirius shouted again as he and Remus tried to shut the curtain, finally managing to do so.

Lorelei began to laugh at the scene before her when it was all quiet. Her giggles became louder until Tonks joined in. Both were hushed by Molly who told them not wake her again. "Oh, you gotta hate my grandmother, don't you, Harry? She's just so awful!" Lorelei said with another laugh bubbling out of her throat. George grinned at the sight.

Sirius finally turned to Harry after smirking a bit at his niece. "Hello, Harry. You've had the pleasure to meet my mother."

Lorelei left to go up to her room to change out of George's heavy sweater as she was now hot in the house. When back in the kitchen, she heard Molly scream, "Fred--George--NO, JUST CARRY THEM!"

When she finally got her sight on what was happening, the boiling pot of stew along with knives and other utensils were flying in the air. Sirius yelped and moved his hand away when a large knife flew right where Sirius's hand was.


Lorelei grinned at the twins who were looking rather sheepish. She loved them, dearly, but those two were going to kill themselves out of idiocy one day.


Chapter 100!

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