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LORELEI SMILED ONCE MORE AT ADRIAN BEFORE HEADING OFF TO THE GRYFFINDOR TABLE WHERE HER FRIENDS WERE WAITING IMPATIENTLY. Lorelei, before going to her friends, stopped at Alicia Spinnet. The two never got along since the fourth year when Lorelei realized she had some type of possessive, affectionate feelings for George, but he was snogging Alicia. And she enjoyed watching Lorelei's face fall.

Last year, it was almost okay again but then Alicia had asked George to the ball. It ended well for Lorelei, and now, Lorelei felt bad for Alicia. At some points, she felt like she had kicked Alicia away from the group of friends. She knew now, it was their seventh-year after all and a war was rising, they needed to set aside their differences. Giving her spot on the team to Alicia would not be hard, the girl deserved it.

Sitting next to Alicia, who was talking with her other friends before stopping to look over at her, Lorelei smiled awkwardly. Alicia rose her eyebrow curiously. "C-Can we talk?" Lorelei stuttered out.

Alicia nodded. "Is everything okay?"

Lorelei wanted to believe she actually cared for the answer, but Alicia could have just been being nice. "I hate the way things have been left between us. I don't know for sure if you believe Harry about You-Know-Who, but I'm telling you truthfully that a war is coming faster than any of us are ready for. It's our last year, and well, I want to make some sort of amends because... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you away from us. I know you only wanted to be closer to us, especially George, and I pushed you away from Angelina and the twins and Lee... that was not right no matter my feelings for George.

"I... uh, obviously, have always been jealous of you. You worked well with George, and I hated it. I know, I have him now, but I don't like that it took pushing you away to do so. I'm offering a peace treaty of sorts," Lorelei said with another awkward smile. "I talked to Umbridge about giving Gryffindor team consent to play, but she wouldn't unless I left the team. My spot is yours. I thought you'd like to play for your last year at Hogwarts."

Alicia stared at the girl with wide-eyes. The first thing she said was, "I-I do believe Harry. Hermione told me about the secret meetings we're to have."

Then, she was quiet again before she laughed out a bit shockingly. "You were jealous of me?"

"Of course," Lorelei said with a look of are-you-kidding-me. "You're gorgeous, funny, and a great Quidditch player. If anyone is to take my spot, it's you."

"You're kidding, though, right? She's making you give up your Captain spot and the team?" Alicia said with a worried glint in her eyes.

Lorelei shook her head. "Nope, not kidding. I'm about to go tell Angelina, Lee, and the twins. I'll give Angelina the captain spot, obviously."

Alicia nodded before a smile graced her lips. "I think it would be wonderful to be friends again?"

"I would enjoy that immensely," Lorelei said before Alicia hugged the girl out of nowhere. She could feel eyes from her friends on her, but she hugged the woman back furiously. Angelina and Alicia had been Lorelei's friends since she walked into her dorm in their first year.

Lorelei backed away and told the girl she was going to her friends, offering her to join, but she declined for now. Before Lorelei could make it too far away, Alicia called her name again. Turning, Lorelei smiled as Alicia said, "You and George are perfect for each other. You really are."

When Lorelei made it back to her friends, she was immediately bombarded with questions from all four of them. Firstly, why did she walk in with Adrian? Secondly, why did she sit with Alicia when the two could not stand each other all these years?

Lorelei ignored the Adrian question and looked directly at Angelina. Pulling her Captain badge from her robes and slid it across the table to Angelina who looked at it with a questionable glance before looking at Lorelei. Fred and George looked at each other equally confused as Lee stared at the badge.

"Well, why're you showing me this again?" Angelina questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Lorelei smiled timidly, trying to be happy for the witch. "Umbridge needs you to go speak to her to get the final decision whether you all can play and practice again, Captain."

Her four friends went into an uproar again causing McGonagall to shush them, but even the Professor was glancing at the group curiously.

"What the hell do you mean 'you all can play?'" Fred snarled out.

"Why are you calling me Captain?" Angelina asked with wide-eyes.

"What did that pink puff say to you?" George growled out, grabbing his girlfriend's hand tightly.

"I have no idea what is going on," Lee said out loud, making Lorelei snort a bit at that.

Lorelei shushed her friends before McGonagall could yell at them again. Looking only at Angelina, she said, "Alicia is taking my spot. Once you get approval, you'll need to work with her to make sure she knows all the plays. Katie could spend extra time with her if needed. Ron needs to keep practicing on his own self esteem and with you lot daily if you want to beat Slytherin again. I can be of assistance if you need, but I'm not allowed to play anymore."

Another uproar made McGonagall stand up with a glare pointedly at the seventh-year Gryffindors. Lorelei noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione were watching them curiously, but they were too far to hear. Brizo sat on Ron's lap happily.

"What the fuck do you mean you can't play anymore?" George said lowly.

"Alicia is taking your spot?" Angelina questioned.

"Ron needs more practice than that," Fred said with a thoughtful look on his face.

"This'll make great commentary," Lee said excitedly.

Lorelei sighed before giving them all a glare to make their rambling shut up. "Umbridge said I won't keep my temper in check in a game, and that I'll hurt someone. The only way she would allow you all to play is if I was gone. It's fine! I'll survive watching from the sidelines," she said, though the group could see the pain in her eyes from never playing her favorite sport again.

Lorelei listened to the next round of protest before glancing at Harry who gave her a small smile. She didn't return it. Harry frowned when she looked away without a second glance.

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