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LORELEI STARED AT REMUS, GEORGE, AND LEE WITH A SHEEPISH EXPRESSION. It was Remus who spoke, but George looked at any moment from fainting. Lee grinned, walking over to the mermaid to congratulate her as if he wasn't just there almost an hour ago. He sat next to Fred as Remus hurried to help Molly from the water. George stayed right where he Apparated with a shocked expression. It reminded Lorelei of her expression when she was told by Tyra.

She's had a lot of time with her peanut since then to get used to it.

Molly muttered a drying spell and smiled at everyone. "Let's leave those two alone for a bit. Hello, Embry... yes, don't give me that look, I'm going to make dinner right now. Go back down. Lorelei and George need to talk. Fred! Come on, leave him alone," Molly said all of that almost in one breath. Embry had popped up with a hopeful expression for food while Fred had gone to torment George in his shocked expression. Everyone followed Molly into the house, Remus grabbing onto Tonks for support. Embry dived back into the water after giving George his best salute.

"George?" Lorelei murmured. "I hate that I can't come to you. C'mere, love."

Lorelei had sat on the grass as she waited for George. He hadn't moved from his spot, and she didn't think he ever would until almost five minutes later when his hand reached up to rub his neck. Biting his lip, he walked over to Lorelei and sat next to her without another word.

Lorelei reached over to grab his hand, squeezing it to show how much love she had for him, but he stayed limp as he stuck his shoe-clad feet into the water. His pants were soaked. Lorelei wanted to scold him, but she couldn't find the will to do so when he looked so broken.

"I-I know this is not what you wanted right now," Lorelei started out with. "I-I'm m-more than happy to do this on my own if you're not--"

"Don't even finish that sentence," George warned in a voice that was barely over a whisper. He forced himself to squeeze her hand back. "Just... er- Just give me a moment, Lorelei."

Lorelei frowned at the usage of her full name. Before he could say anything else, Dumbledore Apparated onto the Burrow's grounds causing whatever conversation they should have had to be postponed. George stood up, placed a chaste kiss on her cheek, and left for the Burrow while Dumbledore walked toward Lorelei. Lorelei could feel tears springing in her eyes, but she forced them down as Dumbledore approached her with a timid smile.

"Hello, my dear. I've heard you've created quite an army down there," he said, eyes twinkling. "Six? That's more than I thought you'd acquire. I'm very pleased with this. Now, when the full moon is here in two weeks, all must come up for a formal meeting. We'll have a better talk then. Yes, yes, Tyra summoned me as well. Talked my ear off about sending a pregnant woman to do my bidding. You must be aware that I had no idea--"

"Neither did I, sir," Lorelei said with a huff of her breath. "It's fine. Tyra was very nice when I met her, er... Reynolds, not so much. Did you know he was working with Dolores Umbridge?"

"I did not until Tyra told me," he affirmed. "The Ministry will soon be completely under Voldemort's control, I'm afraid. No one will take notice if I were to bring it to their attention... nonetheless, Mr. Embry Hilton shall be reunited with his family as soon as he leaves the water--"

"I don't want to go home!" Embry yelled, suddenly next to Lorelei. She felt him grab her hand under the water and squeeze it tightly. "I miss my parents, of course, but I-I want to fight. If we don't stop this dark wizard, he'll come to America next, and I--"

"Shh, shh," Dumbledore shushed him with a smile. "I shall inform your parents of where you are, Mr. Hilton, but I cannot allow you to stay if they do not consent."

Embry frowned but nodded. He bit his lip before asking, "Sir? Could I owl them about it when I leave the waters?"

"I will only tell them of your safety," Dumbledore said with a promise. Lorelei smiled as Embry's grip lessened.

"Thanks, er... Professor Dumbledore," he said, not sure if it was right to call him 'professor,' but the bearded man only smiled brightly at him. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping. Lor... just tell me when Mrs. Weasley brings the food."

Lorelei sniggered and ruffled his hair when he let her hand go. "Go, Embry. I'll let you know."

Dumbledore smiled when Embry disappeared. "He seems to have taken a liking to you, Miss Calypso... or should I say Mrs. Weasley?"

Lorelei grinned but shook her head. "Lorelei is fine, Professor."

He winked and bid her farewell. Lorelei felt the sadness hit her again. Would George not want the child? Is that why he was so distant? Lorelei hated feeling so lost and confused, but she couldn't help it when it came to this situation. Lorelei longed for her mother at this moment more than anything.

George watched as Embry came up and spoke to Dumbledore with Lorelei. He scratched his neck in worry as he watched her speak, sadness lingering in her eyes. A hand dropped onto his shoulder making him jump a bit in shock. Turning, he saw Bill and Fred standing there with equal timid smiles.

"Don't make her think you want nothing to do with this," Bill warned, taking his hand off of his shoulder. "I know this is not the ideal time for this, George, but this is not a bad thing. She's here, she loves you. Let her know you love her, too."

"Just think, a mini us running around," Fred added cheekily, already thinking of how the baby would look (since it obviously would look like him too). "I bet it'll have red hair. The gene is too strong to pass over."

"Oi, don't forget the Black genes she possesses," Tonks said, nudging Remus who still looked in shock.

"Mermaid genes as well," Angelina said, Lee nodding along with her.

"What we're saying, mate," Lee started, "is that this baby is going to be the cutest fucking child ever."

"Language!" Molly shouted, but a smile graced her face as she came over to George to run a hand through his hair lovingly. "Oh, George."

George leaned into his mother's touch, right as Dumbledore and Embry disappeared. Lorelei sat on the grass alone.

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