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LORELEI HAD A BAD FEELING ABOUT HER EXAMS. She had hoped she would do well, and Remus said she would, but she feels like she had been too worried about Sirius Black to study as she should have. After walking out of her last exam, she felt like there was a weight added to her chest instead of taken off. Fred and George tried to cheer her up, but there was no luck.

That night, around seven-thirty, she decided to take a walk. She saw the Golden Trio walking toward Hagrids but thought nothing of it. They visited Hagrid all the time, and she knew Buckbeak was getting executed some point soon. Maybe it was that day, she didn't know, but she knew the Golden Trio had a soft spot for the half-giant.

She pondered about what she and Remus were to do about Sirius. Harry had to know his godfather would never kill James or Lily. Harry had to know, but how would they convince him? Remus was thinking of ways to make Sirius innocent, but without evidence, it was highly unlikely. Pettigrew seemed to have completely disappeared from the map. Remus had been watching it very closely lately.

She was walking without thinking where she was going until a cupboard door flew open and hit her square in the face.

"Oh, shit!" she mumbled as it knocked her nose that had just healed from the Quidditch Final. Her nose couldn't catch a break. Looking up, she saw Hermione and Harry with bloodied shirts and worried expressions. "How're you both here when I just saw you with Ron going to Hagrid's? Oh, Neptune. What have you both done?"

Harry cursed under his breath. "Hermione, is this what you were talking about? The whole 'going mad' thing?"

"Precisely. Lorelei, come here for a second," Hermione said and pulled Lorelei back into the cupboard with Harry. Hermione explained the situation as vague as she could leaving out Sirius Black's name and told the girl they were going to save Buckbeak and a friend from a terrible fate. Dumbledore's orders that they shouldn't be seen, but obviously, they screwed that up. Lorelei's nose told them that. Hermione sighed quickly and fixed Lorelei's nose again.

"Who is it?" Lorelei questioned feeling like she knew. She would kill him if he had gotten caught.

Harry sucked in a breath and whispered, "You were right, Lor. He's innocent."

Lorelei brightened at the words despite being angered that he would have gotten caught. "You have proof? Rem--Lupin and I have been trying to find evidence all bloody term."

They explained they had already been through the night, and it didn't end well because of Severus Snape bombarding the Shrieking Shack and Remus transforming into his wolf. Peter Pettigrew escaped. Lorelei nodded with determination. "Well? Let's go, then."

"You can't come!" Hermione hissed.

"And why not? Who's to stop me?" Lorelei glared at them. "Sirius is my uncle; though, I still haven't worked that one out," she paused with a thoughtful expression before laughing to herself. Finally she finished with, "I've been helping him all term. What's one more time?"

"You've been helping Sirius? Your uncle?" Harry asked with wide-eyes. He was sucking up all the new information. He found himself admiring Lorelei more that moment. She had known all along that Sirius was innocent. "Let her come, 'Mione. It'll be more help."

Hermione hesitated before nodding. "We have to get to Hagrid's. Come on."

Lorelei smiled at Harry wearily before following the bushy-haired Gryffindor. They spoke about their gameplan while trying to stray from Hagrid's hut enough to not see the past Golden Trio. Lorelei chuckled when they were going on the edge of the forest because Hermione looked very frightened of what lurked in the shadows. Of all things to be worried about, she was worried about the forest.

They watched the Golden Trio enter Hagrid's hut as Harry muttered, "This is the weirdest thing we've ever done. Why does my hair poke up like that?"

"It has always done that," Lorelei snorted into her hand to try and mask it. The situation was serious, but Lorelei couldn't help but find it humorous.

Hermione whispered, "Let's move along a bit. We need to get nearer to Buckbeak!"

Lorelei was excited to meet the lovely Hippogriff that the Slytherin ferret was so terrified of. They hadn't seen him in her fifth-year Care class. She watched as they grew closer to the large bird glancing wearily at the trio. She smiled brightly at him.

"Can I go to him?" she asked.

"No. If we steal him now, those Committee people will think Hagrid set him free! We've got to wait until they've seen he's tied outside," Hermione said pulling Lorelei back as the mermaid was getting too excited to get to the lovely creature.

"That's going to give us about sixty seconds," said Harry, already sounding defeated.

Lorelei placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Hermione was narrating what was happening in the hut to Lorelei, and Harry brought up the idea of just running in there to grab Pettigrew. Hermione immediately shot it down because they could not be seen. They'd think they'd have gone mad. After a few moments, the back door opened and the Golden Trio began to leave.

Lorelei watched in amazement. "This is bloody crazy, now. There are two of you," Lorelei said with a chuckle. Harry sent her a smirk and replied, "It's weird, now?"

After the Committee saw the giant bird, Lorelei asked if she could get the bird to follow them. Harry hesitated. "Just bow to him, first. We don't have a lot of time."

Lorelei quickly came out of the shadows and bowed low to the Hippogriff. The creature bowed back, but he also seemed defeated. "Come on, Buckbeak," she said while grabbing the chain to pull him toward the forest. She felt Harry behind her also trying to coax Buckbeak to come.

Harry tugged on the chain as well when the bird gave an irritated reply.

"Buckbeak, move," Harry hissed. The bird stood up with a roll of his eyes and began slowly walking to the forest. They could hear Dumbledore telling the Minister about who should be signing, and Lorelei was growing frustrated at the bird.

"Let's go, Beaky. Now!" she growled out, and then the bird moved quicker into the forest where Hermione was waiting with ferrets wrapped around her neck to keep Buckbeak at bay.

When they were far enough in the forest, they could only hear the Minister asking where the beast was. Dumbledore only seemed amused, and Hagrid a bit worried. After Dumbledore sent the executioner away, he asked for a large brandy from Hagrid. Lorelei shook her head at the old man. Only him.

Buckbeak was trying to get the ferret from an irritable Hermione, but he was safe. That was only part one of the night they had ahead of them.

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