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THE WITCHES AND WIZARDS IN GRIMMAULD PLACE WERE WATCHING LORELEI WITH CLOSER EYES. They were worried about her temper breaking or her feelings exploding since that night. George had come clean to Molly, Sirius, and Remus about the nightmares she's been having to which they had their suspicions about. Lorelei was getting rather irritable with all the eyes on her. Harry was the only one who didn't treat her like she was broken.

When Lorelei was not getting testing on for Fred and George's Skiving Snack Boxes, she spent most days cleaning with the other children. Molly always had something for them to do. Harry had finally met Kreacher once morning before learning about Sirius's family tree. Lorelei was not surprised in the slightest that Amatheia or herself were not on there next to Regulus.

Sirius laughed grimly. "You think she'd put you two on here? Even if she knew about you both, which I doubt she did, you wouldn't be up here. Only purebloods can be on here... unless you're like me and Andromeda over there."

After a few days had passed, the day of Harry's hearing had arrived. Everything went well, of course, once Dumbledore had shown up to the hearing. Harry came back home saying he was allowed back to Hogwarts with no charges.

The chanting of "He got off, he got off, he got off" was heard through the whole house from George, Fred, and Ginny. Lorelei smirked in amusement when Arthur had yelled at them.

Lorelei was leaning on George one afternoon a few days later looking over at Sirius who sat across from them in a mood. Lorelei sighed and said, "He needs to be at Hogwarts, Sirius, as do I. It won't be forever."

He nodded but didn't respond. She knew how much he longed secretly for Harry to be expelled. He wanted company, and Lorelei could not blame him. With how lonely he was in a home that brought nothing but misery in his childhood... Lorelei couldn't imagine him ever being more happy than he was when Harry and herself were around.

She nudged his leg with hers. "If I can't take it at Hogwarts this year, I'll leave straight to you. We can be outcasts together. What would dear old dad think?" she said dramatically. After hearing how much Regulus wanted to please his parents, she felt bad for him, really. He didn't have the guts like Sirius to leave and be his own person.

Sirius managed a small grin at that one. "He'd be flattened by the news. Well, I'll be holding you to that. I'll have your room ready."

"I don't want to go back, to begin with," she muttered. She could see George and Fred nodding alongside her. Their reasons were different than hers, obviously.

In the last few days of holidays, their Hogwarts letters finally arrived. Lorelei watched in amusement before she opened hers to see Ron staring, no gaping, at his letter.

"What's the matter?" Fred said impatiently when Ron refused to answer anyone calling out to him. Fred's mouth fell open, too. Lorelei had a feeling she knew exactly what was about to happen. It was the same as when she got it two years ago. Fred just about screamed, "PREFECT?"

"No way," George said, plucking up the badge when he ran over to them quickly.

"There's been a mistake," Fred said. "No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect..."

"We thought you were a cert!" George said incredulously staring at Harry. "We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you!"

Lorelei saw Harry's dejected face as the twins continued to make Ron feel like shite and Harry feel defeated. Lorelei glared at the twins and was about to say something when Hermione came in excitedly holding her own prefect badge. She thought it had been Harry as well, so she was also a bit shocked to see Ron holding the badge once Harry shoved it back into his hands.

Molly came in to ask for everyone's letters. Fred and George sighed as they decided to tell her to get the worst over with. They knew the matriarch would make a big ordeal about the badge, so they sort of mumbled it incoherently. When Molly understood them, she was shocked as well before screaming out, "Oh, Ron! How wonderful! That's everyone in the family!"

"What are Fred and I, next-door neighbors?" said George as Molly pushed him and Fred aside to hug Ron tightly.

Lorelei felt bad for the twins as they got knocked aside and made retching noises at Molly's gushing. She knew how they always felt like their mother wished for them to be just as perfect as Percy or Bill or even Charlie with the dragons. Their faces went bright again when they saw Lorelei begin to open her letter. Lorelei took her time to open it before feeling her own badge fall into her hands. Praying to Neptune it was not a Head Girl badge, she sighed in relief before screaming out in shock. "CAPTAIN! NEPTUNE, MERLIN! GEORGIE! FREDDIE! MINNIE MADE ME CAPTAIN!"

George and Fred whooped loudly and picked the girl up happily, completely forgetting about Ron for a moment. She saw Harry grinning at her from next to Hermione. "Oi! We knew you'd get it! Said it fourth-year!" George yelled.

"You or Angie! Ah! Angie's going to go nuts!" Fred said with a grin.

Molly hugged the girl as well, noticing that she did not get Head Girl. She didn't think Quidditch was as important as being Head Girl, but she wouldn't damper the mermaid's happiness. It was rare these days, after all. She smiled back at Ron and asked what he wanted from Diagon Alley. After asking for a broomstick, Lorelei laughed as Molly kissed Ron on the cheek and said, "Little Ronnie...a prefect!"

Once she was gone, Fred smirked. "You don't mind if we don't kiss you, do you, Ron?" Fred said in a false-anxious voice.

"We could curtsy if you like?" George added.

"We should be kissing the ground you walk on," Lorelei teased. She had gotten the same treatment for two years, she was glad to be relieved of her prefect duties since she didn't make Head Girl--less work for her.

"Oh, shut up," Ron said, scowling at the trio.

"Or what?" Lorelei said smiling more than she had in a week.

"Going to put us in detention?" Fred said with an evil grin on his own face.

"I'd love to see him try," George sniggered, throwing an arm around Lorelei to pull her close. He kissed the top of her head but started laughing when Hermione glared angrily at them.

Hermione said, "He could if you don't watch out!" Fred and Lorelei joined in laughing with George. Ron muttered, "Just drop it, Hermione."

"We're going to have to watch our step, George, Lor," Fred said while trembling a bit dramatically, "with these two on our case."

"Yup, it looks like our law-breaking days are finally over," George replied.

"Whatever shall we do," Lorelei exclaimed dramatically with a wink before Disapparating out of the room with George and Fred following.

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