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GEORGE AND FRED LOVED THAT LORELEI HAD TRIED TO MAKE THEM DINNER, BUT THE SAYING WAS TRUE: mermaids cannot cook. Fred smiled sheepishly at her before waving his wand and the food disappeared. Lorelei pouted at him, but he only said, "That was absolutely terrible, but A for effort, Lor."

George snorted, pulling her onto his lap. He kissed her pouting lips before suggesting they get take-out from London. Fred said he would go, kissing Lorelei on the head again for hurting her feelings. Lorelei laughed when he was gone and said she knew the food would turn out bad, but she had wanted so bad to do something for them.

George only grinned further and told her how much he loved her.

When Fred returned with pizza, the easiest thing he could think of, they all gathered on the living room floor. The pizza box was sprawled out in front of them as they put on the Muggle television they had bought. Lorelei sat in front of George, back against his chest while Fred sat next to the pair.

This was exactly what Lorelei loved about the twins. They had the ability to make her forget the worse things just by being themselves. She loved their personalities and silly jokes they'd make when someone they didn't really care for made an appearance on the television. George would make fun of different Muggles who spoke about magic in a reality show they decided to watch. They had no idea about the real magic in the world.

They ate until the box was empty; that was when when Fred pulled out Firewhiskey. He said they deserved a break before all hell broke loose (because hell was already happening, but it could only get worse). So, they all drank from the bottle until they were drunk, more than normal. Lorelei was sprawled out over the floor, laughing as the twins began to play wrestle.

Fred began to imitate the people in the Muggle television making the other two laugh until they couldn't breathe. They soon began to play a game of Exploding Snaps, which continued for a long time. George claimed Fred and Lorelei were cheating because she chose to be on his team for that round. Lorelei stuck her tongue out at George, which he only replied with an eye roll and a middle finger.

George fell asleep first, arms wrapped around Lorelei's waist as his head laid on her lap in what was probably a really uncomfortable position. She knew he'd regret it in the morning. Fred had turned off the television as they had decided on the radio instead. Soft tunes were playing as Fred would hum along here and there to it. Lorelei snorted when he was completely offbeat.

"Pr-Problem?" Fred hiccuped with a grin at the mermaid. "Like you could do better."

"You're going to be shitfaced at work tomorrow--oops, today," Lorelei said with her own grin.

"All right, Mom. I'll go nigh' nigh' soon," he mumbled, laying his head on the little space George left on her legs. She sighed in contentment when drowsiness began to take a toll on her. "Lor?"

"Yes, Fred?" Lorelei mumbled out, both hands running through each twins' hair. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry about Brizo. And Amatheia. And Sirius. You didn't deserve that," he mumbled, throat closing as he felt like suddenly crying. "I hate this war. What if we die?"

"I have you, Fred. I have George. I have Harry," she mumbled out with a heavy heart. "We'll lose more probably, but we have to stay strong, you know? If we die, at least we've died doing what's right."

"You're so strong," he sighed, enjoying the way she was playing with his hair. "George wants to marry you, did you know?"

Lorelei's hand froze, her mind sobering up quickly. "What?"

Fred cursed himself, hiccupping again. "Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that. He's going to murder me in my sleep. Oh, my Godric--"

"I won't tell him," she shushed Fred like shushing a toddler.

Fred sighed in contentment again, eyes closing against his consent.

Lorelei had never sat down and thought about marriage and kids. She felt like her time at Hogwarts was always full of challenges and less of being a kid, and now, she was forced to grow up quickly because of this war. Getting married? George wanted to marry her? Why? Why would he want to do that during this war? What if they lost one another in this war, they would've longed to have pushed the wedding further... or did he want to marry soon? Her eyes widened before she began to silently sob.

Her mother wouldn't be there for her wedding, neither would Sirius. All of her thoughts were plagued with the negatives because that's all she felt she was dealt with. Why would George want to marry someone like that?

George snored a bit, scaring Lorelei out of her thoughts. She gently smiled at his sleeping figure. He held her a bit tighter making her full out grin at him. The positives? She would marry her best friend. She would marry the best person in her life, and he would always be there for her, no matter the outcome of the war. Maybe it would be a good thing to marry him because she truly could not see her life without him. They didn't need a piece of paper to tell the world they loved each other, but the idea of the ceremony made her grin. Molly would love it.

Deciding she was overthinking too much, she allowed her head to rest on the couch behind her and fall into a dreamless sleep.


I'm sorry about Brizo:(

In a way, it's like Lorelei's innocence dying as the war becomes a heavier burden on all of their lives.

Happy reading :)

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