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AT NUMBER TWELVE GRIMMAULD PLACE, SIRIUS CHEERED IN DELIGHT WHEN LORELEI'S FACE CAME INTO VIEW. He pulled her into a loving hug and held her tight as the Weasleys and Remus walked around them to get inside the less than cheerful place. Lorelei had missed Sirius since she was not allowed to write to anyone this summer.

"How are you, my dear?" Sirius asked pulling away and putting his hands on her face with a soft smile.

Lorelei smiled back. "Fine. Mum sends her love, but she called you a git for not visiting," she teased.

"Oh, well. At least I have her love. I can deal with being a git." Sirius let her go and motioned her to move through the house. "I tried to clean, I really did. Every time I wiped a spot, another had formed! I decided to wait for reinforcements."

"You mean, you decided to wait for us to do it," she deadpanned.


Lorelei was shown her room that she would share with Hermione and Ginny. Ron would share with Harry when he got here. Fred and George had their own room, but Lorelei already knew she'd be in there more than her own.

Sirius had left to let her get settled. Putting her trunk by her bed, she felt arms snake around her waist. Smiling, she said, "This better be George or I'll hex off that ear, Fred."

"Ha Ha," George said without any trace of humor as he turned her around to face him.

She grinned and ran a hand through his now short hair. "I'm so glad you cut it." More like Molly forced him in a chair to do it.

"Are you? Why's that?" he questioned and leaned down to pull her into a hug. The pair never seemed to be alone since Hogwarts. They felt more apart than ever, Lorelei thought. She missed him.

Lorelei hugged the boy back just as tight. "Because it looks better. Handsome, even."

"I'm just getting all the compliments today," George teased as he pulled away to look at her again. He frowned suddenly. "I'm sorry I've been busy with Fred and the shop. I know we haven't exactly been alone recently--"

"George, it's a war. I'd be surprised if we had any alone time for a while," she said softly. He sighed and kissed her gently. Lorelei smiled into the kiss and pulled the boy closer, leaning up to reach his tall height. She felt him tighten his arms around her waist as the kiss became deeper.

"Well, don't mind me," Ginny said loudly making the two pull apart quickly. Lorelei laughed and felt the blush creep up her neck as she loosened her grip on George's shirt.

"Really, Gin?" George complained.

Ginny only sniggered to herself. "Oh, yeah. Remus wants you, Lor."

Lorelei nodded and quickly kissed George once more before leaving to go downstairs. She saw a curtain covering a painting, but decided against touching it. It must have been there for a reason--

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now