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TONKS SWORE NOT TO TELL ANYONE IN THE ORDER ABOUT ADRIAN PUCEY BEING A DEATH EATER. She said she swore unless she was asked directly, that is. Lorelei knew if it came down to a fight, he would have to follow orders just as she had to follow her own. The talk with Adrian eased her mind, whether or not that was crazy to hear. Because she knew that nothing would change this moment in time. She was alive, somehow, and Brizo may have been dead just like Amatheia and Sirius, but she was alive. She refused to sink in a hole again because she couldn't do that to George or Fred. She couldn't do that to Remus, who, when she arrived at the shop, looked older than normal as worry was etched on his face.

Arthur was outside the shop waiting for the pair to make it, Molly had gone home with the kids. He gave Lorelei a smile, but she didn't return it. When she made it in the shop, it was still full of children, but Arthur pushed passed them to go upstairs to the flat. Lorelei passed Fred who mouthed that he would be upstairs in a moment. When she made it into the flat, she saw her bedroom she shared with George destroyed, Brizo's aquarium emptied on the floor.

Remus was the first to approach her in a hug. He held her firmly, praying to Merlin why she kept getting the short end of the stick when it came to luck. George stood right behind Remus, waiting for her to explode, but she didn't. She only stood back from Remus, gave him a small smile, and pulled a book from her bag.

"Technically I stole it, but I went for this and was not leaving without it," she whispered, watching realization dawn on Remus's face. He put the book on the table, not truly worried about it right now. "I'm fine, Remus. I want to bury him near Mum in Godric's Hollow." She pulled Brizo out from her pocket just as Fred walked in the door.

The red-haired twin who just walked in broke at the sight of the dead crab. They had never gotten along until Fred's third or fourth year at Hogwarts, and he had grown too fond of the crab. Whenever George was with Lorelei, Brizo would keep Fred company. He hadn't ever thought about the crab dying, but seeing it and knowing Voldemort did it in front of Lorelei made it hurt worse.

Lorelei walked over to him, pulling him in a hug after gently placing Brizo on the table. "Shh, Freddie. He'd be laughing if he saw you crying, you know that?"

Fred let out a choked laugh at that.

After he pulled away, Arthur and Remus were told the story by Tonks. George and Fred listened, but George had walked over to Lorelei. He threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in for a kiss on the forehead. She was trying to be strong, so he would let her. He didn't want her to hold in her emotions, but if she wanted to be strong, then so be it.

"We'll bury him tonight," George whispered. Lorelei nodded, thankful for the man she was leaning on. "I'm so sorry, love."

"Just another person close to me who's died. Did you know the Malfoys were actually going to take one of you?" she said, glancing at Fred and George who both gulped simultaneously. Why did they want one of them, Arthur thought. His eyes widened.

Arthur spoke in haste, anger next. "Take down the crap about You-Know-Who. Take it all down! I won't have my sons targetted for the slander about their Dark Lord."

"It's not because of that. They wanted them because they're close to me, Arthur. Don't you see it? Everyone who's close to me dies," she said scornfully, pulling away from George. Kissing Remus on the cheek, she picked up Brizo's body. "I think I'll bury him now."

With that, she Disapparated.

"Fuck!" George yelled out, grabbing his own wand and ignoring his father's reprimands. "She's going to get herself bloody killed."

He Disapparated, too.

Remus, Fred, Arthur, and Tonks looked at each other with sad faces. Tonks looked at Remus, knowing he wouldn't ignore her right now. "I think she's going to try and push this all down. We shouldn't leave her be for too long."

"She can't be alone anymore, no matter how much she'll hate us for it," Remus said, agreeing with Tonks and giving her a small smile. "As for her emotions, we can't force her to talk to us."

"George'll get her to talk. If not George, Harry will," Fred said determinedly.

Arthur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "She's too young for all of this loss. She's getting hurt more and more every day. You know I consider her as my daughter, Remus. I just feel like I have to watch it unfold. What can we do?"

Tonks picked up her own wand, knowing she would have to get to the Hogwarts castle soon. "We do as Remus said. Never leave her alone. Arthur, Remus, put protective enchantments on this apartment. Mad-Eye wants it. I have to go meet him. Let me know if she needs anything."

Tonks left soon after a sparing glance to Remus.

Arthur watched Fred bite his nails anxiously. "Go back to the shop, son, before Verity burns the place down." Fred laughed a bit at that before nodding.

Fred left next.

Remus and Arthur mumbled out protective enchantments on the apartment, advanced magic really. Arthur looked around for anything left to do before nodding once at Remus.

Arthur went back to the Burrow.

Remus fixed George and Lorelei's room back to its spotless view. He doubted George cleaned, but he smiled at the idea of Lorelei being happy with the red-head. Vanishing the aquarium to the spare room along with all of Brizo's things, he conjured a bookshelf, placing a few books from their desk in it.

He sighed, hoping George and Lorelei would be okay. Holding his wand tightly, he left the flat.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now