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Dear Moony,

You are my godfather appointed by Snuffles himself. I felt like an idiot all year for feeling so dependent on you, but it makes sense. I wish you could've told me, but I understand why you didn't--it wasn't your story to tell. Not yet, anyway.

Mum told me everything, well whatever she could before breaking down. I wish I could've met Prongs at a point in my life where I could remember him. Though, some nights I have dreams that seem like memories since the story Mum told. Did Prongs buy me a baby broomstick and fly me around a flat? You were there with his wife and Padfoot. Mum wasn't, strangely.

I was wondering if while the Weasleys and myself are at the Quidditch World Cup you could come to visit Mum. She needs someone who understands. You would better than anyone.

Write soon, I miss you and Snuffles terribly.

Love, Lorelei

Dear Lorelei,

I'm glad you finally know the truth. I told you that I would only be a letter away. Now that you know I'm your godfather, it clears the air a bit, doesn't it? Padfoot and I always had competitions to see who could spoil you the most--Prongs and his wife normally won, the twits.

I would be happy to visit Amatheia. It has been far too long, and I'm afraid that it is my own fault. After Snuffles went away for a while and Prongs died, I was a mess. Amatheia should be angry at me, though I hope she's not. Mermaids are very angry creatures, aren't they? Don't think I've forgotten your temper last year...

Ah, yes. Prongs would have been proud of the way you and Harry play Quidditch. He did, in fact, buy you a baby broomstick. Prongs and Padfoot would see who could get you across the flat the fastest. Prong's wife was always yelling at them to stop. I found it amusing, personally. You were very excited about Quidditch. Hopefully, you get more memories. You can share them with Harry--I think he'd enjoy them.

I miss you as well. Write to Snuffles if you miss him, dear child. He'll be all too delighted.

Tell Amatheia I'll be there the day after tomorrow.

Love, Moony

Dear Snuffles,

You're absolutely insane, you know that? Showing yourself to get them away from here. You'll get caught again. Harry, Hermione, and I risked a lot to free you. Don't waste it, uncle. I am very happy to hear you're safe.

Mother told me about my father and about you and your friends. I was telling Moony that I am getting memories back from my three-year-old head. Racing me across your flat on a broomstick? Really, Snuffles? If I could scold Prongs, I would. Though, I am glad for any memories at all. I'm so happy you were there for my mother. You deserve the world just for that. She longed for one father figure for me, and you blessed her with three.

I can't wait to see you again. Harry has been writing to me constantly asking if I've written to you. You're missing me, he says. I've been in the waters, so I apologize.

If you will tell me more about your brother the next time I see you face to face, I would greatly appreciate it. I don't consider him my father, Snuffles. But, I would like to know more about him. I would like to see what similarities I share with him.

I'll be off to the Quidditch World Cup the day after tomorrow. Moony is coming to visit Mum. I heard you wanted to talk to her. I hope you are able to. She needs you and Moony.

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