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IT SEEMED AS THOUGH LORELEI WAS ONLY ALLOWED AROUND THE FOUR UNCONSCIOUS WIZARDS. The mermaids hissed if she came out of her hiding spot too far, and they kept a close eye on her the entire time. Lorelei floated behind some lake shrubs as she sighed deeply while waiting for something to happen.

Lorelei was not allowed to return to Gryffindor Tower the night before, nor was she allowed to tell George or Fred where she was going to be. Ludo Bagman wanted to make sure she didn't try to cheat and tell anyone. Lorelei's eyes darkened at the thought of him accusing her of cheating. Like he had the right. Bastard.

When she heard a scream nearby, she flinched. She knew Fleur was not going to make it after that. She watched as the merpeople held their spears tightly in their grips when someone began to swim near them. She sighed in relief when she saw it was only Harry. Smiling, she mentally cheered him on. He tried to take a merman's spear, but the merman only laughed. Finally, the boy used his brains and began to free Ron with a nearby rock. Well, a wand could've been used, the bloody muppet, but a rock was better than nothing.

He tried to take Hermione, but once again, he got hissed at by a mermaid. When the mermaid looked ready to kill, Lorelei yelled out, "Leave him be! Harry, only take one!" Down at the bottom of the lake, her eyes were black and her teeth were elongated. Without her tail, she could only half-transform. Harry's eyes widened at the mermaid's appearance. She wore shorts and a tight-fitting tank top, but she had no tail. He was confused as to why she was down here, but now he understood why Fred and George were freaking out the night prior. "One, Harry. Take Ron and go!"

She swam back a bit when she saw Cedric coming. He nodded at her, quickly taking out a knife to cut Cho free. He told Harry to hurry up, just as Lorelei had said. Soon, Viktor had come as well. Lorelei watched in amazement as the heroic gene in Harry's body worked again. He knew, just as Lorelei did, that Fleur was not coming. He had taken Fleur's sister with him as he began to swim up. He threatened the merpeople around him.

Harry had used Gillyweed, she noticed, and it was running out quickly. This reminded her of when she took Fred and George into her cove with her Mum. The thought made her grin.

It was just like that time because Harry's Gillyweed was running short. As he swam up, he was running out of his air, and the mermaids were now beginning to rise with him, ready to hurt him. She could see the fear on his face as his eyes met hers. Following him, she took out her own wand, ready to save the boy if necessary.

Once Ron and little Gabrielle Delacour were surfaced, Harry soon surfaced afterward. Lorelei swam a bit away toward the judge's section as Harry helped get Gabrielle to Fleur's arms. Lorelei allowed herself to relax at how quickly the task happened, glad no one was injured severely. Harry was breathing and getting to the stands, that was all she could ask for.

Once she surfaced, she heard loudly from the stands, "THERE SHE IS, GEORGIE! THE BLOODY FISH COULDN'T PASS UP A CHANCE TO BE IN THE WATER, IS ALL!" from Fred.

Snorting a laugh, she swam quite gracefully to Dumbledore who was waiting anxiously to hear what she had to say. Even though Bagman had already questioned one of the merfolk from below, Dumbledore wanted her version. Bagman only rolled his eyes and motioned his hand for her to proceed. "Fleur used the Bubble-Head Charm but did not make it passed the grindylows. Cedric used the same charm and made it to Cho with ease. Viktor used an incomplete Transfiguration of a shark, but it worked well for him. He saved Hermione aa you all saw. Harry, bloody twit... excuse my words, made it there FIRST, but he wanted to save all four of them. I think he took the song seriously, Professor. He would have saved all four if Cedric and Viktor hadn't made it in time. When he saw Fleur was not coming, he freaked out to get her little sister. Threatened the mermaids and everything... it's that hero thing he has."

Dumbledore and the other judges listened intently before going to their huddle to give final points. She saw Harry waving her over, so she swam to him. Knowing the whole school was watching her, she decided to get out of the water even though she hadn't had such a good swim in a while. Cedric was the one to help her out as he held out a hand for her to take; he easily lifted the girl to the deck. She was thrown about four towels from Ron and Hermione even though she was used to the water and was fine. Every one seemed worried about her for some odd reason.

"That was why you told me to go? I feel like a prat," Harry mumbled after Lorelei said he didn't have to save them all, that's what she was there for. Lorelei patted his back and whispered, "I told them all about that moral fiber you proclaimed down there. I think I saw Madame Maxine caving."

In the end, Harry ended up tying for first place with Cedric, making Karkaroff angry, but Lorelei didn't care. She kissed Harry's forehead in excitement before leaving to find her boyfriend and Fred. Lorelei wrapped the towel around her firmly as she suddenly began to feel cold. When she saw George, he smirked at her before removing one of his jackets and handing it to her while Fred and Lee made fun of her for being drawn to the water.

In the following days, Harry informed her that on the next Hogsmeade trip, they were going to see Sirius. Excited, she agreed and happily went to write a letter to him. She could not wait to see him as it had been so long.


Happy birthday Harry Potter!

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