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HERMIONE, LORELEI, AND HARRY RODE BUCKBEAK TO FLICKWICK'S OFFICE. It was one of the highest points of the castle and where Sirius was being kept. Dumbledore just so happen to let this information slip before sending Hermione and Harry back.

They were flying on Buckbeak, and Lorelei felt freer than she did on a broom. She yelled out happily as Hermione yelled out in fear. Buckbeak was thriving on the flying that he hasn't done in who knows how long. The moment they were in the air, Lorelei felt at peace.

Once they neared the window where they would find Sirius, Buckbeak hovered slightly next to it. Sirius glanced up with a jaw-dropped expression. He had accepted his fate because Harry knew the truth. That was all he truly cared about, and he could die knowing James and Lily had such a wonderful boy. He smiled softly when he saw the third rider. Lorelei gave him a smile of her own and a thumbs up.

Hermione yelled out the unlocking charm making the window burst open. Sirius clambered out of the window awkwardly onto the bird. It was a tight fit on Buckbeak, but they made it work until they reached the tallest tower at Hogwarts. Sirius would have to go into hiding for now, but he would be free.

Once they landed, the three Gryffindors hopped off leaving Sirius to have Buckbeak to himself.

He looked at Lorelei with soft eyes again. "I owe you so much, Lorelei," he paused and looked to Harry and Hermione. "Thank you, for everything. What happened to the other boy? Ron?"

Hermione quickly said, "He's going to be okay. You have to go! They'll reach Flitwick's office soon and realize you are gone."

Sirius now stared only at Harry. "How can I ever thank--"

"GO!" the trio shouted making Sirius chuckle.

"We'll see each other again," Sirius said. He looked at Harry once more. "You are, truly, your father's son, Harry."

With that, he kicked off. Buckbeak and Sirius were flying away to who knows where, but it was all right. They were free and safe. Lorelei couldn't be happier.

Lorelei hugged Hermione and Harry since they had to get back to the Hospital Wing. She would go make up an excuse to the twins of where the hell she had been. Everything would be okay. That was all that mattered. She couldn't wait to tell Remus.

The following day, she didn't wait around for the twins. They had gone to bed before she could talk to them, and she had a mission this morning. After hearing the rumors circulating again, she knew where she was needed.

Barely knocking on Remus's door, he said, "Hello, Lorelei. Saw you coming." He pointed to the map with his wand.

"You're not leaving." Remus laughed as he continued to pack. He looked like hell, Lorelei thought with a frown. He had been through a rough night, that was for sure. "I was there last night. It wasn't your fault that you forgot your potion and you weren't in the Shrieking Shack alone. That bloody Snape is a right git and--"

"Few valid points, but as the truth is out, I must go. One point is invalid, I must say. I put all of you, including you even if I didn't know it, in danger. That is unacceptable," Remus said with a serious expression.

Lorelei felt her eyes filling with tears again. She wiped her sweater on her eyes to hide them, but Remus had seen. With a sigh, he walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "What's troubling you?"

"I-I...It's silly," she said as she pulled away and looked in his eyes. He urged her to continue. "Remus, you have been like a father figure this year to me. I-I've never had a proper father, as I'm sure you're well aware. It'll be weird not seeing you every day."

Remus held a shocked expression. Did she really think of him as a father figure? "Me? Why me?" was all he could say. With what he was, he never envisioned himself as a father, but this was as good as it got, he thought. Lorelei was the perfect daughter. Technically, she was his god--Shaking his head, he cleared his throat. "You are more than welcome to write to me whenever you please. I won't disappear completely, Lorelei. I just won't be here in the castle."

"I suppose," she muttered feeling like an idiot. "I'm sorry you are leaving, and how much of a rough night you had. You seemed to be in immense pain."

Remus flinched and placed a hand on her shoulder as he leaned back on his desk. "I'm sorry you had to witness it. Now, how did you know what was going on?"

Lorelei smirked and explained from getting whacked in the face by Harry to following them to save Buckbeak. Then, she explained how Harry had saved himself and Sirius by the lake, and that Sirius was hopefully far away for now. Remus chuckled at her storytelling before glancing at his desk. He saw a name nearing him.

"Ah, Harry is coming. I'm going to give his map back to him, don't you think?" Remus inquired while moving to behind his desk.

"He'll need it for whatever he faces next year. Bloody hell, if this school is still standing when he graduates, I'll be shocked," she said. Remus let out a hearty laugh at that.

The two were quiet for some time until Remus said, "I saw you coming."

Lorelei turned to see Harry glancing at them wearily. Lorelei slid off the desk she had sat on and nodded once at Remus. "I'll write to you, then. Don't be a stranger."

"Never," he said with a grin.

Lorelei turned and smiled softly at Harry before ruffling his hair. "I'll see you later, Harry." Harry nodded with a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. She knew he must have heard about Remus resigning. "It'll be fine."

With that, she left to find the twins. And boy, when she did, they were furious. They wanted to know where exactly she had been. They knew of Sirius Black being caught and escaping last night, and she was not in the Common Room. Smiling sweetly at them, she told them to mind their own ruddy business. Fred snorted, but George only glared further.

"Oh, want to go for a walk in Hogsmeade, Freddie? Georgie seems to be a bit put out by something," she grinned at George as she said this.

George scoffed. "You're lucky not to be killed, you idiotic fish." He couldn't even finish that statement without his stupid grin forming sending a flutter of butterflies in her stomach.

She smirked. "Now, I'm definitely not going to Hogsmeade with you."


"Come on, Fred."

"I hate you."

"I think Fred thinks it's the opposite."

George quickly shut up and glared at his brother.


Prisoner of Azkaban is complete! We're off to the Goblet of Fire! Thanks for all the votes and comments. Happy Reading! <3

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