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THE QUIDDITCH MATCH WAS THE FOLLOWING SATURDAY AGAINST SLYTHERIN. All Lorelei wanted to do was stay in bed and fake being sick, but she wouldn't give Alicia the satisfaction.

So, she dragged her body into her Quidditch attire and went down to the Common Room with the ever-present scowl on her face. She had decided to not give George the silent treatment, but she hadn't been very pleasant to him. She only spoke when necessary, and she found herself with Percy and Penelope or Ron, Harry, and Hermione more often than not.

Like right now. On Quidditch days, Lorelei would wait for her twins before going to the Quidditch Pitch. Today, she went to Harry's dormitory to find him lying awake in his bed.

"Come on, Harry," she whispered causing him to jump a bit in his bed. "Get dressed. I'll meet you in the Common Room."

While waiting for him, she saw the twins and Angelina pass him. Fred stopped and asked, "You coming for breakfast, Lor?"

"Waiting for Harry. You can go on."

George looked hesitant but followed his brother and Angelina out. When Harry finally made his way down the stairs, Lorelei ruffled his hair a bit.

"All right?"

"Nervous. I'm not normally this nervous."

"You'll do spectacular, Harry. You always do," she said with a nudge do his side. She watched him blush a bit.

When they made it to breakfast, the two joined their team. The team was quietly huddled together and no one spoke much besides Harry and Lorelei who conversed quietly.

George envied Harry at that moment. To see her laughing so easily with him. George longed to know what he had done wrong.

Once they reached the changing rooms, Oliver began his speech. "Slytherin has better brooms than us. No point in denying it. But we've got better people on our brooms. We've trained harder than they have and in all sorts of weather--"

"Too true," George muttered, "I haven't been properly dry since August." Lorelei chuckled a bit but disguised it as a cough. George smirked her way.

"--and we're going to make them rue the day they let that little bit of slime, Malfoy, buy his way onto the team." Oliver turned to Harry. "It'll be down to you, Harry, to show them that a Seeker has to have more than a rich father. Get to that Snitch before Malfoy or die trying, Harry, because we've got to win today. We've got to."

"So, no pressure, Harry," Fred said with a wink his way.

When on the pitch, Lorelei ignored the screaming and cheering from the stands and the rain in her face. She mounted her broom and focused on beating Montague to the Quaffle. Once Oliver and Marcus Flint shook hands, almost crushing the other's, Madam Hooch blew the whistle to start the game.

Lorelei growled when Montague completely pushed her out of the way leaving him to grab the Quaffle first.

It seemed Lorelei couldn't catch a break. Montague and Pucey were passing the Quaffle over her like it was a game to them not to let her have it. She growled and yelled for Angelina to get her arse over to her. She had no help it seemed like.

"Slytherins lead Gryffindor sixty to zero. Pucey knocks Calypso, clearly a foul...IT WAS, PROFESSOR...fine! Pucey roughly knocks into Calypso causing her to yell for Johnson. The Chasers do not seem to be in sync today!" Lee shouted.

Lorelei noticed Fred and George focusing on one Bludger. She was about to scream at them to do their job when she noticed the Bludger was not straying far from Harry. Every time George or Fred would knock it away, it would lock onto Harry again. Lorelei growled lowly at the thought of someone tampering with a Bludger. Fred and George couldn't leave his side causing Angelina to be whacked with another Bludger from the Slytherin team.

"Wood!" Lorelei shouted. "Damn it! Wood! Call a time out!" Oliver looked at her in shock before doing as she said. They were doing terrible.

"Gryffindor Captain Oliver Wood calls a time out. Slytherin leads seventy to zero."

Once everyone landed on the ground, Oliver began to grow angry at Fred and George. "What's going on!? We're being flattened! Fred, George, where were you when that Bludger stopped Angelina from scoring?"

George growled out, "We were twenty feet above her, stopping the other Bludger from murdering Harry, Oliver!"

"Someone's fixed it, and it won't leave Harry alone," Lorelei defended George.

George nodded. "It hasn't gone for anyone else all game. The Slytherins must have done something to it."

Oliver proclaimed the Bludgers were locked in Madam Hooch's office. It would be impossible, but it was happening! Lorelei could see it. Harry tried to tell Fred and George to let him deal with the rogue Bludger, but Fred denied saying it would take Harry's head off. Harry couldn't see the Snitch with them around anyway. Oliver looked to be considering leaving Harry on his own.

"Oliver, this is insane!" Lorelei shouted standing in front of Harry like she was protecting him. "You can't let Harry deal with that thing all on his own. Let's ask for an injury--"

"If we stop now, we'll have to forfeit the match! And we're not losing to Slytherin just because of a crazy Bludger. Come on, Oliver. Tell them to leave me alone," Harry stated while pushing Lorelei aside a bit. He didn't care anymore. He didn't want them to lose.

George glared at Oliver and pointed at his chest. "This is all your fault."

Lorelei joined in stepping next to George. "'Get the Snitch or die trying,' what a stupid thing to tell him!" She couldn't believe he was considering it.

Lorelei could hear the rain falling harder as Madam Hooch asked them to resume playing. Oliver glanced at Lorelei and then to George before gulping a bit in fear. He nodded at Harry. "Fred, George, you heard Harry. Leave him alone and let him deal with the Bludger on his own."

"Idiot," Lorelei hissed glancing between Harry and Oliver. Muttering under her breath, she left the tent without another word.

The Bludger was immediately on Harry as soon as they kicked off. Fred and George glanced at the boy warily before protecting the Chasers. Lorelei had managed to score a goal, but it wasn't enough. If Harry didn't find the Snitch soon, they would lose terribly. Lorelei could see Alicia smirking from the sidelines.

Lorelei could see Harry doing zigzags making the crowd laugh at him. She wanted to send a hex at the entire Slytherin house. Hearing a loud crack as she passed Harry, she saw him clutching his arm in pain. "Goddamnit!" she muttered trying not to focus on the boy in pain above her.

Angelina scored another goal. There was a sudden gasp from the crowd as Harry was flying straight toward the ground. Lorelei watched as he hit the ground and fell off his broom.

In his hand: The Golden Snitch.

Letting out a relieved breath, she saw the Bludger about to hit him on the ground where he had fainted. Pulling out her wand, as the game was over, she yelled, "Finite Incantatum!" The Bludger exploded above his head, narrowly missing its target.

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