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LORELEI SANK LOWER ON THE COUCH AS SHE FOUND PEACE AND QUIET FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE. It was very late at night, and Lorelei felt incredibly ill. Her skin itched and she had the worst headache. She knew what it was from, but she was trying to hold off for as long as possible. It was late November now. She hadn't been in the water since before she came to school. The long showers she took were great, but they weren't the same. And tonight was a full moon. She could hold off one more day. She had to.

The twins had been up her arse about new ideas for pranks recently. They went to Hogsmeade the past weekend grabbing all sorts of things since Christmas was growing near. After the troll incident on Halloween, Lorelei was afraid for the next holiday. Zonkos was the twin's favorite shop as one could guess. Lorelei, however, preferred a good butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.

George even smirked at the girl in Zonkos when she threatened them if they used any of those pranks on her. She was growing nervous waiting for a prank to pop out at her.

She was also glad to have gotten gifts for her friends while in Hogsmeade. She stuck some money in the twin's trunk before they had left since she heard them speaking quietly hoping to have enough money to buy Christmas gifts. They thought their mum had given it to them, but Lorelei was fine with that. She knew they struggled, and she wanted to help any way she could.

Her silence was fine until a body fell on the couch making her open her eyes and glare at the eyes of George Weasley. He was grinning at her.

"Hello," George drawled holding out Brizo. "He missed you."

"Hmm," Lorelei said with a frown. This made George frown.

"What's wrong? Why are you not in bed?" George questioned as he glanced at his wristwatch. It was nearing midnight. "Lor?"

He looked over at her and saw her eyes were shut, but she was itching her skin terribly. Her skin was a terrible red shade.

"Lor, when was the last time you've been in the water?"

She didn't answer.

In fact, she started to breathe heavily as soon as George mentioned water. Brizo snipped his claw at the boy. George looked at the crab and the crab was trying to tell him something, but he didn't know what to do. Suddenly, Lorelei cried out in pain as she grabbed her head.

"Lorelei!" George called out trying not to wake anyone. Brizo hopped onto Lorelei's stomach, but Lorelei pushed him off.

"G-George?" Suddenly, everything felt dizzy for Lorelei. She felt herself panicking. Her skin was raw from itching it like mad. She felt her eyelids becoming heavy. "E-End of August..." she trailed off.

George cursed and quickly picked her up bridal style with Brizo sitting worriedly on her chest. He saw Fred walking down the stairs from the dorm wiping his eyes as if he had just woken up. When he caught his brother holding a very still looking Lorelei, his eyes widened.

"What the hell?" Fred questioned.

"No time. Help me get her to the Black Lake. Check the map for Filch."

Fred pulled out the map they found in first-year stating they had a bit of time to go before Filch neared the lake. George couldn't take any chances. They had to go.

Fred held onto Brizo worriedly. Even Brizo didn't care who was holding him at that moment. They left the portrait with the Fat Lady calling out for them, but there was no time. The twins ran toward the courtyard to the direction of the Black Lake.

They heard screaming, and Fred and George cursed knowing it was Filch calling out for them. He was yelling so loud, he might've woke the whole castle up.

The twins moved faster to get Lorelei to the lake before Filch caught up to them. Brizo shook in Fred's hands. Fred whispered, "She'll be all right, Briz."

When they made it to the Black Lake, George froze. Did he just throw her in? Did he gently place her and hopes she wakes up?

George groaned when Filch neared them. "Fred, take care of him. Tell him to get Dumbledore or McGonagall."

Fred and Brizo nodded. George gently kneeled down and placed Lorelei's lower half of her body in the water already transforming into her tail under the full moon. Filch and Fred were arguing behind him. He held the upper half of her body, and he felt like she needed her whole body submerged. Cursing, he quickly yanked off his shoes.

Moving into the lake with her still in his arms, he pulled them both underwater.

Albus Dumbledore was not yet sleeping when he heard Filch yelling near the corridor by his office. He quickly made his way out to find the cause of the noise. He heard Fred Weasley arguing with Filch about something he couldn't understand until he grew closer.

"--she'll die if she isn't in the water tonight. George and I found her unconscious. I can't get expelled for that!"

"That's enough, Mr. Weasley. Mr. Filch, go back to your patrolling. I'll take it from here," Dumbledore said making Filch growl angrily before walking away with Mrs. Norris. "Where are they?"

Fred, Brizo, and Dumbledore turned toward the Lake just as George and Lorelei gasped while coming out of the water.

Lorelei's eyes opened as soon as her entire body was under the water. She saw George Weasley's red hair floating around her as he held her tightly against his body. She pushed the two up, both gasping at the change. George opened his eyes and smiled at Lorelei's opened eyes. He blew out another relieved breath.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" George said with a bit of fear in his voice. He pulled the girl in for a hug not noticing the three pairs of eyes watching them.

When he let her go, they turned to see Fred smirking, Brizo's eyes widened, and Dumbledore smiling.

George quickly let go of Lorelei and pulled himself to the edge of the lake. Lorelei was glad her shirt didn't disappear.

"Er...hello, Professor," Lorelei mumbled.

"How long, Miss Calypso?" Dumbledore asked knowingly.

"End of August," she mumbled already feeling better. Her skin felt like it was glowing and her migraine had gone away.

Fred growled out, "You can't wait that long, Lor!"

Dumbledore raised his hand to silence the boy. "Lucky Mr. and Mr. Weasley were there, wasn't it? I do hope you won't make a habit of going months without the water, Miss Calypso."

"No... sorry, Professor," Lorelei said now feeling stupid for waiting.

Dumbledore grinned. "Stay out for however long you need. I'll get the word around that the twins shall accompany you at night when you do go for swims. Mr. Filch won't chase you around again," he paused and looked toward the twins. "Though, let's not use this your advantage. If Miss Calypso is not around and you're out of bed, there is no excuse."

Fred and George nodded fearfully when Dumbledore gave them a stern look.

"Have a good swim. Good night," Dumbledore said with a wave.

Lorelei swam around the edges feeling powerful again. She looked at the twins with a grateful look. "Thank you both." The boys blushed and replied a 'you're welcome.' She grinned at Brizo who was still sat comfortably in Fred's lap. "Brizo seems to like you now."

Brizo never hopped out of a lap so fast.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now