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LORELEI FROWNED WHEN SHE REACHED UMBRIDGE'S DOOR. Harry had been waiting for her. Lorelei purposely waited until it was exactly five to show up. Smirking, she knocked on the door in an aggravating manner. She hadn't had Defense that day, so she was in a better mood and ready to keep her temper in check.

Umbridge told them to come in to which Lorelei strolled in with a smirk on her face. Harry rolled his eyes at the mermaid as he sat down in the desk to the left and her to the right. He could see Lorelei's facade falling as she realized exactly where they were. Her smirk fell as she recalled the events that happened last time she was in that room.

The room looked completely different. Instead of the bland room, it was now pink. Pink everywhere! There were cats hanging on plates on the walls, her fireplace was decorated with flowers everywhere. Lorelei wanted to vomit when she saw the chest that Alastor was kept in was still there in the corner.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter, Miss Black," she said scornfully.

"Evening," Harry replied stiffly while Lorelei did not respond.

"I said good evening, Miss Black," Umbridge said again.

Lorelei looked around and then saw Harry and Umbridge staring at her. Harry held a tiny smile on his face. "Oh, were you talking to me? Sorry, I'm not familiar with that surname. My mistake! BUT A good evening it is since you get to spend it with me!"

Umbridge took a deep breath before ignoring the girl.

Harry had asked for the two students to be let off on Friday so they could go to Quidditch trials. The woman had laughed and said no because of their lies they were spreading, but Lorelei only smirked again. "No worries, Harry, I can change the date to early next week as captain!"

"No, I don't believe you will. Someone else, more fitting, will run those trials for you," Umbridge said with an as-a-matter-of-fact look. Lorelei clenched her fist as Harry did the same. Umbridge grinned. "Already getting better at controlling that temper you both share, aren't we? Now, you're going to be doing some lines for me. No, not with your own quills. You're going to be using rather special ones of mine."

Lorelei glared hatefully at the woman as she pulled out a piece of parchment. She handed one to Harry as the two put away their own quills.

She looked to Harry and Lorelei with a sad smile that seemed forced. "Now, I want you both to write I must not tell lies. Miss Black, you will be writing two statements. Your second one is I must control my beastly temper."

Lorelei almost snapped the quill she was given in half.

"How many times?" Harry asked, trying to keep his cool. He hated the way the woman referred to Lorelei as a beast. He hated how the woman had her nose in the air as if she was better than them. No, she wasn't. He just hoped Lorelei kept herself in control while they wrote.

"Oh, as long as it takes for the message to sink in," she said sweetly. "Off you go."

"You haven't given us any ink," Lorelei forced out.

Umbridge laughed at them both. "You won't need ink."

When Lorelei wrote the first statement, as quickly as she could, she almost screamed in pain as the words appeared on her hand just as fast. It was like a million tiny paper cuts were happening on the top of her hand. She bit her tongue from the pain as the words finally stopped appearing once the whole statement was there. She glanced at Harry who was already looking at her.

Lorelei had to write the second statement as well.

When she did, she wrote it slower, but that seemed to be even worse as the blood began to flow out at the harshness she wrote. She had been pressing so hard that it cut deeper into her skin. Clenching her other fist around the quill because of the pain so she wouldn't scream, she continued to write. She had to prove to the pink puff that she wasn't weak.

Once the first and second statements were written so many times that blood had pooled on the desk and was staining her robes, she let out a small squeak of pain when she had moved her hand too fast. She saw Harry glancing at her worriedly, but he could do nothing as Umbridge sat behind her desk smiling happily.

After what felt like hours, she asked for them to come to her. "Tut, tut. I don't seem to have made much of an impression yet. We'll have to try again tomorrow evening, won't we? You may go."

Lorelei grabbed Harry's uninjured hand and pulled him from the classroom. Once they had gotten to an empty classroom a few corridors down, she let out the loudest cry. Harry sighed and pulled her into his chest with his injured hand away from the girl. She had enough blood without his adding to it. Knowing Lorelei had to write two sets of lines, he moved to find her hand. When he glances at both statements, he saw they were both much deeper than his.

"C'mon, Lor. We don't want to get caught by Filch," Harry mumbled after a moment. He grabbed a towel that was sitting on the empty desk and wiped her hand with as little force as possible before doing his own.

Lorelei could only nod as she let the raven-haired boy lead her back to the common room.

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