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THE SIMPLE CONCEPT OF A MERMAID LEAVING HIS OR HER WATERS WAS TRULY UNHEARD OF. A mermaid out of water couldn't last. A mermaid needs water like a human needs oxygen. The only real exception was for mating; though, most mermaids did their business and went back into the water before the full moon was over. No. Staying on land was not preferred for a mermaid. Not at all.

It was more unheard of and looked down upon to mate with any other species. Half-breeds were not welcome in the waters just like many had a problem with this on land. This didn't stop the interspecies mingling, but it prevented it from happening often.

Falling in love with anyone who is not in one's own species was rare at this time. Most knew other species were dangerous. Wizards and witches seemed to be the most dangerous with the rise of the Dark Lord. Mermaids stayed in water longer in fear that those evil creatures would hurt them.

Mermaids were cornered when they were too close to land and tortured by this Dark Lord's followers if they refused to aid him in his uprising. He wanted control of all species. He assumed the mermaids would be easily persuaded; how wrong was he. It was too bad that the mermaids were not looking to be on either side. They were gravely powerful, but they chose to stay away from the troubles. This meant, however, going to land was not practiced as often. Even mating was held off in fear these Death Eaters would hurt them more.

It didn't stop Amatheia Calypso.

Amatheia was a beauty just like every mermaid. Her looks were enhanced, her hair long and beautiful and as golden as the sun. Her eyes were a bright blue that could almost blind a person if they looked too long.

Amatheia was no special mermaid. She was rather odd, to be frank. Mermaids all feared land at this time, but Amatheia did not. Her body always led her right back to the surface. She enjoyed surfacing and seeing the stars. Amatheia loved the stars. Her mother used to love surfacing and telling her daughter all about the stars and their movements. Now, Amatheia's mother would strangle the fish if she found out the girl was still surfacing in these times.

Amatheia couldn't help it. She wanted to see the stars she loved.

Her love only grew when she met her own star.

Her star was a follower of the Dark Lord, but he was so different from the ones Amatheia had heard about.

The pale man held his wand out shakily when he saw the same mermaid the others had pointed out only days before. The Dark Lord had decided to send him to capture her and torture her alone. It was to prove that he was a devoted follower, of course. The Dark Lord trusted no one.

Amatheia had seen the man on the shore with anxious movements with his wand. She almost laughed at his shaky hand, but she decided not to give him a reason to hurt her. She knew she could easily swim back under and hide, but Amatheia was not easily persuaded. The man intrigued her, of course. He had almost five minutes to curse her, yet he still looked to be battling his own thoughts.

"If you plan to kill me, why do you seem so reluctant?" Her voice was melodic like everything else about the woman. He froze and began to lower his wand. The smirk she held made him want to hex her because she was teasing him, but he couldn't find himself to utter the words. "Well?"

He composed himself and raised his wand a bit higher. "Why do you taunt me, miss? You know what I am capable of."

"Oh, do I?" she teased and began to swim closer. She was almost to the shallow area next to the small pier he stood on. The man blushed a bit when he noticed there was no top on the woman. Only her hair to cover her bare chest.

He lowered his wand when she sent him another smirk. He was getting rather frustrated. "Don't test me, miss--"

"Amatheia. Don't call me 'miss.' It sounds old. I'm not old, wizard. You don't seem very old either," Amatheia said with another smirk. She was near him now. She rested her arms on the pier with his wand, though lowered, still directed at her. He gulped in relief when her breasts were hidden by the pier. "What's your name, wizard?"

"Why does it matter? Why aren't you afraid?" He felt himself being drawn to her like a Veela, but he knew she couldn't be. Mermaids were naturally beautiful.

"If you wanted to have hurt me, you would have. Sit for a moment. Let's have a chat," Amatheia replied with another smirk. She seemed full of mischief, he noted.

"I must be going."

"Tell your Dark Lord you used that torturing curse on me. You can do it once if you don't want to lie," Amatheia's eyes sparkled with the mischief held under it.

He only stared at her incredulously. "You want me to torture you? Are you alright in the head?"

Amatheia laughed. He immediately wanted her to never stop.

"Well, from what I heard through the waters is that you lot get tortured if you don't do your jobs. A handsome and lovely wizard like yourself can't be punished. Plus, how could you come to visit me if you were dead?"

"V-Visit you?"

"You'll be back, wizard." Then, Amatheia went back into the waters away from him but with a new flutter in her stomach.

He did return to visit. Quite often.

Every night he could, he waited by the pier and the pair spoke about anything and everything. He found himself telling her things he couldn't tell his family or friends, considering neither really were what they should be. She told him about her boring and depressing life in the waters. She wanted adventure, but this Dark Lord was keeping her stuck like glue.

On the night of the full moon, Amatheia hoped the wizard returned.

When he did, she told him of a surprise. This being she could leave the waters on a full moon for legs. Amatheia had never done this before, but the wizard helped her with amazement in his eyes. He gave her his shirt so she wasn't indecent, though she didn't seem to mind. The two had kissed for the first time that night.

He began taking swims with her, and each full moon, she would sit with him on the pier. It was love in the purest forms. A few months after knowing each other, they made love right on that very pier.

After that night, her star didn't return.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now