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HARRY HUGGED LORELEI TIGHTLY AS EVERYONE WATCHED THE PAIR WITH SADNESS IN THEIR EYES. No one understood the relationship between Harry and Lorelei. No one knew why they could understand each other better than anyone else, but no one ever questioned it. The two were there for each other when it seemed no one else was. Lorelei sometimes could still see the lost boy on Platform Nine and Three Quarters as he could see the woman he's always looked up to like a mother. George had sent a Patronus that he and Fred were on their way to collect them, and Harry was not dealing with parting from Lorelei any better than she was.

Lorelei wanted to take the boy and go into hiding and just forget the world. She knew it was selfish, but she didn't care. She hated the idea of leaving him again.

As he said his goodbyes to Ophelia, kissing her cheek and making her giggle excitedly, Lorelei had to wipe a tear from her face. After hugging almost all of the occupants of Shell Cottage, Lorelei, Ophelia, and Embry walked outside when they heard the Apparition of George and Fred. Only Bill walked outside with them to make sure it was really his brothers, but Harry hadn't wanted anyone to know where he was just in case. Fred took one of the bags from Embry as he and the boy disappeared. George smiled and grabbed Lorelei's hand as the two also disappeared. Harry wiped a tear from his face as he watched from the window.

George and Fred had caught trouble while getting their things from their flat, which is why the two hadn't come the night before. They had hidden in the ruins of Ollivander's shop for hours until it was safe again.

When they arrived at Aunt Muriels, the witch herself was on her porch in a rocking chair. Her eyes widened at the sight of the baby. She stood quickly, ignoring her own nephews as she approached Lorelei.

"She's got the hair," was the first thing the woman said before outstretching her arms to grab the baby. Ophelia seemed wary at first as Lorelei gently placed her in Aunt Muriel's arms. The woman walked off into the home, Lorelei following after her quickly. "What's her name?"

"Ophelia," Lorelei replied as Aunt Muriel gave a huff. "Ophelia Weasley."

Aunt Muriel turned to smirk at her. "She's quite beautiful. Will she become a mermaid?"

Lorelei gulped, never seeing Aunt Muriel without a scowl on her face before. Should she be frightened? "I won't know until she turns three, ma'am."

"Don't say that," Aunt Muriel warned. "Call me Auntie or Aunt Muriel. No, no. You can't be acting so formal. Yes... she gets her looks from you--not the idiot next to you."

"Hey!" George called, looking thoroughly offended. Aunt Muriel only shrugged. Lorelei grabbed his hand and offered him a smile. Ophelia started to whine for her father, so Aunt Muriel rolled her eyes and reluctantly handed her over. Ophelia leaned her head on George's chest, and Aunt Muriel walked off. "Come, let me show you our room for now."

Aunt Muriel's house was not big. It was a decent size, enough to at least fit the Weasley family. George had mentioned Arthur and Molly were keeping Ginny home for now when they collected her for the Easter holidays, so she would have a cot on the ground in Molly and Arthur's room. Charlie was hiding out here as well, taking refuge in a room with Embry. George, Fred, Lorelei, and Ophelia shared their own room. Fred had moved the cot next to Ophelia's crib, wanting to watch over her at night so that George and Lorelei could have the bed in the room. Bill and Fleur would stay at Shell Cottage so that all the Weasleys would be safe.

Lorelei prayed to Neptune, Merlin, and Godric that Percy was safe.

Days seemed to pass in a blur. There was no leaving the confines of Aunt Muriel's home. There was no way to know anything going on unless they could find Potterwatch, which Lee still broadcasted, mostly on his own. The Weasleys were the next on the news, missing. Lee stressed how worried he was, but Lorelei could do nothing. No one could know where they were.

On the brighter side, George was around Ophelia more. He was enjoying every second he had with his child, helping her learn new things. Her babbling was growing just as her muscles were. The sweet girl would be walking in no time, which saddened Lorelei a bit. She wanted nothing more than to keep her baby small forever.

Fred was a doting godfather, fighting with George for Ophelia's attention. Normally, it was Charlie who won. Ophelia was in love with dragons.

Aunt Muriel favored Ophelia as well. Molly admitted she had never seen her great aunt so infatuated with a child before. Lorelei joked that it was the mermaid genes, but that was not the case. Ophelia just had the tendency to make everyone love her.

Bill visited once, only to speak to Lorelei in private and check on his family. Harry wanted her to know that they had made a plan to do what she said, whatever that was. Bill has no idea, but Lorelei knew exactly what they meant. They were going to break into Gringotts, and Lorelei was terrified. She longed to know the entire plan, but Bill only told her that Harry promised to be safe.

Safe was not something Harry Potter was.

Lorelei sighed, thanked Bill, and went back to Embry, who was practicing his Patronus Charm. He was having trouble that seemed to be linked to his parents' death, but Lorelei was trying her very best to remind him of happier times.

When Embry finally conjured his Phoenix Patronus, he claimed he thought of Lorelei and Ophelia... and the life they'd have after the war. It may not be real yet, but Lorelei was going to do her very best to make Embry's life better.


We are so close to the end :(

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