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"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU, RONALD! Going after something like that!" Lorelei yelled as quietly as she could in the Common Room

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"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU, RONALD! Going after something like that!" Lorelei yelled as quietly as she could in the Common Room.

The whole school was talking avidly about the Philosopher's Stone, and Lorelei seemed to be the only one to care about the trio's safety. She had to hit the twins and Lee when they were encouraging Ron to tell the story.

"Bloody idiots," Lorelei hissed as she pushed Ron's face to each side to check for anymore bruising. She did the same to Hermione. Hermione looked a bit shameful, but the trio knew they had done a good deed by going to that stone.

"We're going to see Harry," Ron mumbled.

Lorelei pointed at him with her black eyes. "You're lucky you three aren't dead or worse, expelled. Go, then." Hermione and Ron left the angry mermaid rather quickly.

Fred snorted as he walked over. Everyone was keeping their distance from the angry fish.

"All right, Mum?" he teased. She glared at him with her black eyes causing him to back down immediately. "Touchy, touchy. They're fine. Only a few scratches."

"A few!? Did you not see Harry's body when Dumbledore found him. Even Dumbledore looked worried," she seethed making George come over to save his brother an arse whooping. She had gotten in Fred's face, her hand twitching for her wand.

George gently pulled Lorelei back away from Fred who looked like he wanted to piss his pants. "Alright, Lor. Let's go for a walk, shall we? Fred, we'll meet you lot in the changing room."

The Quidditch match was that evening, and Harry was out so there was no chance they were to win. George took Lorelei's hand as they both left the Common Room. He let her hand go and threw an arm around her shoulder. She tensed up.

"I mean how could they be so stupid?" she ranted as they made their way to the Quidditch stands. "Not only did they get hurt, but they also broke over a dozen school rules. Harry's out of the game meaning we won't have a playable Seeker. I just want to scream at Ron for being an idiot!"

"Ah, Mum'll do enough of that when we get home. All three are alive. Harry'll wake up soon. We'll play well," George tried, but even he had his doubts about the match.

The two walked silently until they reached the changing rooms. He looked over at her to see her eyes were a faded blue almost to her bright blue eyes again. "Cheer up, Lor. Take your anger out on the Ravenclaws, yeah?"

Lorelei nodded. "Thanks," she whispered and left to go change. She was seething on the inside, but she had to look at the bright sides of the terrible situation. They were alive. That's all that matters.

She did take her aggression out on the Ravenclaws.

Lee was having a field day commenting about her attractive angry face earning a slap from McGonagall. The Quaffle rarely left Lorelei's hand, but having a last-minute Seeker who knew nothing about the game cost it. They were completely steamrolled by Ravenclaw.

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