- 1 4 7 - GOODBYE, FOR NOW

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THREE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS, LORELEI HAD TO LEAVE. Dumbledore had come to visit her the night before at the Burrow, telling her what to say to the merfolk when she reaches the different colonies. He smiled brightly, imploring the importance of this mission, but he knew there was a chance no one would come to their aid.

When the twins and Lorelei left for their flat, Molly cried, wishing Lorelei did not have to go alone into the water. Harry frowned from afar, not wanting Lorelei to go at all. He had spoken to George the night before about his feelings toward it, especially since they were now engaged. He had no response besides that he trusted her to come home safe. Harry could see the inner turmoil at the thought of not being around Lorelei for so many months.

Before Lorelei could leave, she showed Verity everything she needed to do to keep the stockroom organized the way the twins liked it. The pair made jokes, but even Verity noticed the deflated looks of George and Fred. She didn't know where Lorelei was going, but she knew of the witch's mermaid blood. She made the conclusion that Lorelei was going to the water, but she didn't know what for, nor did she want to get involved because it was obviously not her business.

When the day of the full moon came, Lorelei took the morning to visit Remus. The werewolf was lying on the couch in pain, but he managed to sit up with a grin when he saw her. They spent the morning together, but Lorelei knew she had to go see the twins for the rest of the night. Remus gave her a lasting hug before she left, and Lorelei frowned because she knew she wouldn't be there to protect her family for a few months. This worried her.

When Lorelei returned home, George's frowned lifted a bit. They had closed the shop for the afternoon, both twins sitting in the kitchen. Fred grinned and offered to go to the Leaky Cauldron for an early dinner before leaving the lovely couple alone for the night. Lorelei agreed quickly.

When they went out, George's mood was solemn no matter how much he tried to act as if everything was fine. Fred and Lorelei joked a bit during dinner, eating heartily since Lorelei wouldn't really eat for the next few months as she had. Mermaid's bodies were different from human bodies, after all. Before dinner ended, Lorelei sighed loudly.

"You know, every Friday I'll try to come to the Burrow's pond. Dumbledore never said I couldn't see you," she said, trying to light up the boys' spirits. Fred beamed at that, but George only gave a slight smile. "George?"

Fred stood up at that moment. He leaned over and kissed Lorelei's cheek. "I'll be at the flat. See me before you head out. Cheer up, Georgie."

He left the couple alone in silence. Lorelei grabbed George's hand that was resting on the table causing him to look up from his heated stare on the table. Lorelei stood up, throwing the amount of money for the meal on the table before George could object. She pulled him out into the darkening alley before opening the wall into Muggle London.

"What're we doing?" George asked as Lorelei tightened her hold on his hand. He loved the feeling of her cool ring against his warm hand. He allowed himself to smile. "I look like a complete wizard."

Lorelei sniggered at his bright orange dragon-skin jacket, knowing if anyone were to stare for too long, they would realize he was not an ordinary man. She leaned over to kiss his cheek before fixing his collar. "We, my love, are getting ice cream. You look perfect."

George rolled his eyes as he allowed her to lead the way, not really sure if she knew where she was going. His point was made when she stopped to ask a random man on the street. He was attracted to her, no doubt, the way his eyes would lower to her full chest. Her looks were enhanced, he remembered, because of her mermaid genes. The man was probably laughing at how this beautiful woman was with him. George threw a possessive arm around her causing the man to smirk at him. Finally, he gave them directions to which Lorelei eagerly pulled George toward it, completely oblivious to the man's stare.

George sighed in relief when he checked his wallet and saw he had Muggle money. Fred and he were doing business in the Muggle world with their Muggle section of magic tricks, so he had gotten money just in case when they were in London. After ordering, the woman behind the counter said their total, but he was a bit confused.

Lorelei snorted, taking the money from him and counting it out. The woman behind the counter looked at them with amusement, asking if they weren't from there. Lorelei grinned and said, "We are not, but I think we'll be here in the future." George grinned at the excitement on Lorelei's face.

After they ate their ice cream at the parlor, they enjoyed a walk through London before heading back to Diagon Alley. George noticeably deflated again when they made it to their flat. Fred was in the shower, so Lorelei would wait for him to get out before she left. She went to the kitchen, leaning on the counter as George sat down at the table. They spoke small talk, Lorelei managing to make him laugh more and more. Soon, it was quiet as both were in their own thoughts.

George suddenly realized how real this was. He wouldn't see her for who knows how long, and he wasn't letting her go so easily.

George stood up suddenly, determination on his face. When he made it to her, he grabbed her face and kissed her hard. Lorelei gasped, immediately bringing her hands to his hair. He was not giving her any room to take over the kiss, taking full dominance. She enjoyed this.

George picked up Lorelei by the waist, sitting her on the counter in the kitchen. Lorelei's legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly closer. The kiss turned deeper, George angrily biting and tugging her bottom lip emitting sounds he wasn't even sure he's ever heard her make before. As soon as George began to move his hips, a voice rang out.

"Oi! Not on the counter! NOT ON THE COUNTER!" Fred yelled, causing George to pull away slowly, lust and love pooling in his eyes. He chuckled lowly as Lorelei took her legs from around his waist and peered over his shoulder to look at Fred's horrified face. "I don't think my heart can take much more of this."

"Sorry, Fred," Lorelei said a bit breathlessly. George chuckled again, finally backing away after fixing his pants in what he thought was a discreet manner. Fred snorted at the action. "The moon is out, I'll have to go soon."

George nodded, watching as Fred went to hug Lorelei. "Every Friday. If you miss one, you'll have hell to pay."

"Take care of him," she murmured in his ear. He squeezed her once before letting go. He nodded ans replied, "I'll let George take you alone. Where was it you were going?"

Lorelei blew a breath of air out making her hair fly up for a moment. She chuckled humorlessly. "I'm going to meet my grandmother... I'm not sure if my grandfather is alive, but that'll be the best start. After them, I'll go to the merfolk council near South America. Mum spoke about them often, but that's not to say they'll help."

"Just be careful," he said before kissing her forehead and motioning for George to grab her hand. Lorelei grinned when he took it. Waving once at Fred, they Apparated to the Burrow's pond.


100K reads!!!!! You are all so great!

Happy back to Hogwarts day! :)

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