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LORELEI STUFFED BRIZO INTO HER POCKET IN FEAR. A Slytherin boy pushed her into the wall as he passed with his friends. Lorelei gasped when she felt her elbow hit the wall directly.

"Watch where you're going," Lorelei hissed out. This was not the best thing to do because the Slytherin boys turned and smirked at her.

Graham Montague smirked the widest. He walked closer, backing her into the wall. "Or what? You'll send your crab after us? Freak."

Lorelei didn't take the words to heart. She had heard worse in the water. "I don't need to send him after you. Just watch where you're going."

Adrian Pucey mocked the girl causing the others to laugh. He walked forward to and stuffed his hand in her pocket to pull the crab out. Brizo shrieked and began to fight the boy.

"Give him back! Pucey, give him back!" Lorelei tried but the Slytherins began tossing him around.

Lorelei drew out her wand and pointed it at Cassius Warrington who held Brizo now. "Give him back, Warrington."

"Or what?" Warrington smirked and held the crab up high like he was about to throw Brizo. "Let's see how far a crab can fly, boys."

"Oi! Warrington. Give him back to her," the unmistakable voice of George Weasley growled out behind Lorelei.

Fred snarled out next, "Don't make us hex you lot."

Montague let out a laugh. "Like you could. So Calypso, these your boyfriends? Blood-traitors mixed with whatever the hell you are. My dad guesses half-breed. Never heard the name Calypso before except near the waters. What are you, Calypso?"

Fred sent the disarming spell causing Montague to fly backward. Warrington threw Brizo, just barely having George catch him. Pucey helped up Montague as the Gryffindor boys glared at the Slytherins.

Without warning, Pucey sent a spell at Lorelei causing her to fly back into the wall again. This time, someone else joined the party before it could get worse.

"Get the bloody hell out of here you nasty first-years!" Charlie growled out drawing his wand and pointing it at them. The first-year Slytherins ran because as much as they hated to admit it, Charlie Weasley was wonderful at spells and he was a seventh-year. "You all right, boys? Lor?"

George had run over to Lorelei and helped her stand properly while pushing a very scared Brizo into her hands. Lorelei was terrified.

"We're fine. Lorelei, you okay?" Fred asked nervously.

Lorelei nodded. "F-Fine. Nasty boys, they are."

Charlie nodded and said he was going to talk to McGonagall about this problem. Hopefully, though not likely, the Slytherins would get in trouble.

That night, she packed up her trunk silently. Angelina and Alicia could tell she didn't want to talk, so they didn't push her.

After her trunk was packed well, she found herself in the common room with McGonagall waiting with Charlie. McGonagall made the girl explain what happened, but their punishments were controlled by Snape. This meant there probably wouldn't be a punishment at all.

That night was the final feast showing Slytherin had won the House Cup for the points. Gryffindor was a very close second. Fred and George ate everything in sight as they were saddened to be leaving the wondrous cookings of the house-elves.

The next day on the train, Lorelei was teased a bit by those nasty Slytherins. Roger Davies caught the boys and threatened them. It was no use but the thought was nice.

She found the Weasleys in a compartment whispering to themselves. She raised her eyebrow curiously as she sat next to Percy. Brizo jumped onto the boy's shoulder scaring him a bit.

Percy smiled and tapped his head. "Hello, Briz. Happy to be going home?"

Charlie snorted when the crab nodded.

"He's such a brilliant crab. Very intelligent," Charlie mused.

Fred snorted. "He is strange." Brizo glared at him.

"This is why he likes every one of us and not you," George teased his twin nudging his elbow into Fred's stomach.

The group enjoyed the ride. At some point, George and Fred left to find Lee. They offered Lorelei to come along, but she denied. She just wanted a bit of peace. Percy and Charlie were wonderful company. And Brizo, of course.

"Can we take Briz?" Fred asked looking at the crab mischievously. Brizo shook his head too quickly at that statement.

Lorelei snorted. "As if. You'll probably jinx him blue or something."

"Your brain works just like ours," George winked and left with his brother.

Percy snorted. "Idiots, they are."

Charlie agreed and went back to his notebook. Lorelei never saw Charlie without it nowadays. "Charlie? What're you writing all the time?"

Charlie grinned and explained his career choice. He wanted to go to work with dragons in Romania. Lorelei couldn't contain her excitement. He showed her the drawings and notes he was making about them. She even saw the page he wrote about mermaids, about her. Brizo was even given his own page. He was excited.

When they made it to the platform, Molly and Arthur were waiting with Ron and Ginny. Lorelei was rather excited to see her mother again. Brizo was even bouncing on her shoulder in excitement.

"Oh, Lorelei. How are you!?" Molly brought the mermaid in a hug.

Lorelei took in the warm hug from Molly. "Fine, Molly. Thank you."

The twins snorted and mocked the girl teasingly making Ron laugh. Ginny grabbed Lorelei's hand in excitement when they made it to the ministry cars Arthur had gotten.

Lorelei almost couldn't wait to get back in the water, but she also knew she couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now