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"YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS," Lorelei growled at the twins

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"YOU'RE BEING RIDICULOUS," Lorelei growled at the twins. "You act as if I'm going to dock points from you two! I didn't want this."

George sniggered. "I'd like to see you try, little Lorelei. You would end up just like Percy."

"Oh, yeah. And how's that?" she demanded standing closer to the irritable boy. Fred was aggravated as well. He stood next to them with crossed arms.

"Hated by all Gryffindors. At the end of all our pranks. Just give it up, Lor. Tell Dumbledore you don't want it," Fred said with a smirk.

"You are both so insufferable!" She screeched before grabbing an unwilling Brizo and left their room to find somewhere to sleep. She had planned to sleep on the mattress they had made up for her and Ginny, but she refused to sleep in the same room as them.

The next morning, they all piled into Ministry cars that were offered to Arthur. She had learned from Harry, who she ended up sleeping in the same room with, that Arthur and Molly were arguing about the fact that Sirius Black could not only be out for Lorelei but out for Harry, as well. Obviously, he was a gentleman and slept on the floor while she slept in bed. She tried to make them switch (it was his room, after all), but he felt terrible for how the twins were acting.

The next morning, Lorelei was quick to get her things ready. She kept her robes on top of her trunk with the pin sitting there mocking her. Why Dumbledore picked her as a Prefect, she would never know.

"Ah, Lorelei. Don't forget that Prefects meet in the front carriage," Percy said when he saw her. "You can change into your robes there if you like." He did feel bad for her, as much as he hated to admit it. The twins were belittling her. They had been since they saw her that morning. To make fun of Percy was one thing, but Lorelei was another. Percy hissed out once he saw the twins begin to laugh, "You both better leave her alone."

On the platform, she said goodbye to her mother who really didn't want her to leave. She tried to keep her back, but Molly promised Lorelei would be safe. After a few minutes of arguing about her safety, Lorelei was allowed to leave with a swift kiss to the cheek by her mother.

After leaving that scene, she bumped into a man while trying to find the compartment near the front. The twins had already ditched her for Lee. The tired man looked at her in shock once their eyes met after she knocked him to the side a bit.

"I'm so sorry. Lost and all. Damn Prefect carriage is all the way in bum-fuck nowhere," she muttered and then realized she was talking to an older stranger that probably didn't like her attitude. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm not usually this--well, yes, I am. Oh, Neptune."

The man gave a hearty laugh. Did she just say, Neptune? "No worries, my dear. The carriage is just up there."

"Oh, thank you--er..." she trailed off.

"Professor Lupin will do," he said with a smirk.

He saw her face fall. "I just cursed in front of a teacher. Oh, who have I turned into," she muttered, and she felt Brizo laughing in her pocket. "I'm so sorry, Professor!"

Remus Lupin only gave another laugh. He liked the girl already. "It's fine. The term has yet to start. Run along before your Head Boy comes over here and drags you away," he said as they both glanced at Percy who was eyeing her and telling her to come on. She didn't move so he started to walk over to them. "Oh, look. He's coming, so I must be going. I'll see you at school, Miss..."

"Calypso, Professor."

Remus' eyes widened. "Oh, r-right. See you, Miss C-Calypso."

Lorelei frowned when the man briskly walked away. She couldn't stand there long as Percy had grabbed her arm and began to drag her toward the Prefect carriage. "Who was that?" he asked.

"Professor Lupin," she said once they reached the compartment. Percy told her to go change quickly as they had to get their instructions. Once Lorelei was changed into her robes, she put the wretched pin on and shivered a bit at her reflection.

"Damn Prefect," she muttered fixing her braid her mother had done. Once she was done, she left the compartment and went to meet the others. "Damn pin. Damn twins. Damn school. Damn Sirius Black. Damn everything."

"Well, someone isn't very happy, is she?" a voice drawled, and she turned to see the happy Hufflepuff in his robes waiting outside her compartment. She eyed him suspiciously. "Come on. They are waiting for us."

"Why're you waiting for me?" she questioned him.

"You seemed rather irritated, and the Head Boy looked like he was ready to chew your head off. Better if we're both late, yeah?" he said with a smirk that made his features stand out. He was a rather handsome boy, Lorelei had noticed.

"Well, Diggory. Thanks," she said with her own smile as they reached the other Prefects. She saw Roger Davies, one of the Ravenclaw Prefects, smile at her with a wave. Giving a fearful one back, she sat down with Cedric sitting near her.

Percy gave out most of the commands. Penelope (Head Girl and Percy's girlfriend) gave her two Knuts here and there, but Lorelei was glad Percy took most of the control. She also found out that since Percy was Head Boy, and he was in Gryffindor, her duties wouldn't be so rash. Percy would take care of most activities. Once given their roles and duties, they were released to enjoy the rest of the train ride.

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