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GLANCING AT HERSELF ONCE MORE IN THE MIRROR, SHE GAVE A FINAL SIGH OF RELIEF. The night was far from over, but it was a step in that direction. Angelina squealed when she saw the finished girl and began to gush on how well the dress matches her hair. Lorelei thanked Neptune for mermaid genes and Merlin for her Black genes. Sirius would be proud, she thought with a sarcastic chuckle.

Looking away, she told Angelina she would be down in a second.

Down in the Common Room, Fred and George were waiting for Angelina and Alicia to come on. Fred groaned. "Women take forever."

George agreed but his mind was elsewhere. "Do you think she'll go? Even if it's mandatory, she would find a way out of it."

Fred sighed and gave a lazy shrug of his shoulders. "I don't know why you haven't just kissed her already. You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be. To answer your question, I don't know if she'll go."

"I have kissed her," George mumbled. "While she was sleeping," he hurriedly added when he saw Fred's eyes widen.

Fred groaned louder. "IN HER SLEEP? Are you bloody dense? She needs to be awake, you stupid, bloody--"

"Angelina!" George interrupted. "You look lovely, doesn't she, Fred?" Angelina had descended the stairs with Alicia on her heels. "You, too, Alicia." Alicia beamed as Fred kissed Angelina as a hello. George looked at Angelina. "Is she coming?"

Alicia scoffed. "Says she found a date, but yeah, she was getting dressed."

"A date?" George mumbled. Who had asked her so last minute? She said she was going solo, so who would make her change her mind?

Ron was with Parvati Patil waiting next to Harry. Harry was glancing around nervously. They had to go, so where the bloody hell was she? Ron smirked. "Maybe she decided to ditch you?"

Parvati hit Ron angrily. "She wouldn't do that. Besides, I heard her talking to Angelina. She's just nervous about the whole thing in general. Not her scene."

"That makes two of us," Harry grumbled.

"Oh, there she is--Blimey, Harry," Ron said looking up at the girl's dorm.

Harry looked up and smiled at Lorelei descending the stairs. She looked nervous as anything as most people looked to see who the next person that was entering was. Harry saw the resemblance to Sirius right away, and he laughed to himself about her tame hair. Sirius would get a kick out of it, he thought. She was beautiful, no questioning that. Even Ron was red in the face as he stared at her. It was no secret Ron had a crush on the mermaid a year or so back, but everyone knew George fancied her. Harry grinned when he looked over to see George staring at her wide-eyed. Harry was glad he would be the one to escort her if George wouldn't. Shaking his head from his thoughts, he told Ron and Parvati that he would see them inside the Great Hall and walked over to Lorelei.

George gulped when she began to descend the stairs. Stupid. Dense. Idiot. Toe-rag. Loser. Fool. Nincompoop. The words were like a mantra in his head. She looked stunning, as she normally did. Angelina smirked and hit Fred's chest when she saw George's jaw drop.

"Georgie, might catch flies," Lee said as he walked over with his date. He added with a whistle as they all glanced at Lorelei. "You're such an idiot," Lee mused. Alicia huffed at his words. She put herself in front of George, but he kept staring at Lorelei. She was staring at someone else. George frowned when he saw Harry walk over to her.

"You look great... very pretty," Harry said awkwardly while scratching his neck. Lorelei snorted, making the boy glare playfully at her. "Glad to see you're still charming. Come on before we're late. McGonagall will actually kill me," he deadpanned and offered her his arm.

Lorelei smirked and ruffled his hair a bit. "Cute. Very handsome. Yeah, all right. Let's go." Harry glared at her and tried to fix his hair, but it was untameable. The Potters always struggled with hair. "Should have let me cut it, dear," she said smugly as she attached her arm to his. They walked out of the Common Room with eyes following the pair, George's jaw clenched, Fred, Angie, and Lee smirked, and Alicia fumed.

When they made it to the Great Hall, McGonagall looked relieved as her eyes found Harry. "Champions over here, please. Potter, I'm glad to see you found a dance partner. Miss Calypso, you look lovely."

"Thanks, Professor," she said with a blush. She noticed Roger looking at her. He winked and gave her a thumbs up while he stood next to Fleur. Cedric grinned at the girl as he stood next to Cho. Cho's eyes lingered on Harry to which Lorelei smirked at the action.

She nudged Harry. "Cho can't keep her eyes off of you. She's jealous."

Harry scoffed but a smile played on his lips. The smile fell when he saw Hermione standing next to Viktor Krum. She looked beautiful, no doubt, but he was astonished by her date. He finally gave her a grin when she approached them to tell her hello.

Walking into the Great Hall with everyone applauding the Champions made Lorelei feel nauseous. Lorelei muttered to Harry, "If I fall, I'm blaming you." Harry snorted a laugh, but McGonagall sent them a look to behave.

They sat at the table at the top with the judges and important heads of the tournament. In Crouch's place was Percy Weasley. Lorelei narrowed her eyes at Ludo Bagman who only gave her a large smile before ignoring her completely. Harry and Lorelei ate their dinner while chatting lowly about meaningless things. Harry found Lorelei's laughter contagious when Hermione had made a joke. Viktor was smiling in awe at Hermione the whole time.

Roger would add his two Knuts here and there to their conversations as Cedric would sometimes add a thought. Everyone at the Champions table seemed to get along, and Harry felt it was the mermaid's fault. She was just so enticing, for lack of better words. She intrigued everyone and knew how to keep a conversation going. Harry was glad he had chosen her and she agreed.

Once dinner finished, the Champions had to dance first. The Weird Sisters had begun playing a mournful tune. Lorelei quickly placed Harry's hands in the correct spot, which earned her a grateful smile from him. She truly led the boy in the dance as he tried not to trip over his feet, and the pair were glad when other people joined them on the floor.

After the song ended, Harry asked to go sit. Lorelei nodded and told the boy she would get drinks. Once she returned, she saw Ron and Harry, without Ron's date, sulking in their chairs. Ron was staring at Hermione and Viktor and Harry was staring at Cedric and Cho.

Lorelei leaned down and whispered in Harry's ear. "I'll steal Cedric, you ask Cho for a dance." Harry's eyes widened. He looked at Ron who only shrugged in response. "I can do the same for Viktor if you would like."

"No. Let her dance with Vicky. You go on, Harry," Ron said moodily.

Harry began to stammer and Lorelei smiled. "You can talk to her then while I take Cedric away for a moment. Yeah?" Harry nodded a bit shakily.

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