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FRED AND LEE WALKED BACK TO THEIR DORM THAT NIGHT LAUGHING TO THEMSELVES ABOUT UMBRIDGE'S FACE AT ALL THE DUNG BOMBS OUTSIDE HER DOOR. Fred knew if Lorelei would not go to the water, then the best thing was to keep her as happy as possible. That meant also to not think about how terrible her skin felt. Fred knew George made her the happiest, so he came to the conclusion that they needed time alone. And he was happy to give it to them.

"You think they went snogging as you told them? Maybe an impromptu date? Merlin knows Lorelei needs a good distraction," Lee said with a frown on his face. He may not be as close to her as Fred and George, but he cared a lot about the mermaid.

Fred snorted as they made it to their dorm and said, "Merlin, I hope they did something."

The pair opened their door. Fred didn't expect George to be there as he was not in the Common Room. He deduced that George and Lor were still out, but then he saw the curtains around George's bed were drawn. George never draws his curtains. Why would he when it was only Fred and Lee in the room with him? This could only mean one thing... Smirking widely, he pulled the curtains open.

"I think they did something, Fred," Lee squeaked quickly turning to go to his bed, seeing too much of his mermaid friend.

Fred only kept the smirk on his face. Lorelei was covered, but anyone with a brain could see there was nothing passed the blanket. George held the mermaid on his chest, both sleeping soundly. This is absolutely perfect, Fred though. Because he was the best brother ever, he began to clap loudly, absolutely as loud as he could. Lee soon joined in, but he kept his back to the sleeping pair.

Lorelei woke up with a start after hearing a loud banging noise. Turning her head, she shrieked when she saw Fred standing there with that stupid smirk on his face. She slapped George's chest hard and grabbed the blanket higher. The stupid sleeping twin woke up and glared at the mermaid before he heard his brother shout.

"HE FINALLY GOT SOME, LEE! OUR LITTLE GEORGIE WITH OUR LITTLE LORELEI!" Fred yelled, just loud enough to have all the boys in the dorm come down if they wanted to. George cursed his brother before shutting the curtain again. "AW, BLESS THEM! THINKING THAT WILL HIDE THEIR SHAME."

"Fred, if you don't bloody well shut your fucking face, I'll--" Lorelei started, but George covered her mouth with his hand. Handing her his shirt and her panties that were still lying on the bed under the sheets, Lorelei quickly dressed while George threw on his underwear. When she was decent, she opened the curtain again to glare at Fred who still stood there with a smirk on his face. "You twit."

"Hey, I'm a proud twin right now!" he said, raising his hands up in surrender with that stupid smirk only widening.

"Is she decent?" Lee asked, still with his back turned.

"Yes, Lee. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep," Lorelei hissed out. Falling back on the pillow, she heard Fred muttering to George about details and his pride for his brother, so she threw George's pillow at him. "Good night, you arse."

Fred sniggered. "I'll talk to you later, then, Georgie. Good night, you lovely angel, you," he said, referring his last statement to Lorelei who only stuck up her middle finger.

The next day, Angelina told the group that she had replaced Fred, George, and Harry with Andrew Kirke, Jack Sloper, and Ginny Weasley at the next Defense meeting. It was the last before the holidays that were quickly approaching. Lorelei could feel her skin begin to itch and the pain grows, but Lorelei took it as excitement rather than the negative feelings it normally produced. She would see Sirius and Remus, her mother, and the water. It was so soon.

Lorelei had been practicing with Neville so much that his progress was beyond recognition. He was doing so well. Lorelei managed to teach him things he should have known, but he always struggled. The teachers sometimes looked at him like he was a lost cause, but they just needed to set time aside to help him. Lorelei smiled often thinking about his progress.

That night, Lorelei was woken roughly by Ginny. Lorelei quickly sat up, looking around to see Professor McGonagall standing by the door. Alicia and Angelina were still asleep, but Lorelei saw Ginny's tear stricken face. Something happened.

"What, what is it?" Lorelei asked quickly, pulling the girl in for a hug.

"No time, Miss Calypso. We must be on our way," McGonagall said grimly. "Arthur Weasley has been injured. We are sending you all to Headquarters to wait with Sirius. Come, now."

Lorelei threw on a sweater she had laying next to her bed and her shoes quickly. Grabbing her wand and Brizo, she followed the Head of House and Ginny downstairs to see Fred and George waiting anxiously. George immediately grabbed Lorelei's hand and pulled her into his arms. Lorelei was a bit in shock. They couldn't lose Arthur.

When they made it to the Headmaster's office, they saw Ron who was pale as a sheet and Harry sweating and twitching as if he had been through the worst night tremor. Lorelei left George's embrace and quickly put Harry in one. George stood behind the pair, gripping one of her hands. Harry kept a hold onto Lorelei, however, as if she was his lifeline. Lorelei could see Dumbledore watching the group curiously.

"Harry--what's going on?" Ginny asked. "Professor McGonagall says you saw Dad hurt--"

"Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order of the Phoenix," said Dumbledore before Harry could speak. "He has been taken to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. I am sending you back to Sirius's house, which is much more convenient for the hospital than the Burrow. You will meet your mother there."

"How're we going?" said Fred, grabbing Ginny's hand as the girl was shaken. "Floo powder?"

"No," Dumbledore replied. "Floo powder is not safe at the moment, the Network is being watched. You will be taking a portkey." He indicated an old kettle lying innocently on his desk. "We are just waiting for Phineas Nigellus to report back... I wish to be sure that the coast is clear before sending you--" A flash of flame leaving behind a single golden feather floated gently to the floor in the middle of the room. "It is Fawke's warning. She must know you're out of beds... Minerva, go and head her off--tell her any story--"

Lorelei grabbed Harry's hand tightly as she returned to George's embrace. She could see the Weasley children all fearful of their father's well-being. When Phineas returned saying Sirius would be delighted to have them come early, they all gathered around the portkey and left to the old home of Grimmauld Place.

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