- 5 5 - STRAY DOG

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THE FIRST HOGSMEADE WEEKEND WAS ARRIVING. George decided to ask Fred about learning that spell with Professor Lupin. He patted his brother on the back as they were leaving the Quidditch Pitch.

"You want to help me with something?" George questioned Fred with a smile that made Fred back away.

"What did you do?"

"Ah, nothing, dear brother. Lupin wanted to teach Lorelei that spell Diggory used to get rid of the dementors, and I thought it may help to have a general idea as well. You in?" George asked as they neared the castle. He looked ahead to see Lorelei laughing with Harry with her arm slung around his shoulder.

Fred nodded and quickly agreed. If they were able to do anything for her, it was that. In a way, they were glad Lorelei was with Cedric that day on the train. If she was in their compartment, no one would have known what to do. She wouldn't be there with them. It was a scary thought.

Back in the Common Room, Lorelei went straight to Ginny who had Brizo. She picked up the crab and kissed him gently on the shell. "Hello, did you miss me?" The crab gave her a deadpanned look. "Ouch, Briz. Thanks for that one." Ginny laughed behind her hand at the scene.

The twins pulled Lorelei away from Ginny to their couch. "Oi, I need a shower," Lorelei mumbled.

"We know," they replied.

Then, they proceeded to tell her of their plan to learn the Patronus Charm, and they wanted Lorelei to join. Lorelei was hesitant at first because she was ruddily scared of the dementors. It would benefit her to learn it, but she was just nervous. After telling her twins she had to think about it, she went to change into a more appropriate outfit. She had decided she wanted to take a dip in the lake, first.

When she was leaving the portrait hole after she had changed, she went on her own to the lake. Her dark, ebony hair was messily done as the curls were full and all over the place, but she didn't care much. It wasn't a full moon, but she knew she couldn't wait as the urge to swim became too much to bear. She thought about being petrified and still feeling the itch in her skin. They couldn't have thrown her in the lake? She laughed at the thought.

When she reached the lake, she sat Brizo on the towel she had brought. She kicked off her shoes and gently slid into the water. It was right before curfew, so she knew she wouldn't take too long because she hadn't need to give Professor McGonagall a reason to ban her from going out. After all, she already knew what the woman would say with Sirius Black on the loose.

"Well, Briz, I think this is the most peaceful I've felt all summer, you know. Mum was always on my tail about that Black, and well, is it wrong to say I'm not frightened as I should be?" Brizo didn't respond. "I just don't feel the fear everyone else does, you know?"

She looked up to see Brizo staring at something in the distance.

Swimming to the edge, she saw a giant black dog. It didn't growl, nor did it seem very happy to see her.

Lorelei called for the dog to come closer. "I won't harm you." The dog hesitated before looking around. Once he was satisfied they were alone, the dog came forward to the lake.

She smiled and reached her hand out to pet the dog. The dog flinched away before allowing her to touch his head. She smiled at him. "You're a pretty one, aren't you. Why are you alone? I've never seen a stray dog on the Hogwarts grounds before. You must be starving."

The dog hastily shook his head in a way that made her think he understood her.

"Hmm, Brizo here can understand me as well. I can get you food if you would like," she said and watched as the dog affectionately rubbed his head against her own. "I'll take that as a yes. Hmm, I suppose I'll call you Snuffles for now." The dog barked happily.

Lorelei giggled and pulled herself out of the lake. She saw the dog staring at her with a tilted head. He was curious as to why she was in the water. "Mermaid genes means I have to go in the water often, Snuffles. Now, you stay here with Brizo. I'll be right back."

Lorelei quietly made her way to the kitchens in the secret portrait door the twins had shown her. She grabbed a tray of all sorts of foods that a dog would like. Thanking the house-elves, including Dobby who was so happy to see her, she made her way back to the lake.

She saw the dog drinking some of the lake water and she allowed her nose to scrunch in disgust.

"Snuffles, stop that. I brought you clean water."

The dog barked happily again at the sight of the tray of food. She set it down, and immediately, he was digging in. Lorelei snorted at the stray as she petted his head while he ate. Occasionally, Brizo would steal some food, but the dog finished it in no time.

After pouring the water in a bowl, he quickly lapped it up as well. She giggled when the dog began to lick her face happily. He laid down and rested his head on her lap while she lazily ran her hand through his fur.

"I'll try to bring more food--"

"Miss Calypso!?" A voice rang out. The dog shot up and looked at the girl with a quick glance before quickly running back to the forest. Lorelei frowned at the retreating dog. She turned to see Professor Lupin staring at the dog as well with a pale face and wide eyes. "Miss Calypso, let's go back to the castle immediately!" She had never heard Remus sound so angry.

Lorelei picked up the tray and bowl and quickly put Brizo in her pocket. She turned to see Professor Lupin staring at her with a stern expression. She was in for it, now.

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