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LORELEI REALIZED THAT THE MASS BREAKOUT IN AZKABAN HAPPENED THE NIGHT OF HER MOTHER'S DEATH, WHICH EXPLAINED WHY BELLATRIX WAS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Now, the school had become even worse for the girl. She hated her classes because Umbridge had put up another decree about teachers not being allowed to discuss things outside of their subject, so anytime Lorelei was asked about her mother, the mermaid would receive detention (how was that fair?) Lee and Lorelei made jokes to Umbridge about the fact that she couldn't tell the twins or them off anymore since Exploding Snaps had nothing to do with Defense; Lee and Lorelei ended up in detention together.

Lorelei put her mind into the twins' joke shop instead of school because of the toad. She didn't care about anything really anymore. After figuring out the charm to make the Headless Hats work, which many people bought, she had been in charge of advertisements around the school. She didn't care about school anymore, not since her mother died for sure.

After Bellatrix broke out, and the news of Amatheia's death was broadcasted thanks to a source telling the Daily Prophet, Lorelei didn't speak to many people unless she had to. In contrast, Neville did not speak barely to anyone except Lorelei. He apologized for Bellatrix's actions, but he had nothing to apologize for. Bellatrix had ruined both of their lives.

DA meetings had been better now that they were learning more advanced magic, but they were being extra careful now. Umbridge was taking her job too seriously. Everything happy was being sucked from the school because of her, and Lorelei was becoming more and more agitated. Even the DA meetings didn't fill the hole that was growing in her chest. The only people that did were George, Fred, and Harry. She had slept in George's bed every night since they returned.

Quidditch had become a sore subject for the Gryffindors. Fred and George took Lorelei to one of the practices, and Lorelei grimaced at how terrible they were playing; Angelina looked ready to pitch herself off of the Astronomy Tower. When telling Harry and Hermione this, Hermione said that Quidditch was the reason for houses hating each other. Fred and George disagreed, and Harry told her she didn't understand Quidditch. Lorelei just ignored them all and leaned her head on George's shoulder. She knew the Quidditch match coming up was going to be a loss.

And it was. Though Ginny caught the Snitch before the Hufflepuff Seeker who sneezed, the Gryffindors lost by ten points. Damn Zacharias Smith kept getting Quaffles passed Ron. Ron missed more than fourteen goals, making Lorelei grimace more each time. She watched Umbridge's gloating smile get wider each time they missed.

"If we were to leave before the end of term, we would have to make it a grand exit," Lorelei mused, kicking a rock aside as the twins, Lee, and Lorelei walked on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest after the match. "I'm ready to leave whenever you are," she said, glancing back at the twins who wore matching grins.

"We can't leave if Dumbledore is still here," Fred said, a frown replacing his smile. "If he manages to stay Headmaster, I'll do my exams."

"Yeah, well, I doubt it," Lee muttered with a frown. "I can't leave, though. Mum'll kill me."

Later that week, owls were flying toward Harry madly with letters. Lorelei joined the boy who lived and the twins in opening the letters he received based off his interview about what happened last June. Lorelei was proud of Harry for speaking out about it. If the Daily Prophet wanted to play dirty, they would play dirtier. Grinning at Luna, Lorelei thanked Xenophilius to the dreamy girl who only smiled in return.

"This one's in two minds," said Fred. "Says you don't come across as a mad person, but he really doesn't want to believe You-Know-Who's back so he doesn't know what to think now... Blimey, what a waste of parchment..."

"This one believes you," Lorelei mused, throwing the letter at Harry who grinned at the mermaid.

"I hope you don't mind, Lor, but I told Skeeter what happened in Crouch's office as well. About how he tried to take you as the 'new era of Death Eaters,'" Harry said, hoping she wouldn't get angry at him. He was relieved when she grinned. She replied in a fake posh accent, "I'm honored, Potter."

When Umbridge came up to the group with her falsely sweet, girlish voice, Lorelei knew this was to be good. She grinned when the woman said, "What is going on here? Why have you got all these letters, Mr. Potter?"

"Is that a crime now?" Fred asked loudly. "Getting mail?"

"Be careful, Mr. Weasley, or I shall have to put you in detention," said Umbridge. "Well, Mr. Potter?"

Lorelei felt George grab her hand from under the table.

"People have written to me because I gave an interview," said Harry. "About what happened to me and Lorelei last June."

"An interview?" Umbridge gave a harsh glare to the mermaid, and George tightened his hand with hers. "What do you mean?"

"I believe it means a reporter asked him questions and he answered them," Lorelei said, ears burning as her temper rose.

Harry threw a copy of the Quibbler at the pink puff. Her nasty, doughy face turned to an incredible shade of violet. "W-When did you do this?" her voice trembling.

"Last Hogsmeade weekend," said Harry.

"No more Hogsmeade trips for you or Miss Black, Mr. Potter," she whispered, shaking with rage. "How you dare... how you could..." She took a deep breath before glancing at Lorelei once and Harry once. "I have tried again and again to teach you both not to tell lies. The message, apparently, has still not sunk in. Fifty points from Gryffindor, EACH, and another week's worth of detention..."

The next morning, the Quibbler was banned from Hogwarts.

Anyone in possession of it would be expelled. Lorelei couldn't help but think it was worth it. She would sneak to Hogsmeade if she wanted, and she would go to detention with a grin on her face. Another spark of hope had been lit, thanks to this interview.

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