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MOLLY CHARMED THE INSTRUMENTS TO PLAY A SOFT MELODY AS THE BRIDAL PARTY WALKED DOWN THE AISLE. The Burrow had the same tent as Bill and Fleur's wedding, but it held more sea themes as shells lined the side of the aisle. At the altar, Aberforth Dumbledore stood to oversee the wedding, the man gaining Lorelei's affection when he told her how fond Albus was of her. He had asked personally to oversee it, and Lorelei couldn't say no. Fred stood at George's side on the balls of his feet as he bounced excitedly, whispering in George's ear everything that could go wrong as only Fred would do.

Walking down the aisle first was Angelina, who gained a wolf whistle from Fred. Molly glared heatedly at Fred, but no one could deny the laughter that bubbled out. Fred always knew how to ease tension, after all.

Behind Angelina was Ginny, the red-head walking perfectly in her second wedding. She kissed George's cheeks before hitting Fred's chest with her flowers. The twins grinned at their fiery sibling.

Next, Andromeda Tonks held Teddy Lupin with one arm and held hands with Ophelia. The little girl held a small basket that held flower petals, and Ophelia dumped the contents next to Ron's feet before grinning up at him as she passed. When Ophelia's eyes met George's, she ran up the aisle screaming, "DADDY!" excitedly. Everyone awed as George caught her with a kiss to her cheek.

"Wanna go with Uncle Fred?" George whispered, pointing to Fred who had his arms extended.

Ophelia grinned and practically leaped into Fred's awaiting arms.

Lorelei took a breath as she tightened her hold on Harry's arm. He looked over at her just as they heard Ophelia scream for George. "What's bothering you?"

"Do you think they are here?" she whispered to him, knowing he'd know exactly who they were.

Harry looked over at her, smiling sadly as he watched a tear fall from her eye. "Yes. Look up, Sirius is already laughing at you for crying before you even saw George." Lorelei looked up at his words to see Sirius's star twinkling at such a rapid speed. Yes, Lorelei wanted her wedding at night to be sure she could see her family. It was silly, but it made her feel better. "It's our turn, Lor."

Lorelei let out a chuckle. "Right. You'll catch me if I fall, won't you, Harry?"


Lorelei had never doubted that Harry would be the one to give her away. After everything the two had gone through, she saw him as family—a brother. She understood him, and he understood her. Harry Potter came into her life at a rapid speed, and she can't find herself regretting any moment with him. She glanced at him once more as he smiled at her. With a hesitant nod, she lifted her dress slightly so that she wouldn't trip and allowed Harry to lead the way.

The pair walked through the opening of the tent to see the guests standing and smiling at her and Harry. Everyone in the wizarding world seemed to be at this wedding, most knowing George and Fred from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and others knowing the mermaid from school or in the water. She saw all of her Gryffindor teammates from Quidditch, Oliver Wood waving like a child at her. All of the students from different houses she knew over time were there, such as Seamus, Dean, Alicia, Lee, Roger, Cho, Luna, Hannah, and so many more. Lorelei saw all of her professors, McGonagall smiling the widest of them all. Ursula and Bethany sat with Clara and Florence, the latter pair in awe of how much she resembled Amatheia at that moment. At the front on the right side sat the large Weasley family with Hermione, Kingsley, Andromeda, and Teddy.

Her eyes wandered to the front left side where thirteen empty chairs resided. Remus Lupin, Lily Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Amatheia Calypso, Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, Nymphadora Tonks, Severus Snape, Cedric Diggory, Uriah, Brizo, and Embry Hilton were there sitting in their chairs watching the wedding unbeknownst to Lorelei. Lorelei's eyes watered slightly as her eyes fell on each name on the chairs, longing to see them one last time.

Finally, her eyes met his.

He had been waiting since she walked through the tent, his breath catching in his throat when he saw how absolutely stunning she looked. He felt so much love consume him, his eyes watering at his soon-to-be wife. He knew today would be tough on the mermaid, but it was the start of something new: the next chapter of their lives. He watched as she tightened her arm around Harry when her eyes met the empty chairs of her family, and he felt his heart break when he watched pain enter her features. He would spend every day for the rest of their lives trying his best to send the pain away.

Good Godric, Lorelei was so in love with George Weasley.

He looked dashing in his suit, his tie a bit lopsided. She knew, no doubt, he couldn't do it himself. Smiling slightly, she saw him give her a grin as a tear fell from his left eye. He loved her no matter how much pain she seemed to always hold. He loved her through her worst, and she felt so lucky to have him face-to-face with her right now. She didn't deserve his Holeyness, no, but here she was, being the greatest gift on Earth besides her little peanut squealing excitedly in Fred's arms.

"Mummy! Mummy! 'arry!!" Ophelia cheered as Harry gave her the biggest grin.

Fred tilted his head. "She must've learned that one from Fleur."

The audience laughed as George sent his brother a look.

Harry kissed Lorelei's cheek as the endless walk down the aisle finally came to a close. Before he backed away, he said cheekily, "You didn't trip." Ginny snorted but tried to cover it with her flowers. Harry gave her an amused look as he went to stand next to Fred once George reached out for his mermaid.

Lorelei took his hand, immediately feeling all of the love George held for her. She wanted to kiss him now, ceremony be damned, but this was too important. He was too important. She knew he's been waiting to marry her for years, and she couldn't wait to make him happy.

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