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LUDO BAGMAN HAD GOTTEN AWAY FROM THE TWINS AND LORELEI AGAIN IN HOGSMEADE THE FOLLOWING WEEK. Scowling at the man, the three left the Three Broomsticks in a rush to go to Zonkos to make themselves feel better. George grabbed Lorelei's hand as they walked. Though neither looked at each other, they both knew the other was blushing.

It had been a week since they had kissed and a week since George had asked her to be his girlfriend. Lorelei has yet to give him an answer. Quite frankly, the girl liked watching George squirm when he was nervous.

Fred knew something had happened the night of the Yule Ball. Fred finally got it out of George after a while of the latter staring off into nothing with a dreamy smile on his face. Fred was shocked, really. He didn't think the twin had the balls to finally kiss the girl. Fred laughed when he heard the girl still had refused to give him an answer about their status.

Angelina was the same way. She knew the second Lorelei walked into the dorm with the bottom of her dress wet and a blushing face that something had happened. Squealing once Lorelei told her, Angelina smirked at what Lorelei was doing. She wanted to make George earn the status, which was why Lorelei hadn't said yes to him yet. Angelina said it was similar to Fred in her case. She kept him hanging for a few days until he dragged her into a closet and well...

She couldn't say no after that, she said.

Lorelei laughed when Fred made a face at their intertwined hands. "Disgusting."

George whacked his brother on the head before grinning slightly when he heard the sweet laughter come from the mermaid next to him. After they spent a good amount of time in Zonkos, Fred announced he planned a date with Angelina, and the two of them were allowed the rest of the day 'Fred-free.'

"You won't go many days without Fred, so take this one and enjoy it!" he said with a grin.

George snorted and led Lorelei to the Three Broomsticks again. The two sat in a booth in the corner after getting two Butterbeers; George paid because he refused Lorelei's money with a stern glare.

The two spoke about a lot and nothing at all that day. Lorelei found herself laughing more than she had in weeks. George grinned at the sound. He loved being on the opposite end of her smile and laughter.

After a while of just talking, he couldn't help himself not to kiss her when he saw her face. It was flushed red from the cold. Her hair was in her normal untameable waves that even he could see the resemblance to Sirius Black. Her eyes sparkled a brighter blue than he had ever seen, and he knew this meant she was happy, calm. He smiled as she spoke animatedly about something, but he interrupted her by kissing her. He couldn't help it.

She responded immediately, of course, completely forgetting what she was talking about. He pulled away with a sheepish grin. "Sorry? You look beautiful."

Smiling softly, Lorelei replied by bopping his nose. "You're cute. Let's go back to the Common Room where it's warm."

"Be my girlfriend?" he tried again while grabbing her hands with a pleading look. She smirked and shrugged, "All right."

He was about to reply with something witty like he always did when she denied him, but then his eyes widened. "Huh?"

"I said okay. Are you coming?" she said feigning impatience with a grin on her face as she got out of a booth. He grinned and followed her.

The Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament was growing closer. Lorelei was told by Harry it was something under the water, and Lorelei grew nervous at the thought of the Champions going into the Black Lake after the last time she was in it. The merfolk in there were dangerous, after all. Harry had to retrieve something during the task, that was all she knew.

The evening before the task, McGonagall found the twins sitting with Lorelei looking over some filled out order forms some students returned to them. Lorelei was sitting half on George and half on the other side of the same chair as him while Fred sat on the chair next to them. Professor McGonagall raised an eyebrow when Fred shoved the papers behind his back when the twin saw the teacher standing over them. "What's that, Mr. Weasley?"

"Homework?" he questioned. She only raised her eyebrows at him before shaking her head.

"Let's pretend I didn't see it. Miss Calypso, I need you to go wait in my office. Mr. and Mr. Weasley, care to go find your brother and Miss Granger. If you will send them to my office, please," she said and left no room for arguments. Her face was grim, they could tell. "Come, Miss Calypso."

Lorelei frowned and glanced at the twins questioning stares. Shrugging, she followed the Head of Gryffindor while the twins went in search of the two fourth-years. When Lorelei made it to McGonagall's office, she saw Cho Chang and a little Beauxbaton's student along with Bagman, Percy, Dumbledore, Karkaroff, and Madame Maxine.

"Er... what's going on, Professor?" Lorelei asked sending a small smile to Cho who beamed back a bit unsure. Bagman became wide-eyed at Lorelei's angry glare she immediately shot at him. Dumbledore only watched the mermaid in amusement.

When Ron and Hermione made it into the already crowded room, Dumbledore clapped his hands together happily. "As you may or may not know, the Second Task is an underwater retrieval of sorts. The four Champions will have to retrieve something dear to them, well... someone, in this case. The four of you will be sent to the bottom of the Black Lake to be retrieved by one of the Champions: Miss Granger for Mr. Krum, Mr. Weasley for Mr. Potter, Young Miss Delacour for Miss Delacour, and Miss Chang for Mr. Diggory!"

The four in question became pale-faced at this.

Dumbledore continued. "I, personally, will put you four under a charm that will keep you asleep and alive while under the water. If your Champion fails to collect you, do not fret. This is where Miss Calypso comes into play. As a mermaid, Miss Calypso, you will be down there near these four, hiding from the Champions, to make sure everything is going fairly. The mermaids of the Black Lake will make sure they follow the rules, but you will be our trusted watchful eye. Understand?"

Lorelei gulped when everyone looked at her. "Er... Professor, last time I was down there, the mermaids mauled me," she deadpanned.

Dumbledore laughed even though Lorelei didn't. "They know you will be down there with them. No harm shall come to any of you. If any Champion fails to collect one of these four, your only job is to bring them up to the surface. Now, I will set the charm on you four. Ready?"

He really didn't give them an option as he sent the spell at each of the four unsuspecting and frightened wizards.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now