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HARRY STUCK CLOSE TO LORELEI AFTER SIRIUS'S WARNING. If anyone could protect the boy, it would be the possessive, temperamental mermaid. Lorelei quite enjoyed Harry's shadowing presence, but the twins, Lee, and Angelina were growing suspicious of why he was suddenly hanging out with her.

Lorelei smiled at Harry at breakfast the morning of the day before the First Task. He sat close to her as they whispered to Hermione about practicing spells that evening. Hermione was bringing up too many complicated ones. Sirius said simple. They would find a simple spell that would get rid of the dragon long enough to complete the task; they had to. Harry was walking with Lorelei to his first lesson when he decided to tell Cedric of the dragons.

Lorelei thought it was a very admirable thing to do, and when they told him, he looked extremely grateful. Cedric even had guilt in his eyes for sometimes thinking bad of the boy. Cedric knew Lorelei wouldn't be around Harry if he was a bad person, so he decided to stop listening to his friends about the boy who lived. Harry and Lorelei were walking away from Cedric when Moody stumbled over to the pair.

Lorelei grabbed Harry's arm in fear. No teacher was around to save her if he wanted to talk. None of her friends were around. He looked at her for a second before looking at Harry. "Come with me, Potter. Now."

Lorelei saw Harry look at her. She smiled as reassuringly as she could before whispering, "I'll see you at lunch." He nodded, visibly gulped, and left with the scary man.

Lorelei found Fred and George sitting outside huddled over paperwork. They looked up when they heard her approaching. Fred smirked. "Oi, Georgie. Look who decided we're important again. Too busy hanging with Mr. Boy Who Lived."

Lorelei rolled her eyes, but she saw the hurt lingering in their eyes. She sighed when George said, "Yeah, not like we've been trying to get her attention for the last three or four days. Why should we give you ours now? Come on, Fred. I think Lor here would rather Potter over us anyway."

"Oh, would you stop it!" she hissed out. "You're acting like--like...I don't know! Like we're in a relationship or something, and I'm not spending enough time with you. I'm trying to help him because--" she trailed off. How could she tell them about Sirius's request without telling them about Sirius? She could say she was just being a good friend, but Harry was always around her. It wouldn't be a good enough excuse.

Fred scoffed. "More secrets. Yeah, we're out." The twins stood up and began to walk away.

Lorelei screeched to herself before she stomped over to them. Grabbing both of their ears, she dragged them back into the castle. She heard them moaning and complaining about her grip, but she was done with their nonsense. Furiously livid, that's what she was.

Her scarf suddenly felt hot around her neck as her whole face turned red of anger and her eyes darkened. Finding an empty classroom, she shoved them in. After making sure no one was inside of the room, she put a locking charm on the door and a charm so no one could hear their conversation on the room itself.

Glaring at the now scared twins, she pointed at the chair. "SIT!" she hissed out. "You'll listen to every word I say. If I hear a peep out of your mouths before I'm done, I'll blow your damn ears off. You hear me!? What I'm about to say does not leave this classroom!"

Both boys gulped and nodded with wide-eyes.

So, she began with a sigh. "Sirius Black was not a murderer. The man couldn't kill a fly without feeling bad," she already saw their mouths opening, but she shot them an evil glare that would kill. They shut up quickly. "Last year, he was in and out of the castle because he was trying to find the man who framed him. Ever heard of the Marauders? Yeah. Moony was Remus because of his monthly condition. James Potter was Prongs. Sirius Black was Padfoot. Peter fucking Pettigrew was Wormtail. It was to reflect their Animagi. Peter was a rat... you know him better as Scabbers.

"Peter sold James and Lily to Voldemort and blamed Sirius when Sirius found his two best friends dead and godson crying in his crib. Harry is his godson. Sirius and Buckbeak were saved by Harry, Hermione, and I last term. Pettigrew fucking escaped, but Sirius has been in hiding with Buckbeak. They've been all over escaping Aurors, but now he's around here since Harry is in trouble again. I've been writing to Remus and Sirius all summer because Sirius is my uncle...I found out who my father was over summer."

The boys wanted to interrupt, but her glare was only halfhearted. Talking about her father made her upset. "Regulus Black seduced my Mum and had me. He never met me since he was a Death Eater and never showed up again. He's dead. Remus is my godfather, which is why I am close to him and write often. Not, George, because we're lovers, you disgusting pig.

"Remus, Sirius, and James were around when I was a kid. Lily, too, before Harry was born. They took care of me until all the chaos happened with James and Lily and... Anyway, Sirius and Remus asked that I look after Harry. I've always looked after him, but now, I don't take it for granted. I'm helping Harry not get killed tomorrow, you bloody idiots. I'm not pushing you two aside! Daft, idiotic, bloody--"

"Okay! We get it!" Fred said. His eyes grew wide when he realized he interrupted.

Lorelei narrowed her eyes. "You must want to lose an ear, Frederick."

"Nope," Fred squeaked.

She sighed and leaned on the teacher's desk behind her. Rubbing her eyes in a defeated manner, she frowned thinking of how everything was just piling up. A part of her was glad she told them, but they really gave her no choice. Looking up at the twins, she said, "I've been wanting to tell you, I did. There's just been too much going on. Sirius is the sweetest man, really. I write to Remus, Sirius, and J-James often. Don't look at me like that. I know James is dead. It just helps to vent. Now, can you both please stop acting like teenage females with raging hormones and love me again."

George rose his hand.

"What?" she asked curiously.

"Are we allowed to speak now?"

"I'm going to blow that ear off soon. Mark my words."

George grinned and stood up. Fred followed. Both took turns hugging the girl. They knew that night she came in crying from the waters something was wrong. They just didn't realize she had learned of her past. They didn't realize she had so much information pent up.

Fred ruffled her hair. "Who else knows?"

"Ron, Hermione, and Harry know of Sirius's innocence. They know Sirius is related to me because I told them he was my uncle, but I don't know if they know of Remus or Regulus, or even James. It doesn't matter. Keep this to yourself, please?" she pleaded to the boys.

They both nodded and apologized profusely for their actions and words. They hadn't meant to be so harsh. They just loved the girl so much, that her ditching them felt odd. She was too important to them.

March To The Sea - George Weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now